addDaughter | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
addMarker | Marker functions |
addOffspring | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
addParents | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
addSon | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
allGenotypes | Genotype combinations |
ancestors | Pedigree subsets |
as.data.frame.linkdat | linkdat to data.frame conversion |
as.data.frame.linkres | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
as.matrix.linkdat | linkdat to matrix conversion |
branch | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
breakLoops | Pedigree loops |
connectedComponents | Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects |
cousinPed | Create simple pedigrees |
cousins | Pedigree subsets |
cousinsPed | Create simple pedigrees |
descendants | Pedigree subsets |
dominant | Example pedigree for linkage analysis |
doubleCousins | Create simple pedigrees |
doubleFirstCousins | Create simple pedigrees |
examineKinships | Check pedigree for relationship errors |
exclusionPower | Power of exclusion |
Familias2linkdat | Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects |
fast.grid | Genotype combinations |
findLoopBreakers | Pedigree loops |
findLoopBreakers2 | Pedigree loops |
fullSibMating | Create simple pedigrees |
geno.grid.subset | Genotype combinations |
getMarkers | Marker functions |
grandparents | Pedigree subsets |
halfCousinPed | Create simple pedigrees |
halfCousinsPed | Create simple pedigrees |
halfSibStack | Create simple pedigrees |
hasCA | Pairwise common ancestors |
IBDestimate | Relatedness estimation |
IBDtriangle | IBD triangle plot |
inbreeding | Relatedness coefficients |
is.linkdat | Is an object a linkdat object? |
is.linkdat.list | Is an object a linkdat object? |
is.singleton | Is an object a linkdat object? |
jacquard | Relatedness coefficients |
jacquard2 | Relatedness coefficients |
kinship_coefs | Relatedness coefficients |
leaves | Pedigree subsets |
likelihood | Pedigree likelihood |
likelihood.linkdat | Pedigree likelihood |
likelihood.list | Pedigree likelihood |
likelihood.singleton | Pedigree likelihood |
likelihood_LINKAGE | Pedigree likelihood |
linkage.power | Power of a linkage study |
linkageSim | Simulate markers linked to a disease locus. |
linkdat | Linkdat objects |
linkres | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
lod | Two-point LOD score |
lod.peaks | LOD score peaks |
LR | Likelihood ratios of pedigree hypotheses |
marker | Marker functions |
markers | Marker functions |
markerSim | Marker simulation |
mendelianCheck | Check for Mendelian errors |
mergePed | Merge two pedigrees |
merlin | MERLIN wrappers |
merlinUnlikely | MERLIN wrappers |
modifyMarker | Marker functions |
modifyMarkerMatrix | Marker functions |
nephews_nieces | Pedigree subsets |
nuclearPed | Create simple pedigrees |
offspring | Pedigree subsets |
oneMarkerDistribution | Genotype probability distribution |
parents | Pedigree subsets |
peakSummary | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
pedCreate | Create simple pedigrees |
pedigreeLoops | Pedigree loops |
pedModify | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
pedParts | Pedigree subsets |
plot.linkdat | Plot pedigrees with genotypes |
plot.linkres | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
plot.singleton | Plot pedigrees with genotypes |
plotPedList | Plot a list of pedigrees. |
print.linkdat | Linkdat objects |
print.linkdat.model | Set, change or display the model parameters for 'linkdat' objects |
print.linkres | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
quadHalfFirstCousins | Create simple pedigrees |
randomPed | Random pedigree |
readDatfile | Read dat file in LINKAGE format |
readFamiliasLoci | Convert 'Familias' output to linkdat objects |
relabel | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
related.pairs | Pedigree subsets |
relatednessCoeff | Relatedness coefficients |
relationLR | Relationship Likelihood Ratio |
removeIndividuals | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
removeMarkers | Marker functions |
restore_linkdat | linkdat to matrix conversion |
setAvailable | Functions for modifying availability vectors |
setMarkers | Marker functions |
setModel | Set, change or display the model parameters for 'linkdat' objects |
setPlotLabels | Attach plot labels to a linkdat object |
showInTriangle | Add points to the IBD triangle |
siblings | Pedigree subsets |
simpleSim | Unconditional marker simulation |
singleton | Linkdat objects |
spouses | Pedigree subsets |
subset.linkdat | Linkdat objects |
summary.linkdat | Linkdat objects |
summary.linkres | S3 methods for class 'linkres'. |
summary.powres | Power of a linkage study |
swapAff | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
swapAvailable | Functions for modifying availability vectors |
swapGenotypes | Marker functions |
swapSex | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
tieLoops | Pedigree loops |
toyped | Toy pedigree for linkage analysis |
transferMarkerdata | Transfer marker data |
trim | Modify the pedigree of 'linkdat' objects |
twoloops | A consanguineous pedigree |
twoMarkerDistribution | Genotype probability distribution |
unrelated | Pedigree subsets |
write.linkdat | Linkdat objects |
Xped | Example pedigree with X-linked disease pattern. |