simulateScores {hddplot} | R Documentation |
Generate linear discriminant scores from random data, after selection
Simulates the effect of generating scores from random data, possibly with predicted scores calculates also for additional 'observations'
simulateScores(nrows = 7129, cl = rep(1:3, c(19, 10, 2)), x = NULL, cl.other = NULL,
x.other = NULL, nfeatures = 15, dimen=2, seed = NULL)
nrows |
number of rows of random data matrix |
cl |
classifying factor |
x |
data matrix, by default randomly generated |
cl.other |
classifying factor for additional observations |
x.other |
additional observations |
nfeatures |
number of features to select (by default uses aov F-statistic) |
dimen |
number of sets of discriminant scores to retain (at most
one less than number of levels of |
seed |
set, if required, so that calculations can be reproduced |
scores |
matrix of scores |
cl |
classifying factor |
other |
matrix of 'other' scores |
cl.other |
classifying factor for |
nfeatures |
number of features used in generating the scores |
NB: Prior to 0.53, this function made (wrongly) a random selection of features.
John Maindonald
scorelist <- simulateScores(nrows=500, cl=rep(1:3, c(19,10,2)))
plot(scorelist$scores, col=unclass(scorelist$cl), pch=16)
## The function is currently defined as
simulateScores <-
function (nrows = 7129, cl = rep(1:3, c(19, 10, 2)), x = NULL,
cl.other = NULL, x.other = NULL, nfeatures = 15, dimen = 2,
seed = NULL)
if (!is.null(seed))
m <- length(cl)
m.other <- length(cl.other)
if (is.null(x)) {
x <- matrix(rnorm(nrows * m), nrow = nrows)
rownames(x) <- paste(1:nrows)
else nrows <- dim(x)[1]
if (is.null(x.other)) {
x.other <- matrix(rnorm(nrows * m.other), nrow = nrows)
rownames(x.other) <- paste(1:nrows)
if (is.numeric(cl))
cl <- paste("Gp", cl, sep = "")
if (is.numeric(cl.other))
cl.other <- paste("Gp", cl.other, sep = "")
cl.other <- factor(cl.other)
cl <- factor(cl)
if (dimen > length(levels(cl)) - 1)
dimen <- length(levels(cl)) - 1
ordfeatures <- orderFeatures(x, cl = cl, values = TRUE)
stat <- ordfeatures$stat[1:nfeatures]
ord.use <- ordfeatures$ord[1:nfeatures]
xUse.ord <- data.frame(t(x[ord.use, ]))
xUseOther.ord <- data.frame(t(x.other[ord.use, ]))
ordUse.lda <- lda(xUse.ord, grouping = cl)
scores <- predict(ordUse.lda, dimen = dimen)$x
scores.other <- predict(ordUse.lda, newdata = xUseOther.ord,
dimen = dimen)$x else
scores.other <- NULL
invisible(list(scores = scores, cl = cl, other = scores.other,
cl.other = cl.other, nfeatures = nfeatures))