corLevSymm {kergp}R Documentation

Correlation Matrix for a General Symmetric Correlation Structure


Compute the correlation matrix for a general symmetric correlation structure.


corLevSymm(par, nlevels, levels, lowerSQRT = FALSE, compGrad = TRUE,
           cov = 0, impl = c("C", "R"))



A numeric vector with length npCor + npVar where npCor = nlevels * (nlevels - 1) / 2 is the number of correlation parameters, and npVar is the number of variance parameters, which depends on the value of cov. The value of npVar is 0, 1 or nlevels corresponding to the values of cov: 0, 1 and 2. The correlation parameters are assumed to be located at the head of par i.e. at indices 1 to npCor. The variance parameter(s) are assumed to be at the tail, i.e. at indices npCor + 1 to npCor + npVar.


Number of levels.


Character representing the levels.


Logical. When TRUE the (lower) Cholesky root L\mathbf{L} of the correlation or covariance matrix C\mathbf{C} is returned instead of the correlation matrix.


Logical. Should the gradient be computed? This is only possible for the C implementation.


Integer 0, 1 or 2. If cov is 0, the matrix is a correlation matrix (or its Cholesky root). If cov is 1 or 2, the matrix is a covariance (or its Cholesky root) with constant variance vector for code = 1 and with arbitrary variance for code = 2. The variance parameters par are located at the tail of the par vector, so at locations npCor + 1 to npCor + nlevels when code = 2 where npCor is the number of correlation parameters, i.e. nlevels * (nlevels - 1) / 2.


A character telling which of the C and R implementations should be chosen.


The correlation matrix with dimension nn is the general symmetric correlation matrix as described by Pinheiro and Bates and implemented in the nlme package. It depends on n×(n1)/2n \times (n - 1) / 2 parameters θij\theta_{ij} where the indices ii and jj are such that 1j<in1 \leq j < i \leq n. The parameters θij\theta_{ij} are angles and are to be taken to be in [0,π)[0, \pi) for a one-to-one parameterisation.


A correlation matrix (or its Cholesky root) with the optional gradient attribute.


This function is essentially for internal use and the corresponding correlation or covariance kernels are created as covQual objects by using the q1Symm creator.

The parameters θij\theta_{ij} are used in row order rather than in the column order as in the reference or in the nlme package. This order simplifies the computation of the gradients.


Jose C. Pinheiro and Douglas M. Bates (1996). "Unconstrained Parameterizations for Variance-Covariance matrices". Statistics and Computing, 6(3) pp. 289-296.

Jose C. Pinheiro and Douglas M. Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS, Springer.

See Also

The corSymm correlation structure in the nlme package.


checkGrad <- TRUE
nlevels <- 12
npar <- nlevels * (nlevels - 1) / 2
par <- runif(npar, min = 0, max = pi)
## Compare R and C implementations for 'lowerSQRT = TRUE'
tR <- system.time(TR <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels,
                                   par = par, lowerSQRT = TRUE, impl = "R"))
tC <- system.time(T <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels, par = par,
                                  lowerSQRT = TRUE))
tC2 <- system.time(T2 <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels, par = par,
                                    lowerSQRT = TRUE, compGrad = FALSE))
## time
rbind(R = tR, C = tC, C2 = tC2)

## results
max(abs(T - TR))
max(abs(T2 - TR))

## Compare R and C implementations for 'lowerSQRT = FALSE'
tR <- system.time(TRF <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels, par = par,
                                    lowerSQRT = FALSE, impl = "R"))
tC <- system.time(TCF <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels, par = par,
                                    compGrad = FALSE, lowerSQRT = FALSE))
tC2 <- system.time(TCF2 <- corLevSymm(nlevels = nlevels, par = par,
                                      compGrad = TRUE, lowerSQRT = FALSE))
rbind(R = tR, C = tC, C2 = tC2)
max(abs(TCF - TRF))
max(abs(TCF2 - TRF))

## Compare the gradients

if (checkGrad) {


    ## lower SQRT case
    JR <- jacobian(fun = corLevSymm, x = par, nlevels = nlevels,
                   lowerSQRT = TRUE, method = "complex", impl = "R")
    J <- attr(T, "gradient")

    ## redim and compare.
    dim(JR) <- dim(J)
    max(abs(J - JR))
    nG <- length(JR)
    plot(1:nG, as.vector(JR), type = "p", pch = 21, col = "SpringGreen3",
         cex = 0.8, ylim = range(J, JR),
         main = "gradient check, lowerSQRT = TRUE")
    points(x = 1:nG, y = as.vector(J), pch = 16, cex = 0.6, col = "orangered")

    ## Symmetric case
    JR <- jacobian(fun = corLevSymm, x = par, nlevels = nlevels,
                   lowerSQRT = FALSE, impl = "R", method = "complex")
    J <- attr(TCF2, "gradient")

    ## redim and compare.
    dim(JR) <- dim(J)
    max(abs(J - JR))
    nG <- length(JR)
    plot(1:nG, as.vector(JR), type = "p", pch = 21, col = "SpringGreen3",
         cex = 0.8,
         ylim = range(J, JR),
         main = "gradient check, lowerSQRT = FALSE")
    points(x = 1:nG, y = as.vector(J), pch = 16, cex = 0.6, col = "orangered")

[Package kergp version 0.5.7 Index]