mederrRank-package |
Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
bayes.rank |
Optimal Bayesian Ranking |
bhm.constr.resamp |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 2) of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
bhm.mcmc |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 1) of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
bhm.resample |
Resampling Transformation for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation Simulation of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
dmixnegbinom |
The Negative Binomial Mixture Distribution |
dnegbinom |
The Negative Binomial Distribution |
dst |
The Skewed Student t Distribution |
Geometric Mean of the Relative Risk Empirical Bayes Posterior Distribution |
initialize-method |
Class "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the Most Harmful MEdication Errors using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. |
initialize-method |
Class "mederrFit". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 1) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
initialize-method |
Class "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
llDiffD |
Log-Likelihood Difference for the delta_j Parameters |
llDiffT |
Log-Likelihood Difference for the theta_i Parameters |
logp |
Negative Log-Posterior Function of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
logunpost |
Unnormalized Marginal Posterior Distributions for k and eta |
mederrData |
Class "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the Most Harmful MEdication Errors using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. |
mederrData-class |
Class "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the Most Harmful MEdication Errors using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. |
mederrFit |
Class "mederrFit". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 1) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
mederrFit-class |
Class "mederrFit". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 1) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
mederrRank |
Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors |
mederrResample |
Class "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
mederrResample-class |
Class "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors. |
Subset of the MEDMARX Data |
mixnegbinom.em |
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributions |
mixnegbinom.loglik |
Log-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributions |
mixnegbinom.score |
Log-Likelihood Score Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributions |
negbinom.em |
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Negative Binomial Distribution |
negbinom.loglik |
Log-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributions |
negbinom.score |
Log-Likelihood Score Function for the Negative Binomial Distribution |
p.value |
Posterior Predictive Test statistics |
plot-method |
Plot of Medication Error Data and Analysis |
plot-methods |
Plot of Medication Error Data and Analysis |
post.rep |
Posterior Predictive Data Replications |
rmixnegbinom |
The Negative Binomial Mixture Distribution |
simdata |
Simulated Data |
summary-method |
Summary of Medication Error Data and Analysis |
summary-methods |
Summary of Medication Error Data and Analysis |