oneMarkerDistribution {paramlink}R Documentation

Genotype probability distribution


Computes the (joint) genotype probability distribution of one or several pedigree members, possibly conditional on partial marker data.


  theta = NULL,
  grid.subset = NULL,
  loop_breakers = NULL,
  eliminate = 0,
  ignore.affection.status = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A linkdat object.


A numeric with ID labels of one or more pedigree members.


Either a marker object compatible with x, or the index (a single integer) of an existing marker of x.


The recombination fraction between marker and disease locus. Only relevant if at least one individual is affected by disease. In that case an error is raised if theta is NULL, and if x does not have a disease model.


(Not relevant for most end users.) A numeric matrix describing a subset of all marker genotype combinations for the ids individuals. The matrix should have one column for each of the ids individuals, and one row for each combination: The genotypes are described in terms of the matrix M = allGenotypes(n), where n is the number of alleles for the marker. If the entry in column j is the integer k, this means that the genotype of individual ids[j] is row k of M.


A numeric containing IDs of individuals to be used as loop breakers. Relevant only if the pedigree has loops. See breakLoops.


A non-negative integer, indicating the number of iterations in the internal genotype-compatibility algorithm. Positive values can save time if partialmarker is non-empty and the number of alleles is large.


A logical indicating if the 'AFF' column should be ignored (only relevant if some family members are marked as affected).


A logical.


A named array (of dimension length(ids)) giving the joint marker genotype distribution for the ids individuals, conditional on 1) the marker allele frequencies given in partialmarker, 2) non-missing alleles in partialmarker, and 3) the disease model of x (if the pedigree is affected).

See Also

twoMarkerDistribution, allGenotypes


x = nuclearPed(2)
x_aff = swapAff(x, c(1,3))
x_aff = setModel(x_aff, model=1) # dominant model

snp = marker(x, 1, c(1,1), 2, c(1,0), alleles=1:2, afreq=c(0.1, 0.9))
res1 = oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=3:4, partialmarker=snp)
res2 = oneMarkerDistribution(x_aff, ids=3:4, partialmarker=snp, theta=0.5)

# should give same result, since theta=0.5 implies that marker is independent of disease.
stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))

#### Different example for the same pedigree. A marker with 4 alleles:
m2 = marker(x, 3:4, c('C','D'), alleles=LETTERS[1:4])
oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1, partialmarker=m2)

# Same as above, but computing only the cases where individual 1 is heterozygous.
# (The numbers 5:10 refer to the 6 last rows of allGenotypes(4),
# which contain the heterozygous genotypes.)
oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1, partialmarker=m2, grid.subset=matrix(5:10, ncol=1))

#### Expanding on the previous example:
# Joint genotype probabilities of the parents, but including only the combinations
# where the father is heterozygous and the mother is homozygous:
grid = expand.grid(5:10, 1:4)
oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1:2, partialmarker=m2, grid.subset=grid)

#### Something else:
# The genotype distribution of an individual whose half cousin is homozygous
# for a rare allele.
y = halfCousinPed(degree=1)
snp = marker(y, 9, c('a','a'), alleles=c('a', 'b'), afreq=c(0.01, 0.99))
oneMarkerDistribution(y, ids=8, partialmarker=snp)

#### X-linked example:
z = linkdat(Xped, model=4) # X-linked recessive model
z2 = swapAff(z, 1:z$nInd, 1) # disease free version of the same pedigree

snpX = marker(z, c(5,15), c('A','A'), alleles=c('A', 'B'), chrom=23)

r1 = oneMarkerDistribution(z, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX, theta=0.5) # results: A - 0.8; B - 0.2
r2 = oneMarkerDistribution(z2, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX)          # should be same as above
r3 = oneMarkerDistribution(z, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX, theta=0) # results: A - 0.67; B - 0.33

stopifnot(all.equal(r1,r2), round(r1[1], 2)==0.8, round(r3[1], 2) == 0.67)

[Package paramlink version 1.1-5 Index]