plotPedList {paramlink}R Documentation

Plot a list of pedigrees.


This function creates a row of pedigree plots, each created by plot.linkdat. Each parameter accepted by plot.linkdat can be applied here. Some effort is made to guess a reasonable window size and margins, but in general the user must be prepared to do manual resizing of the plot window.


  widths = NA,
  frames = TRUE,
  frametitles = NULL,
  fmar = NA,
  newdev = FALSE,
  dev.height = NA,
  dev.width = NA,



A list of lists. Each element of plot.arg.list is a list, where the first element is the linkdat object to be plotted, and the remaining elements are passed on to plot.linkdat. These elements must be correctly named. See examples below.


A numeric vector of relative widths of the subplots. Recycled to length(plot.arg.list) if necessary, before passed on to layout. Note that the vector does not need to sum to 1.


Either a single logical (FALSE = no frames; TRUE = automatic framing) or a list of numeric vectors: Each vector must consist of consecutive integers, indicating subplots to be framed together. By default the framing follows the list structure of plot.arg.list.


A character vector of titles for each frame. If this is non-NULL, titles for individuals subplots are ignored.


A single number in the interval [0,0.5) controlling the position of the frames.


A logical, indicating if a new plot window should be opened.

dev.height, dev.width

The dimensions of the new device (only relevant if newdev is TRUE). If these are NA suitable values are guessed from the pedigree sizes.


Further arguments passed on to each call to plot.linkdat.


See various examples in the Examples section below.

Note that for tweaking dev.height and dev.width the function dev.size is useful to determine the size of the active device.

See Also



# Simplest use: Just give a list of linkdat objects.
# To guess suitable plot window dimensions, use 'newdev=T'
peds = list(nuclearPed(3),cousinPed(2), singleton(12), halfCousinsPed(0))
plotPedList(peds) # try with newdev=TRUE

## Not run: 
# Modify the relative widths (which are not guessed)
widths = c(2, 3, 1, 2)
plotPedList(peds, widths=widths)

# In most cases the guessed dimensions are not perfect.
# Resize plot window manually, and then plot again with newdev=F (default)
# plotPedList(peds, widths=widths)

## Remove frames
plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=F)

# Non-default frames
frames = list(1, 2:3)
plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=frames, frametitles=c('First', 'Second'))

# To give *the same* parameter to all plots, it can just be added at the end:
title='Same title'
symbolsize=1.5 # note: doesn't work as expected for singletons
plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=frames, margins=margins, title=title,
            id.labels=id.labels, symbolsize=symbolsize)

# For more control of individual plots, each plot and all its parameters
# can be specified in its own list:
x1 = nuclearPed(3)
x1$available = 3:5
m1 = marker(x1, 3, 1:2)
marg1 = c(5,4,5,4)
plot1 = list(x1, marker=m1, margins=marg1, title='Plot 1', deceased=1:2)

x2 = cousinsPed(2)
x2$available = leaves(x2)
m2 = marker(x2, leaves(x2), 'A')
marg2 = c(3,4,2,4)
plot2 = list(x2, marker=m2, margins=marg2, title='Plot 2', symbolsize=1.2,

x3 = singleton(12)
x3 = setAvailable(x3, 12)
marg3 = c(10,0,0,0)
plot3 = list(x3, margins=marg3, title='Plot 3', available='shaded', symbolsize=2)

x4 = halfCousinsPed(0)
names4 = c(Father=1, Brother=3, Sister=5)
marg4 = marg1
plot4 = list(x4, margins=marg4, title='Plot 4', id.labels=names4)

plotPedList(list(plot1, plot2, plot3, plot4), widths=c(2,3,1,2),
            frames=list(1,2:3,4), available=T, newdev=T)

# Different example:
plotPedList(list(halfCousinPed(4), cousinsPed(7)), title='Many generations',
    new=T, dev.height=9, dev.width=9)

## End(Not run)

[Package paramlink version 1.1-5 Index]