Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks

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Documentation for package ‘netdiffuseR’ version 1.22.6

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc

netdiffuseR-package netdiffuseR

-- A --

adjmat_to_edgelist Conversion between adjacency matrix and edgelist
adopt_changes Calculate the number of adoption changes between ego and alter.
approx_geodesic Approximate Geodesic Distances
approx_geodist Approximate Geodesic Distances
as.array.diffnet Coerce a diffnet graph into an array Creates a 'diffnet' class object Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
as.dgCMatrix Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix.array Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix.default Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix.diffnet Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix.igraph Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_dgCMatrix.list Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix) Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)
as_diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
as_diffnet.default Creates a 'diffnet' class object
as_diffnet.networkDynamic Creates a 'diffnet' class object
as_spmat Coerce a matrix-like objects to 'dgCMatrix' (sparse matrix)

-- B --

bass Bass Model
bass_dF Bass Model
bass_F Bass Model
bass_f Bass Model
bernoulli Erdos-Renyi model
binary-functions Non-zero element-wise comparison between two sparse matrices
bootnet Network Bootstrapping
brfarmers Brazilian Farmers
brfarmersDiffNet 'diffnet' version of the Brazilian Farmers data

-- C --

c.diffnet Combine diffnet objects
c.diffnet_bootnet Network Bootstrapping
c.diffnet_struct_test Structure dependence test
classify Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
classify_adopters Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
classify_adopters.default Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
classify_adopters.diffnet Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
classify_graph Analyze an R object to identify the class of graph (if any)
compare_matrix Non-zero element-wise comparison between two sparse matrices
CUG Permute the values of a matrix
cumulative_adopt_count Cummulative count of adopters

-- D --

degree Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices
dgr Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices
diag_expand Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diag_expand.array Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diag_expand.dgCMatrix Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diag_expand.diffnet Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diag_expand.list Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diag_expand.matrix Creates a square matrix suitable for spatial statistics models.
diffmap Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet-arithmetic 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
diffnet-class Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet.attrs Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet.attrs<- Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet.toa Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet.toa<- Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnetLapply Creates a 'diffnet' class object
diffnet_check_attr_class Infer whether 'value' is dynamic or static.
diffnet_index Indexing diffnet objects (on development)
diffnet_to_igraph Coercion between graph classes
diffnet_to_network Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
diffnet_to_networkDynamic Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
diffreg Diffusion regression model
diffusion-data Diffusion Network Datasets
diffusionMap Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
diffusionMap.default Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
diffusionMap.diffnet Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
dim.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
dimnames.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
drawColorKey Draw a color key in the current device
drop_isolated Find and remove isolated vertices

-- E --

edgelist_to_adjmat Conversion between adjacency matrix and edgelist
edgelist_to_diffnet Convert survey-like data and edgelists to a 'diffnet' object
edges_coords Compute ego/alter edge coordinates considering alter's size and aspect ratio
egonet_attrs Retrieve alter's attributes (network effects)
ego_variance Computes variance of Y at ego level
exposure Ego exposure

-- F --

fakeDynEdgelist Fake dynamic edgelist
fakeEdgelist Fake static edgelist
fakesurvey Fake survey data
fakesurveyDyn Fake longitudinal survey data
fitbass Bass Model
fitbass.default Bass Model
fitbass.diffnet Bass Model
ftable.diffnet_adopters Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.

-- G --

Geodesic Approximate Geodesic Distances
graph_power 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
grid_distribution Distribution over a grid

-- H --

hazard_rate Network Hazard Rate
hist.diffnet_bootnet Network Bootstrapping
hist.diffnet_struct_test Structure dependence test

-- I --

igraph Coercion between graph classes
igraph_to_diffnet Coercion between graph classes
igraph_vertex_rescale Rescale vertex size to be used in 'plot.igraph'.
image.diffnet_diffmap Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
indegree Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices
infection Susceptibility and Infection
isolated Find and remove isolated vertices
is_multiple Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_multiple.default Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_multiple.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_self Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_self.default Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_self.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_undirected Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_undirected.default Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_undirected.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_valued Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_valued.default Creates a 'diffnet' class object
is_valued.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object

-- K --

kfamily Korean Family Planning
kfamilyDiffNet 'diffnet' version of the Korean Family Planning data

-- L --

leader_matching Optimal Leader/Mentor Matching

-- M --

mahalanobis Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
matrix_compare Non-zero element-wise comparison between two sparse matrices
medInnovations Medical Innovation
medInnovationsDiffNet 'diffnet' version of the Medical Innovation data
mentor_matching Optimal Leader/Mentor Matching
minkowski Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
moran Computes Moran's I correlation index

