plot_signifArea {plotfunctions}R Documentation

Creates a colored surface plot from data frame input.


This function uses rasterImage to indicate which points in the surface are not significantly different from zero. Note that the shape of these non-significant regions depends on the number of data points (often specified with n.grid).


plot_signifArea(data, view, predictor = NULL, valCI, col = 1, alpha = 0.5, ...)



Data frame with plot data. A data frame needs to have a column with x values, a column with y values (specified in view), a column with z values (predictor), and one or two columns with CI values (valCI).


A vector of length 2 with the names or numbers of the columns to plot on the x axis and y axis respectively.


The name of the column in the data frame data that provides the z-values. If data contains more than one column besides the x- and y-values, the predictor should be provided.


The name of the column in the data frame data that provides the CI-values. Alternatively, two column names can be provided for the lower and upper CI respectively.


Color for the nonsignificant areas.


Level of transparency, number between 0 (transparent) and 1 (no transparency)


Optional parameters for rasterImage


Jacolien van Rij

See Also



# From the package graphics, see help(image):
x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano))
y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano))
tmp <- data.frame(value = (as.vector(volcano) - 120), 
    x = 10*rep(1:nrow(volcano), ncol(volcano)), 
    y = 10*rep(1:ncol(volcano), each=nrow(volcano)),
    CI = rep(20, nrow(volcano)*ncol(volcano)))
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', main='Maunga Whau Volcano')
plot_signifArea(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', valCI='CI')

# change color:
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', main='Maunga Whau Volcano')
plot_signifArea(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', valCI='CI', 
# or completely remove 'nonsignificant' area:
plot_signifArea(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', valCI='CI', 
    col='white', alpha=1)

[Package plotfunctions version 1.4 Index]