summarise_bootstrap {mmod}R Documentation

Apply a differentiation statistic to a bootstrap sample


This function applies a differentiation statistic (eg, D_Jost, Gst_Hedrick or Gst_Nei) to a list of genind objects, possibly produced with chao_bootsrap or jacknife_populations.


summarise_bootstrap(bs, statistic)



list of genind objects


differentiation statistic to apply (the function itself, as with apply family functions)


Two different approaches are used for calculating confidence intervals in the results. The estimates given by lower.percentile and upper.percentile are simply the 2.5th and 97.5th precentile of the statistic across bootstrap samples. Note, the presence or rare alleles in some populations can bias bootstrapping procedures such that these intervals are not centered on the observed value. The mean of statistic across samples is returned as and can be used to correct biased bootsrap samples. Alternatively, lower.normal and upper.normal form a confidence interval centered on the observed value of the statistic and using the standard deviation of the statistic across replicates to generate limits (sometimes called the normal-method of obtaining a confidence interval). The print function for objects returned by this function displays the normal-method confidence intervals.

Value matirx of statistics calculated for each locus (column) and each bootstrap replicate (row).

global.het: vector of global estimates calculated from overall heterozygosity

global.het: vector of global estimates calculated from harmonic mean of statistic (only applied to D_Jost)

summary.loci: data.frame summarising the distribution of the chosen statistic across replicates. Details of the different confidence intervals are given in details

summary.global_het: A vector containing the same measures as summary.loci but for a global value of the statistic calculated from all loci

summary.global_harm: As with summary.global_het but calculated from the harmonic mean of the statistic across loci (only applies to D_Jost)

See Also

Other resample: chao_bootstrap, jacknife_populations


## Not run:   
bs <- chao_bootstrap(nancycats)
summarise_bootstrap(bs, D_Jost)

## End(Not run)

[Package mmod version 1.3.3 Index]