General Recognition Theory

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Documentation for package ‘grt’ version 0.2.1

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grt-package General Recognition Theory
angle2cart Convert 'new' to 'old' glcStruct format
cart2angle Convert 'old' to 'new' glcStruct format
coef.gcjc Extract 'glc' or 'gcjc' coefficients
coef.glc Extract 'glc' or 'gcjc' coefficients
coef.glcStruct Extract 'glc' or 'gcjc' coefficients
dprime Calculate d' (d-prime)
dprimef Calculate d' (d-prime)
extractAIC.gcjc extractAIC method for class 'glc', 'gqc', 'gcjc', and 'grg'
extractAIC.glc extractAIC method for class 'glc', 'gqc', 'gcjc', and 'grg'
extractAIC.gqc extractAIC method for class 'glc', 'gqc', 'gcjc', and 'grg'
extractAIC.grg extractAIC method for class 'glc', 'gqc', 'gcjc', and 'grg'
gaborPatch Draw a gray-scale Gabor Patch
gcjc General Conjunctive Classifier
gcjcStruct General Conjunctive Classifier structure
glc General Linear Classifier
glcStruct General Linear Classifier structure
gqc General Quadratic Classifier
gqcStruct General Quadratic Classifier structure.
grg General Random Guessing model
grt General Recognition Theory
grtMeans Obtain means of two multivariate normal populations satisfying certain criteria
grtrnorm Sample from multiple multivariate normal distributions
ldb Linear Decision Bound
ldb.p.correct Probability of correct classification based on the optimal linear decision bound.
lines.gqcStruct lines Method for class 'gqc'
logLik.gcjc Log-Likelihood of a 'glc' or 'gcjc' Object
logLik.gcjcStruct Log-Likelihood of a 'glcStruct' or 'gcjcStruct' Object
logLik.glc Log-Likelihood of a 'glc' or 'gcjc' Object
logLik.glcStruct Log-Likelihood of a 'glcStruct' or 'gcjcStruct' Object
logLik.gqc Log-Likelihood of a 'gqc' Object
logLik.gqcStruct Log-Likelihood of a 'gqcStruct' Object
mcovs Calculate sample means and covariance(s) of multivariate data
mcovs.default Calculate sample means and covariance(s) of multivariate data
mcovs.formula Calculate sample means and covariance(s) of multivariate data
new2old_par Convert 'new' to 'old' glcStruct format
old2new_par Convert 'old' to 'new' glcStruct format
plot.gcjc Plot Method for Class 'gcjc'
plot.glc Plot Method for Class 'glc'
plot.gqc plot Method for Class 'gqc'
plot3d.glc plot3d Method for Class 'glc'
plot3d.gqc plot3d Method for Class 'gqc'
predict.glc predict method for General Linear Classifier
print.gcjc General Conjunctive Classifier
print.glc General Linear Classifier
print.gqc General Quadratic Classifier
qdb Quadratic Decision Bound
qdb.p.correct the proportion correct of the quadratic decision boundary.
scale Scale method for the class 'glc' and 'gqc'
scale.glc Scale method for the class 'glc' and 'gqc'
scale.gqc Scale method for the class 'glc' and 'gqc'
subjdemo_1d Sample dataset of a categorization experiment with 1D stimuli.
subjdemo_2d Sample dataset of a categorization experiment with 2D stimuli.
subjdemo_3d Sample dataset of a categorization experiment with 3D stimuli.
subjdemo_cj Sample dataset of a categorization experiment with 2D conjunctive stimuli.
unscale Un-scale or re-center the scaled or centered Matrix-like object