Non-Smooth Regularization for Structural Equation Models

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Documentation for package ‘lessSEM’ version 1.5.5

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A B C E F G I L M N P R S V misc

-- A --

adaptiveLasso adaptiveLasso
addCappedL1 addCappedL1
addElasticNet addElasticNet
addLasso addLasso
addLsp addLsp
addMcp addMcp
addScad addScad
AIC-method AIC
AIC-method AIC
AIC-method AIC
AIC-method AIC
AIC-method AIC

-- B --

bfgs bfgs
bfgsEnet smoothly approximated elastic net
bfgsEnetMgSEM smoothly approximated elastic net
bfgsEnetSEM smoothly approximated elastic net
BIC-method BIC
BIC-method BIC
BIC-method BIC
BIC-method BIC
BIC-method BIC

-- C --

callFitFunction callFitFunction
cappedL1 cappedL1
coef-method coef
coef-method coef
coef-method coef
coef-method coef
coef-method coef
coef-method coef
controlBFGS controlBFGS
controlGlmnet controlGlmnet
controlIsta controlIsta
covariances covariances
createSubsets createSubsets
curveLambda curveLambda
cvAdaptiveLasso cvAdaptiveLasso
cvCappedL1 cvCappedL1
cvElasticNet cvElasticNet
cvLasso cvLasso
cvLsp cvLsp
cvMcp cvMcp
cvRegularizedSEM-class Class for cross-validated regularized SEM
cvRidge cvRidge
cvRidgeBfgs cvRidgeBfgs
cvScad cvScad
cvScaler cvScaler
cvSmoothAdaptiveLasso cvSmoothAdaptiveLasso
cvSmoothElasticNet cvSmoothElasticNet
cvSmoothLasso cvSmoothLasso

-- E --

elasticNet elasticNet
estimates S4 method to exract the estimates of an object
estimates-method estimates
estimates-method estimates
estimates-method estimates

-- F --

fit fit
fitIndices S4 method to compute fit indices (e.g., AIC, BIC, ...)
fitIndices-method fitIndices
fitIndices-method fitIndices
fitIndices-method fitIndices

-- G --

getLavaanParameters getLavaanParameters
getTuningParameterConfiguration getTuningParameterConfiguration
glmnetCappedL1MgSEM CappedL1 optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetCappedL1SEM CappedL1 optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetEnetGeneralPurpose elastic net optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetEnetGeneralPurposeCpp elastic net optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetEnetMgSEM elastic net optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetEnetSEM elastic net optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetLspMgSEM lsp optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetLspSEM lsp optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMcpMgSEM mcp optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMcpSEM mcp optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMixedMgSEM mixed optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMixedPenaltyGeneralPurpose mixed optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMixedPenaltyGeneralPurposeCpp mixed optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetMixedSEM mixed optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetScadMgSEM scad optimization with glmnet optimizer
glmnetScadSEM scad optimization with glmnet optimizer
gpAdaptiveLasso gpAdaptiveLasso
gpAdaptiveLassoCpp gpAdaptiveLassoCpp
gpCappedL1 gpCappedL1
gpCappedL1Cpp gpCappedL1Cpp
gpElasticNet gpElasticNet
gpElasticNetCpp gpElasticNetCpp
gpLasso gpLasso
gpLassoCpp gpLassoCpp
gpLsp gpLsp
gpLspCpp gpLspCpp
gpMcp gpMcp
gpMcpCpp gpMcpCpp
gpRegularized-class Class for regularized model using general purpose optimization interface
gpRidge gpRidge
gpRidgeCpp gpRidgeCpp
gpScad gpScad
gpScadCpp gpScadCpp

-- I --

istaCappedL1mgSEM cappedL1 optimization with ista
istaCappedL1SEM cappedL1 optimization with ista
istaEnetGeneralPurpose elastic net optimization with ista
istaEnetGeneralPurposeCpp elastic net optimization with ista
istaEnetMgSEM elastic net optimization with ista optimizer
istaEnetSEM elastic net optimization with ista optimizer
istaLSPMgSEM lsp optimization with ista
istaLSPSEM lsp optimization with ista
istaMcpMgSEM mcp optimization with ista
istaMcpSEM mcp optimization with ista
istaMixedPenaltyGeneralPurpose mixed penalty optimization with ista
istaMixedPenaltyGeneralPurposeCpp mixed penalty optimization with ista
istaMixedPenaltymgSEM mixed penalty optimization with ista
istaMixedPenaltySEM mixed penalty optimization with ista
istaScadMgSEM scad optimization with ista
istaScadSEM scad optimization with ista

-- L --

lasso lasso
lavaan2lslxLabels lavaan2lslxLabels
lessSEM2Lavaan lessSEM2Lavaan
lessSEMCoef-class Class for the coefficients estimated by lessSEM.
loadings loadings
logicalMatch logicalMatch
logLik-method logLik
logLik-method logLik
logLikelihood-class Class for log-likelihood of regularized SEM. Note: we define a custom logLik - Function because the generic one is using df = number of parameters which might be confusing.
lsp lsp

-- M --

makePtrs makePtrs
mcp mcp
mcpPenalty_C mcpPenalty_C
mgSEM mgSEM class
mixedPenalty mixedPenalty
modifyModel modifyModel

-- N --

newTau newTau

-- P --

plot-method plots the cross-validation fits
plot-method plots the regularized and unregularized parameters for all levels of lambda
plot-method plots the regularized and unregularized parameters for all levels of lambda
plot-method plots the regularized and unregularized parameters for all levels of the tuning parameters

-- R --

regressions regressions
regsem2LavaanParameters regsem2LavaanParameters
regularizedSEM-class Class for regularized SEM
regularizedSEMMixedPenalty-class Class for regularized SEM
ridge ridge
ridgeBfgs ridgeBfgs

-- S --

scad scad
scadPenalty_C scadPenalty_C
SEMCpp SEMCpp class
show-method show
show-method show
show-method Show method for objects of class 'cvRegularizedSEM'.
show-method show
show-method show
show-method show
show-method show
show-method show
show-method show
simulateExampleData simulateExampleData
smoothAdaptiveLasso smoothAdaptiveLasso
smoothElasticNet smoothElasticNet
smoothLasso smoothLasso
stabilitySelection stabilitySelection
stabSel-class Class for stability selection
summary-method summary method for objects of class 'cvRegularizedSEM'.
summary-method summary
summary-method summary
summary-method summary

-- V --

variances variances

-- misc --

.adaptBreakingForWls .adaptBreakingForWls
.checkPenalties .checkPenalties
.labelLavaanParameters .labelLavaanParameters
.updateLavaan .updateLavaan
.useElasticNet .useElasticNet