-- N --

nedges Count the number of vertices/edges/slices in a graph
netdiffuseR netdiffuseR
netdiffuseR-graphs Network data formats
netdiffuseR-options 'netdiffuseR' default options
netmatch Matching Estimators with Network Data
netmatch_prepare Matching Estimators with Network Data
network Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
networkDynamic Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
networkDynamic_to_diffnet Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
network_to_diffnet Coercion between 'diffnet', 'network' and 'networkDynamic'
new_diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
nlinks Count the number of vertices/edges/slices in a graph
nnodes Count the number of vertices/edges/slices in a graph
nodes Creates a 'diffnet' class object
nslices Count the number of vertices/edges/slices in a graph
nvertices Count the number of vertices/edges/slices in a graph
n_rewires Structure dependence test

-- O --

outdegree Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices

-- P --

p-norm Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
permute_graph Permute the values of a matrix
plot.diffnet S3 plotting method for diffnet objects.
plot.diffnet_adopters Classify adopters accordingly to Time of Adoption and Threshold levels.
plot.diffnet_bass Bass Model
plot.diffnet_bootnet Network Bootstrapping
plot.diffnet_degSeq Indegree, outdegree and degree of the vertices
plot.diffnet_diffmap Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
plot.diffnet_hr Network Hazard Rate
plot.diffnet_mentor Optimal Leader/Mentor Matching
plot_adopters Visualize adopters and cumulative adopters
plot_diffnet Plot the diffusion process
plot_diffnet.default Plot the diffusion process
plot_diffnet.diffnet Plot the diffusion process
plot_diffnet2 Another way of visualizing diffusion
plot_diffnet2.default Another way of visualizing diffusion
plot_diffnet2.diffnet Another way of visualizing diffusion
plot_hazard Network Hazard Rate
plot_hazarrate Network Hazard Rate
plot_infectsuscep Plot distribution of infect/suscep
plot_threshold Threshold levels through time
plot_threshold.array Threshold levels through time
plot_threshold.default Threshold levels through time
plot_threshold.diffnet Threshold levels through time
pretty_within Pretty numbers within a range.
print.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
print.diffnet_bootnet Network Bootstrapping
print.diffnet_diffmap Creates a heatmap based on a graph layout and a vertex attribute
print.diffnet_se Structural Equivalence
print.diffnet_struct_test Structure dependence test

-- Q --

QAP Permute the values of a matrix

-- R --

rdiffnet Random diffnet network
rdiffnet_multiple Random diffnet network
read_dl Read foreign graph formats
read_ml Read foreign graph formats
read_net Read foreign graph formats
read_pajek Read foreign graph formats
read_ucinet Reads UCINET files
read_ucinet_head Reads UCINET files
recode Recodes an edgelist such that ids go from 1 to n Recodes an edgelist such that ids go from 1 to n
recode.matrix Recodes an edgelist such that ids go from 1 to n
resample_graph Network Bootstrapping
rescale_vertex_igraph Rescale vertex size to be used in 'plot.igraph'.
rewire_graph Graph rewiring algorithms
rewire_permute Permute the values of a matrix
rewire_qap Permute the values of a matrix
rgraph_ba Scale-free and Homophilic Random Networks
rgraph_er Erdos-Renyi model
rgraph_ws Watts-Strogatz model
ring_lattice Ring lattice graph
round_to_seq Takes a numeric vector and maps it into a finite length sequence

-- S --

scale-free Scale-free and Homophilic Random Networks
select_egoalter Calculate the number of adoption changes between ego and alter.
Shortest-Path Approximate Geodesic Distances
small-world Watts-Strogatz model
str.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
struct_equiv Structural Equivalence
struct_test Structure dependence test
struct_test_asymp Structure dependence test
summary.diffnet Summary of diffnet objects
summary.diffnet_adoptChanges Calculate the number of adoption changes between ego and alter.
survey_to_diffnet Convert survey-like data and edgelists to a 'diffnet' object
susceptibility Susceptibility and Infection

-- T --

t.diffnet Creates a 'diffnet' class object
threshold Retrive threshold levels from the exposure matrix
toa_diff Difference in Time of Adoption (TOA) between individuals
toa_mat Time of adoption matrix
transformGraphBy Apply a function to a graph considering non-diagonal structural zeros
transformGraphBy.dgCMatrix Apply a function to a graph considering non-diagonal structural zeros
transformGraphBy.diffnet Apply a function to a graph considering non-diagonal structural zeros

-- U --

ucinet Reads UCINET files

-- V --

vertex_covariate_compare Comparisons at dyadic level
vertex_covariate_dist Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
vertex_mahalanobis_dist Computes covariate distance between connected vertices
vertex_rescale_igraph Rescale vertex size to be used in 'plot.igraph'.

-- W --

weighted_var Computes weighted variance
wvar Computes weighted variance

-- misc --

%*% Matrix multiplication
%*%.default Matrix multiplication
%*%.diffnet Matrix multiplication
&.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
*.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
-.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
/.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
[.diffnet Indexing diffnet objects (on development)
[<-.diffnet Indexing diffnet objects (on development)
[[.diffnet Indexing diffnet objects (on development)
[[<-.diffnet Indexing diffnet objects (on development)
^.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators
|.diffnet 'diffnet' Arithmetic and Logical Operators