accTrainTest |
Two subsets of data each take in turn the role of test set |
aovFbyrow |
calculate aov F-statistic for each row of a matrix |
cvdisc |
Cross-validated accuracy, in linear discriminant calculations |
cvscores |
For high-dimensional data with known groups, derive scores for plotting |
defectiveCVdisc |
defective accuracy assessments from linear discriminant calculations |
divideUp |
Partition data into mutiple nearly equal subsets |
Golub |
Golub data (7129 rows by 72 columns), after normalization |
golubInfo |
Classifying factors for the 72 columns of the Golub data set |
orderFeatures |
Order features, based on their ability to discriminate |
pcp |
convenience version of the singular value decomposition |
plotTrainTest |
Plot predictions for both a I/II train/test split, and the reverse |
qqthin |
a version of qqplot() that thins out points that overplot |
scoreplot |
Plot discriminant function scores, with various identification |
simulateScores |
Generate linear discriminant scores from random data, after selection |