mmod-package |
Modern Measures of Differentiation |
as.genind.DNAbin |
as.genind.DNAbin |
chao_bootstrap |
Produce bootstrap samples from each subpopulation of a genind object |
diff_stats |
Calculate differentiation statistics for a genind object |
diff_test |
An exact test of population differentiation for genind objects |
dist.codom |
Calculate distance between individual for co-dominant locus |
D_Jost |
Calculate Jost's D |
Gst_Hedrick |
Calculate Nei's Gst using estimators for Hs and Ht |
Gst_Nei |
Calculate Nei's Gst using estimators for Hs and Ht |
harmonic_mean |
Harmonic mean |
jacknife_populations |
Create jacknife samples of a genind object by population |
mmod |
Modern Measures of Differentiation |
pairwise_D |
Calculates pairwise values of Jost's D |
pairwise_Gst_Hedrick |
Calculates pairwise values of Hedrick's G'st |
pairwise_Gst_Nei |
Calculates pairwise values of Nei's Gst |
Phi_st_Meirmans |
Calculate Phi_st from a genind object |
rgenotypes |
Randomly create genotypes |
summarise_bootstrap |
Apply a differentiation statistic to a bootstrap sample |