Interpreting Time Series and Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMs

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Documentation for package ‘itsadug’ version 2.4.1

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acf_n_plots Generate N ACF plots of individual or aggregated time series.
acf_plot Generate an ACF plot of an aggregated time series.
acf_resid Generate an ACF plot of model residuals. Works for lm, lmer, gam, bam, ....
check_resid Inspect residuals of regression models.
compareML Function for comparing two GAMM models.
convertNonAlphanumeric Prepare string for regular expressions (backslash for all non-letter and non-digit characters)
corfit Calculate the correlation between the fitted model and data.
derive_timeseries Derive the time series used in the AR1 model.
diagnostics Visualization of the model fit for time series data.
diff_terms Compare the formulas of two models and return the difference(s).
dispersion Calculate the dispersion of the residuals
eeg Raw EEG data, single trial, 50Hz.
fadeRug Fade out the areas in a surface without data.
find_difference Return the regions in which the smooth is significantly different from zero.
fvisgam Visualization of nonlinear interactions, summed effects.
gamtabs Convert model summary into Latex/HTML table for knitr/R Markdown reports.
get_coefs Get coefficients for the parametric terms (intercepts and random slopes).
get_difference Get model predictions for differences between conditions.
get_fitted Get model all fitted values.
get_modelterm Get estimated for selected model terms.
get_pca_predictions Return PCA predictions.
get_predictions Get model predictions for specific conditions.
get_random Get coefficients for the random intercepts and random slopes.
info Information on how to cite this package
infoMessages Turn on or off information messages.
inspect_random Inspection and interpretation of random factor smooths.
itsadug Interpreting Time Series, Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMs (itsadug)
missing_est Return indices of data that were not fitted by the model.
modeledf Retrieve the degrees of freedom specified in the model.
observations Number of observations in the model.
plotDiff Plot difference curve based on model predictions.
plotDiff2D Plot difference surface based on model predictions.
plot_data Visualization of the model fit for time series data.
plot_diff Plot difference curve based on model predictions.
plot_diff2 Plot difference surface based on model predictions.
plot_modelfit Visualization of the model fit for time series data.
plot_parametric Visualization of group estimates.
plot_pca_surface Visualization of the effect predictors in nonlinear interactions with principled components.
plot_smooth Visualization of smooths.
plot_topo Visualization of EEG topo maps.
print_summary Print a named list of strings, output from 'summary_data'.
pvisgam Visualization of partial nonlinear interactions.
refLevels Return a list with reference levels for each factor.
report_stats Returns a description of the statistics of the smooth terms for reporting.
resid.gam Extract model residuals and remove the autocorrelation accounted for.
resid_gam Extract model residuals and remove the autocorrelation accounted for.
res_df Retrieve the residual degrees of freedom from the model.
rug_model Add rug to plot, based on model.
simdat Simulated time series data.
start_event Determine the starting point for each time series.
start_value_rho Extract the Lag 1 value from the ACF of the residuals of a gam, bam, lm, lmer model, ...
summary_data Print a descriptive summary of a data frame.
timeBins Label timestamps as timebins of a given binsize.
wald_gam Function for post-hoc comparison of the contrasts in a single GAMM model.