Gaussian Process Laboratory

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Documentation for package ‘kergp’ version 0.5.7

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kergp-package Gaussian Process Laboratory

-- A --

as.list-method Coerce a 'covTP' Object into a List
as.list-method Class '"covComp"'

-- C --

checkGrad Check the Gradient Provided in a 'covMan' Object
checkPar Check Length and Names of a Vector of Values for Parameters or Bounds
checkX Generic function: Check the Compatibility of a Design Matrix with a Given Covariance Object
checkX-method Check the Compatibility of a Design with a Given Covariance Object
checkX-method Virtual Class '"covAll"'
checkX-method Class '"covComp"'
checkX-method Class '"covOrd"'
checkX-method Class '"covQual"'
coef,methods Extract Coefficients of a Covariance Kernel Object as Vector, List or Matrix
coef-method Extract Coefficients of a Covariance Kernel Object as Vector, List or Matrix
coef-method Class '"covANOVA"'
coef-method Class '"covComp"'
coef-method Class '"covOrd"'
coef-method Class '"covQual"'
coef-method Class '"covRadial"'
coef-method Class '"covTP"'
coef<- Generic Function: Replacement of Coefficient Values
coef<--method Class '"covANOVA"'
coef<--method Class '"covComp"'
coef<--method Class '"covMan"'
coef<--method Class '"covOrd"'
coef<--method Class '"covQual"'
coef<--method Class '"covRadial"'
coef<--method Class '"covTP"'
coef<--method Class '"covTS"'
coefLower Extract or Set Lower/Upper Bounds on Coefficients
coefLower-method Class '"covANOVA"'
coefLower-method Class '"covComp"'
coefLower-method Class '"covMan"'
coefLower-method Class '"covOrd"'
coefLower-method Class '"covQual"'
coefLower-method Class '"covRadial"'
coefLower-method Class '"covTP"'
coefLower-method Class '"covTS"'
coefLower<- Extract or Set Lower/Upper Bounds on Coefficients
coefLower<--method Class '"covANOVA"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covMan"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covOrd"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covQual"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covRadial"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covTP"'
coefLower<--method Class '"covTS"'
coefUpper Extract or Set Lower/Upper Bounds on Coefficients
coefUpper-method Class '"covANOVA"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covComp"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covMan"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covOrd"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covQual"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covRadial"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covTP"'
coefUpper-method Class '"covTS"'
coefUpper<- Extract or Set Lower/Upper Bounds on Coefficients
coefUpper<--method Class '"covANOVA"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covMan"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covOrd"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covQual"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covRadial"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covTP"'
coefUpper<--method Class '"covTS"'
coerce-method Class '"covMan"'
coerce-method Class '"covOrd"'
coerce-method Class '"covQual"'
contr.helmod Modified Helmert Contrast Matrix
corLevCompSymm Correlation Matrix for the Compound Symmetry Structure
corLevDiag Correlation or Covariance Matrix for a Diagonal Structure
corLevLowRank Correlation Matrix for a Low-Rank Structure
corLevSymm Correlation Matrix for a General Symmetric Correlation Structure
covAll-class Virtual Class '"covAll"'
covANOVA Creator for the Class '"covANOVA"'
covANOVA-class Class '"covANOVA"'
covComp Creator for the Class '"covComp"' for Composite Covariance Kernels
covComp-class Class '"covComp"'
covMan Creator Function for 'covMan' Objects
covMan-class Class '"covMan"'
covMat Generic Function: Covariance or Cross-Covariance Matrix Between two Sets of Locations
covMat-method Class '"covANOVA"'
covMat-method Class '"covComp"'
covMat-method Covariance Matrix for a Covariance Kernel Object
covMat-method Class '"covOrd"'
covMat-method Class '"covQual"'
covMat-method Class '"covRadial"'
covMat-method Class '"covTP"'
covOrd Warping-Based Covariance for an Ordinal Input
covOrd-class Class '"covOrd"'
covQual-class Class '"covQual"'
covQualNested Nested Qualitative Covariance
covQualNested-class Class '"covQualNested"'
covRadial Creator for the Class '"covRadial"'
covRadial-class Class '"covRadial"'
covTP Creator for the Class '"covTP"'
covTP-class Class '"covTP"'
covTS Creator Function for 'covTS' Objects
covTS-class Class '"covTS"'

-- G --

gls Generic Function: Generalized Least Squares Estimation with a Given Covariance Kernel
gls-method Generalized Least Squares Estimation with a Given Covariance Kernel
gls-methods Generalized Least Squares Estimation with a Given Covariance Kernel
gp Gaussian Process Model

-- H --

hasGrad Generic Function: Extract slot hasGrad of a Covariance Kernel
hasGrad-method Generic Function: Extract slot hasGrad of a Covariance Kernel

