Computes some Measures of OLL-G Family of Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘ollg’ version 1.0.0

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ANOLLG A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
BOLLG The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
danollg A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
dbollg The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
deollg Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
dgollg Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
dkwollg Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
dmoollg Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
dnollg New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
dobug Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
dollg Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
dolllg Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
drbollg The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
dzbollg The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)
EOLLG Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
GOLLG Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
hanollg A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
hbollg The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
heollg Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
hgollg Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
hkwollg Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
hmoollg Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
hnollg New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
hobug Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
hollg Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
holllg Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
hrbollg The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
hzbollg The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)
KwOLLG Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
MOOLLG Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
NOLLG New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
OBuG Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
OLLG Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
OLLLG Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
panollg A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
pbollg The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
peollg Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
pgollg Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
pkwollg Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
pmoollg Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
pnollg New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
pobug Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
pollg Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
polllg Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
prbollg The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
pzbollg The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)
qanollg A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
qbollg The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
qeollg Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
qgollg Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
qkwollg Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
qmoollg Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
qnollg New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
qobug Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
qollg Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
qolllg Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
qrbollg The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
qzbollg The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)
ranollg A New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
RBOLLG The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
rbollg The beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
reollg Exponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions (EOLL-G)
rgollg Generalized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
rkwollg Kumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions (KwOLL-G)
rmoollg Marshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions (MOOLL-G)
rnollg New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
robug Odd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
rollg Odd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
rolllg Odd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
rrbollg The Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (RBOLL-G)
rzbollg The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)
ZBOLLG The Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ZBOLL-G)