cvscores {hddplot} | R Documentation |
For high-dimensional data with known groups, derive scores for plotting
This is designed to used with the output from
. Test and training scores from successive
cross-validation steps determine, via a principal components
calculation, a low-dimensional global space onto which test scores are
projected, in order to plot them.
cvscores(cvlist, nfeatures, ndisc = NULL, cl.other,
x.other, keepcols = NULL, print.progress = TRUE)
cvlist |
Output object from |
nfeatures |
Number of features to use |
ndisc |
Dimension of space in which scores will be formed, at most one less than the number of groups |
cl.other |
Classifies additional observations that are to be projected onto the same low-dimensional space |
x.other |
Matrix from which additional observations will be taken |
keepcols |
Number of sets of principal component scores to use in discriminant calculations and consequent evaluation of scores that will determine the low-dimensional global space |
print.progress |
Set to |
scores |
Scores that can be plotted |
cl |
Factor that was used to classify observations into groups |
other.scores |
Other scores, if any, for plotting |
cl.other |
Factor that was used to classify the 'other' data into groups |
nfeatures |
Number of features used |
The methodology used here has developed beyond that described in Maindonald and Burden (2005)
John Maindonald
J. H. Maindonald and C. J. Burden, 2005. Selection bias in plots of microarray or other data that have been sampled from a high-dimensional space. In R. May and A.J. Roberts, eds., Proceedings of 12th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference CTAC-2004, volume 46, pp. C59–C74. [March 15, 2005]
See Also
## Use first 500 rows (expression values) of Golub, for demonstration.
miniG.BM <- Golub[1:500, BM.PB=="BM"] # 1st 500 rows only
cancer.BM <- cancer[BM.PB=="BM"] <- cvdisc(miniG.BM, cl=cancer.BM, nfeatures=1:10,
miniG.scores <- cvscores(, nfeatures=4,
## The function is currently defined as
function(cvlist, nfeatures, ndisc=NULL, cl.other, x.other,
keepcols=NULL, print.progress=TRUE
foldids <- cvlist$foldids
nfold <- c(length(unique(foldids)), dim(foldids)[2])
ugenes <- unique(as.vector(cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, ,]))
df <- cvlist$xUsed[, ugenes]
cl <- cvlist$cl
stop(paste("length(cl) =", length(cl),"does not equal",
"dim(cvlist$df)[1] =", dim(df)[1]))
levnames <- levels(cl)
if(is.null(ndisc))ndisc <- length(levnames)-1
ngp <- length(levnames)
nobs <- dim(df)[1]
allscores <- array(0, dim=c(nrow=nobs, ncol=ndisc*nfold[1], nleaf=nfold[2]))
cl.other <- factor(cl.other)
if(is.null(dim(x.other)))stop("x.other must have dimension 2")
stop(paste("length(cl.other) =", length(cl.other),"does not equal",
"dim(x.other)[2] =", dim(x.other)[2]))
df.other <- data.frame(t(x.other[ugenes, ,drop=FALSE]))
colnames(df.other) <- ugenes
else other.scores <- NULL
for(k in 1:nfold[2]){
foldk <- foldids[,k]
ufold <- sort(unique(foldk))
j <- 0
for(i in ufold){
j <- j+1
if(print.progress)cat(paste(if(j>1) ":" else "", i,sep=""))
testi <- (1:nobs)[foldk==i]
traini <- (1:nobs)[foldk!=i]
ntest <- length(testi)
ntrain <- nobs-ntest
genes.i <- cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, i, k]
dfi <-[-testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
newdfi <-[testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
cli <- cl[-testi]
xy.xda <- lda(cli~., data=dfi)
allscores[, ((i-1)*ndisc)+(1:ndisc), k] <-
predict(xy.xda, newdata=df, dimen=ndisc)$x
dim(allscores) <- c(nobs, ndisc*prod(nfold))
if(is.null(keepcols))keepcols <- min(nfeatures, dim(allscores)[2])
allscores.pcp <- data.frame(pcp(allscores, varscores=FALSE)$g[, 1:keepcols])
globals <- predict(lda(cl ~ ., data=allscores.pcp))$x[,1:ndisc]
fitscores <- array(0, dim=c(nrow=nobs, ncol=ndisc, nleaf=nfold[2]))
for(k in 1:nfold[2]){
foldk <- foldids[,k]
ufold <- sort(unique(foldk))
## ntimes.genes <- table(cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures,,k])
av <- colMeans(df)
j <- 0
for(i in ufold){
j <- j+1
cat(paste(if (j>1) ":" else "", i,sep=""))
testi <- (1:nobs)[foldk==i]
traini <- (1:nobs)[foldk!=i]
genes.i <- cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, i, k]
dfi <- data.frame(df[-testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
newdfi <- data.frame(df[testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
cli <- cl[-testi]
traini.xda <- lda(cli~., data=dfi)
scorei <- predict(traini.xda)$x[,1:ndisc]
newpred.xda <- predict(traini.xda, newdata=newdfi)
scorei.out <- newpred.xda$x[, 1:ndisc, drop=FALSE]
scorei.all <- globals[-testi, 1:ndisc]
avcol <- colMeans(scorei.all)
scorei.all <- sweep(scorei.all, 2, avcol,"-")
avi <- colMeans(scorei)
scorei <- sweep(scorei, 2, avi,"-")
trans <- qr.solve(scorei, scorei.all)
scorei.out <- sweep(scorei.out, 2, avi, "-")
fitscores[testi, , k] <- sweep(scorei.out%*%trans, 2, avcol, "+")
fitscores <- apply(fitscores, 1:2, mean)
Fmatrix <- cvlist$Fmatrix
ord <- order(Fmatrix)[1:nfeatures]
rowcol <- cbind(as.vector(row(Fmatrix))[ord],as.vector(col(Fmatrix))[ord])
ugenes <- unique(as.vector(cvlist$genelist[rowcol]))
df <- cvlist$xUsed[, ugenes]
xy.xda <- lda(cl~., data=df)
train.scores <- predict(xy.xda, dimen=ndisc)$x
other.scores <- predict(xy.xda, newdata=df.other,
avcol <- colMeans(globals)
all.scores <- sweep(globals, 2, avcol,"-")
av.train <- colMeans(train.scores)
train.scores <- sweep(train.scores, 2, av.train, "-")
trans <- qr.solve(train.scores, all.scores)
other.scores <- sweep(other.scores%*%trans, 2, avcol, "+")
invisible(list(scores=fitscores, cl=cl, other=other.scores,
cl.other=cl.other, nfeatures=nfeatures))