Parametric Linkage and Other Pedigree Analysis in R

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Documentation for package ‘paramlink’ version 1.1-5

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-- A --

addDaughter Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
addMarker Marker functions
addOffspring Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
addParents Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
addSon Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
allGenotypes Genotype combinations
ancestors Pedigree subsets linkdat to data.frame conversion S3 methods for class 'linkres'.
as.matrix.linkdat linkdat to matrix conversion

-- B --

branch Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
breakLoops Pedigree loops

-- C --

connectedComponents Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects
cousinPed Create simple pedigrees
cousins Pedigree subsets
cousinsPed Create simple pedigrees

-- D --

descendants Pedigree subsets
dominant Example pedigree for linkage analysis
doubleCousins Create simple pedigrees
doubleFirstCousins Create simple pedigrees

-- E --

examineKinships Check pedigree for relationship errors
exclusionPower Power of exclusion

-- F --

Familias2linkdat Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects
fast.grid Genotype combinations
findLoopBreakers Pedigree loops
findLoopBreakers2 Pedigree loops
fullSibMating Create simple pedigrees

-- G --

geno.grid.subset Genotype combinations
getMarkers Marker functions
grandparents Pedigree subsets

-- H --

halfCousinPed Create simple pedigrees
halfCousinsPed Create simple pedigrees
halfSibStack Create simple pedigrees
hasCA Pairwise common ancestors

-- I --

IBDestimate Relatedness estimation
IBDtriangle IBD triangle plot
inbreeding Relatedness coefficients
is.linkdat Is an object a linkdat object?
is.linkdat.list Is an object a linkdat object?
is.singleton Is an object a linkdat object?

-- J --

jacquard Relatedness coefficients
jacquard2 Relatedness coefficients

-- K --

kinship_coefs Relatedness coefficients

-- L --

leaves Pedigree subsets
likelihood Pedigree likelihood
likelihood.linkdat Pedigree likelihood
likelihood.list Pedigree likelihood
likelihood.singleton Pedigree likelihood
likelihood_LINKAGE Pedigree likelihood
linkage.power Power of a linkage study
linkageSim Simulate markers linked to a disease locus.
linkdat Linkdat objects
linkres S3 methods for class 'linkres'.
lod Two-point LOD score
lod.peaks LOD score peaks
LR Likelihood ratios of pedigree hypotheses

-- M --

marker Marker functions
markers Marker functions
markerSim Marker simulation
mendelianCheck Check for Mendelian errors
mergePed Merge two pedigrees
merlin MERLIN wrappers
merlinUnlikely MERLIN wrappers
modifyMarker Marker functions
modifyMarkerMatrix Marker functions

-- N --

nephews_nieces Pedigree subsets
nuclearPed Create simple pedigrees

-- O --

offspring Pedigree subsets
oneMarkerDistribution Genotype probability distribution

-- P --

parents Pedigree subsets
peakSummary S3 methods for class 'linkres'.
pedCreate Create simple pedigrees
pedigreeLoops Pedigree loops
pedModify Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
pedParts Pedigree subsets
plot.linkdat Plot pedigrees with genotypes
plot.linkres S3 methods for class 'linkres'.
plot.singleton Plot pedigrees with genotypes
plotPedList Plot a list of pedigrees.
print.linkdat Linkdat objects
print.linkdat.model Set, change or display the model parameters for 'linkdat' objects
print.linkres S3 methods for class 'linkres'.

-- Q --

quadHalfFirstCousins Create simple pedigrees

-- R --

randomPed Random pedigree
readDatfile Read dat file in LINKAGE format
readFamiliasLoci Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects
relabel Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
related.pairs Pedigree subsets
relatednessCoeff Relatedness coefficients
relationLR Relationship Likelihood Ratio
removeIndividuals Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
removeMarkers Marker functions
restore_linkdat linkdat to matrix conversion

-- S --

setAvailable Functions for modifying availability vectors
setMarkers Marker functions
setModel Set, change or display the model parameters for 'linkdat' objects
setPlotLabels Attach plot labels to a linkdat object
showInTriangle Add points to the IBD triangle
siblings Pedigree subsets
simpleSim Unconditional marker simulation
singleton Linkdat objects
spouses Pedigree subsets
subset.linkdat Linkdat objects
summary.linkdat Linkdat objects
summary.linkres S3 methods for class 'linkres'.
summary.powres Power of a linkage study
swapAff Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
swapAvailable Functions for modifying availability vectors
swapGenotypes Marker functions
swapSex Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects

-- T --

tieLoops Pedigree loops
toyped Toy pedigree for linkage analysis
transferMarkerdata Transfer marker data
trim Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects
twoloops A consanguineous pedigree
twoMarkerDistribution Genotype probability distribution

-- U --

unrelated Pedigree subsets

-- W --

write.linkdat Linkdat objects

-- X --

Xped Example pedigree with X-linked disease pattern.