covOrd {kergp}R Documentation

Warping-Based Covariance for an Ordinal Input


Creator function for the class covOrd-class


       k1Fun1 = k1Fun1Matern5_2, 
       warpFun = c("norm", "unorm", "power", "spline1", "spline2"), 
       cov = c("corr", "homo"), 
       hasGrad = TRUE, inputs = "u", 
       par = NULL, parLower = NULL, parUpper = NULL, 
       warpKnots = NULL, nWarpKnots = NULL,
       label = "Ordinal kernel", 
       intAsChar = TRUE, 



An object coerced to ordered representing an ordinal input. Only the levels and their order will be used.


A function representing a 1-dimensional stationary kernel function, with no or fixed parameters.


Character corresponding to an increasing warping function. See warpFun.


Character indicating whether a correlation or homoscedastic kernel is used.


Object of class "logical". If TRUE, both k1Fun1 and warpFun must return the gradient as an attribute of the result.


Character: name of the ordinal input.

par, parLower, parUpper

Numeric vectors containing covariance parameter values/bounds in the following order: warping, range and variance if required (cov == "homo").


Numeric vector containing the knots used when a spline warping is chosen. The knots must be in [0, 1], and 0 and 1 are automatically added if not provided. The number of knots cannot be greater than the number of levels.


Number of knots when a spline warping is used. Ignored if warpKnots is given. nWarpKnots cannot be greater than the number of levels.


Character giving a brief description of the kernel.


Logical. If TRUE (default), an integer-valued input will be coerced into a character. Otherwise, it will be coerced into a factor.


Not used at this stage.


Covariance kernel for qualitative ordered inputs obtained by warping.

Let u be an ordered factor with levels u_1, \dots, u_L. Let k_1 be a 1-dimensional stationary kernel (with no or fixed parameters), F a warping function i.e. an increasing function on the interval [0,1] and \theta a scale parameter. Then k is defined by:

k(u_i, u_j) = k_1([F(z_i) - F(z_{j})]/\theta)

where z_1, \dots, z_L form a regular sequence from 0 to 1 (included). At this stage, the possible choices are:

Notice that for unnormalized F, we set \theta to 1, in order to avoid overparameterization.


An object of class covOrd-class, inheriting from covQual-class.

See Also

covOrd-class, warpFun


u <- ordered(1:6, labels = letters[1:6])

myCov <- covOrd(ordered = u, cov = "homo", intAsChar = FALSE)
coef(myCov) <- c(mean = 0.5, sd = 1, theta = 3, sigma2 = 2)

checkX(myCov, X = data.frame(u = c(1L, 3L)))
covMat(myCov, X = data.frame(u = c(1L, 3L)))

myCov2 <- covOrd(ordered = u, k1Fun1 = k1Fun1Cos, warpFun = "power")
coef(myCov2) <- c(pow = 1, theta = 1) 

plot(myCov2, type = "cor", method = "ellipse")
plot(myCov2, type = "warp", col = "blue", lwd = 2)

myCov3 <- covOrd(ordered = u, k1Fun1 = k1Fun1Cos, warpFun = "spline1")
coef(myCov3) <- c(rep(0.5, 2), 2, rep(0.5, 2))

plot(myCov3, type = "cor", method = "ellipse")
plot(myCov3, type = "warp", col = "blue", lwd = 2)

str(warpPower)  # details on the list describing the Power cdf
str(warpNorm)   # details on the list describing the Normal cdf

[Package kergp version 0.5.7 Index]