-- I -- Diagnostics for a Gaussian Process Model, Based on Leave-One-Out
inputNames Generic Function: Names of the Inputs of a Covariance Kernel
inputNames-method Generic Function: Names of the Inputs of a Covariance Kernel
inputNames<- Generic Function: Names of the Inputs of a Covariance Kernel
inputNames<--method Class '"covComp"'
inputNames<--method Generic Function: Names of the Inputs of a Covariance Kernel

-- K --

k1Exp Predefined covMan Objects for 1D Kernels
k1Fun1Cos One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Fun1Exp One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Fun1Gauss One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Fun1Matern3_2 One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Fun1Matern5_2 One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Fun1PowExp One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1FunExp One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1FunGauss One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1FunMatern3_2 One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1FunMatern5_2 One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1FunPowExp One-Dimensional Classical Covariance Kernel Functions
k1Gauss Predefined covMan Objects for 1D Kernels
k1Matern3_2 Predefined covMan Objects for 1D Kernels
k1Matern5_2 Predefined covMan Objects for 1D Kernels
k1PowExp Predefined covMan Objects for 1D Kernels
kergp Gaussian Process Laboratory
kernelName Name of the One-Dimensional Kernel in a Composite Kernel Object
kernelName-method Class '"covTS"'
kExp Matérn Kernels
kGauss Gauss (Squared-Exponential) Kernel
kMatern Matérn Kernels
kSE Gauss (Squared-Exponential) Kernel

-- M --

mle Generic Function: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Gaussian Process Model
mle-method Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Process Model Parameters
mle-methods Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Process Model Parameters

-- N --

npar Generic function: Number of Free Parameters in a Covariance Kernel
npar-method Class '"covANOVA"'
npar-method Class '"covOrd"'
npar-method Class '"covQual"'
npar-method Class '"covRadial"'
npar-method Class '"covTP"'
npar-method Number of Parameters for a Covariance Kernel Object

-- O --

optimMethods Optimization Methods (or Algorithms) for the 'mle' Method

-- P --

parMap Generic Function: Map the Parameters of a Composite Covariance Kernel
parMap-method Map the Parameters of a Structure on the Inputs and Kernel Parameters
parNamesSymm Vector of Names for the General 'Symm' Parameterisation
parseCovFormula Parse a Formula or Expression Describing a Composite Covariance Kernel
plot Plot for a qualitative input
plot-method Plot for a qualitative input
plot.covQual Plot for a qualitative input Diagnostic Plot for the Validation of a 'gp' Object Plot Simulations from a 'gp' Object Prediction Method for the '"gp"' S3 Class
prinKrige Principal Kriging Functions

-- Q --

q1CompSymm Qualitative Correlation or Covariance Kernel with one Input and Compound Symmetric Correlation
q1Diag Qualitative Correlation or Covariance Kernel with one Input and Diagonal Structure
q1LowRank Qualitative Correlation or Covariance Kernel with one Input and Low-Rank Correlation
q1Symm Qualitative Correlation or Covariance Kernel with one Input and General Symmetric Correlation

-- S --

scores Generic Function: Scores for a Covariance Kernel Object
scores-method Class '"covANOVA"'
scores-method Class '"covComp"'
scores-method Class '"covMan"'
scores-method Class '"covOrd"'
scores-method Class '"covQual"'
scores-method Class '"covRadial"'
scores-method Class '"covTP"'
scores-method Class '"covTS"'
shapeSlot Extracts the Slots of a Structure
show-method Class '"covANOVA"'
show-method Class '"covComp"'
show-method Class '"covMan"'
show-method Class '"covOrd"'
show-method Class '"covQual"'
show-method Class '"covRadial"'
show-method Class '"covTP"'
show-method Class '"covTS"'
simulate-method Class '"covOrd"'
simulate-method Class '"covQual"'
simulate-method Simulation of a 'covAll' Object Simulation of Paths from a 'gp' Object
simulPar Generic function: Draw Random Values for the Parameters of a Covariance Kernel
simulPar-method Draw Random Values for the Parameters of a Covariance Kernel
symIndices Vector of Indices Useful for Symmetric or Anti-Symmetric Matrices.

-- T --

translude Make Translucent colors

-- V --

varVec Generic Function: Variance of Gaussian Process at Specific Locations
varVec-method Class '"covANOVA"'
varVec-method Class '"covComp"'
varVec-method Class '"covOrd"'
varVec-method Class '"covQual"'
varVec-method Class '"covRadial"'
varVec-method Class '"covTP"'
varVec-method Covariance Matrix for a Covariance Kernel Object

-- W --

warpFun Warpings for Ordinal Inputs
warpNorm Warpings for Ordinal Inputs
warpPower Warpings for Ordinal Inputs
warpSpline1 Warpings for Ordinal Inputs
warpSpline2 Warpings for Ordinal Inputs
warpUnorm Warpings for Ordinal Inputs