gpCappedL1Cpp {lessSEM}R Documentation



Implements cappedL1 regularization for general purpose optimization problems with C++ functions. The penalty function is given by:

p(xj)=λmin(xj,θ)p( x_j) = \lambda \min(| x_j|, \theta)

where θ>0\theta > 0. The cappedL1 penalty is identical to the lasso for parameters which are below θ\theta and identical to a constant for parameters above θ\theta. As adding a constant to the fitting function will not change its minimum, larger parameters can stay unregularized while smaller ones are set to zero.


  method = "glmnet",
  control = lessSEM::controlGlmnet()



labeled vector with starting values


R function which takes the parameters AND their labels as input and returns the fit value (a single value)


R function which takes the parameters AND their labels as input and returns the gradients of the objective function. If set to NULL, numDeriv will be used to approximate the gradients


list with additional arguments passed to fn and gr


vector with names of parameters which are to be regularized. If you are unsure what these parameters are called, use getLavaanParameters(model) with your lavaan model object


numeric vector: values for the tuning parameter lambda


parameters whose absolute value is above this threshold will be penalized with a constant (theta)


which optimizer should be used? Currently implemented are ista and glmnet.


used to control the optimizer. This element is generated with the controlIsta and controlGlmnet functions. See ?controlIsta and ?controlGlmnet for more details.


The interface is inspired by optim, but a bit more restrictive. Users have to supply a vector with starting values (important: This vector must have labels), a fitting function, and a gradient function. These fitting functions must take an const Rcpp::NumericVector& with parameter values as first argument and an Rcpp::List& as second argument

CappedL1 regularization:

For more details on GLMNET, see:

For more details on ISTA, see:


Object of class gpRegularized


# This example shows how to use the optimizers
# for C++ objective functions. We will use
# a linear regression as an example. Note that
# this is not a useful application of the optimizers
# as there are specialized packages for linear regression
# (e.g., glmnet)


linreg <- '
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double fitfunction(const Rcpp::NumericVector& parameters, Rcpp::List& data){
  // extract all required elements:
  arma::colvec b = Rcpp::as<arma::colvec>(parameters);
  arma::colvec y = Rcpp::as<arma::colvec>(data["y"]); // the dependent variable
  arma::mat X = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(data["X"]); // the design matrix
  // compute the sum of squared errors:
    arma::mat sse = arma::trans(y-X*b)*(y-X*b);
    // other packages, such as glmnet, scale the sse with 
    // 1/(2*N), where N is the sample size. We will do that here as well
    sse *= 1.0/(2.0 * y.n_elem);
    // note: We must return a double, but the sse is a matrix
    // To get a double, just return the single value that is in 
    // this matrix:

// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::rowvec gradientfunction(const Rcpp::NumericVector& parameters, Rcpp::List& data){
  // extract all required elements:
  arma::colvec b = Rcpp::as<arma::colvec>(parameters);
  arma::colvec y = Rcpp::as<arma::colvec>(data["y"]); // the dependent variable
  arma::mat X = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(data["X"]); // the design matrix
  // note: we want to return our gradients as row-vector; therefore,
  // we have to transpose the resulting column-vector:
    arma::rowvec gradients = arma::trans(-2.0*X.t() * y + 2.0*X.t()*X*b);
    // other packages, such as glmnet, scale the sse with 
    // 1/(2*N), where N is the sample size. We will do that here as well
    gradients *= (.5/y.n_rows);

typedef double (*fitFunPtr)(const Rcpp::NumericVector&, //parameters
                Rcpp::List& //additional elements
typedef Rcpp::XPtr<fitFunPtr> fitFunPtr_t;

typedef arma::rowvec (*gradientFunPtr)(const Rcpp::NumericVector&, //parameters
                      Rcpp::List& //additional elements
typedef Rcpp::XPtr<gradientFunPtr> gradientFunPtr_t;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
fitFunPtr_t fitfunPtr() {
        return(fitFunPtr_t(new fitFunPtr(&fitfunction)));

// [[Rcpp::export]]
gradientFunPtr_t gradfunPtr() {
        return(gradientFunPtr_t(new gradientFunPtr(&gradientfunction)));

Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = linreg)

ffp <- fitfunPtr()
gfp <- gradfunPtr()

N <- 100 # number of persons
p <- 10 # number of predictors
X <- matrix(rnorm(N*p),	nrow = N, ncol = p) # design matrix
b <- c(rep(1,4), 
       rep(0,6)) # true regression weights
y <- X%*%matrix(b,ncol = 1) + rnorm(N,0,.2)

data <- list("y" = y,
             "X" = cbind(1,X))
parameters <- rep(0, ncol(data$X))
names(parameters) <- paste0("b", 0:(length(parameters)-1))

cL1 <- gpCappedL1Cpp(par = parameters, 
                 regularized = paste0("b", 1:(length(b)-1)),
                 fn = ffp, 
                 gr = gfp, 
                 lambdas = seq(0,1,.1), 
                 thetas = seq(0.1,1,.1),
                 additionalArguments = data)


[Package lessSEM version 1.5.5 Index]