Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special Cases

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Documentation for package ‘ghyp’ version 1.6.4

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ghyp-package A package on the generalized hyperbolic distribution and its special cases
AIC-method Extract Log-Likelihood and Akaike's Information Criterion
AIC.mle.ghyp Extract Log-Likelihood and Akaike's Information Criterion
coef-method Extract parameters of generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
coef.ghyp Extract parameters of generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
coefficients-method Extract parameters of generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
contribution Class ghyp.attribution
contribution-method Class ghyp.attribution
dghyp The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
dgig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Egig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
ESghyp Risk and Performance Measures
ESghyp.attribution Risk attribution.
ESgig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
fit.gaussmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.gaussuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
fit.ghypmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.ghypuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
fit.hypmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.hypuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
fit.NIGmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.NIGuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
fit.tmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.tuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
fit.VGmv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to multivariate data
fit.VGuv Fitting generalized hyperbolic distributions to univariate data
gauss Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
ghyp Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
ghyp-class Classes ghyp and mle.ghyp Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
ghyp.attribution-class Class ghyp.attribution Get methods for objects inheriting from class ghyp
ghyp.dim Get methods for objects inheriting from class ghyp Get methods for objects inheriting from class ghyp
ghyp.kurtosis Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
ghyp.moment Compute moments of generalized hyperbolic distributions Get methods for objects inheriting from class ghyp Risk and Performance Measures
ghyp.skewness Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
hist-method Histogram for univariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
hist-methods Histogram for univariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
hist.ghyp Histogram for univariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
hyp Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
indices Monthly returns of five indices
lik.ratio.test Likelihood-ratio test
lines-method Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
lines-methods Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
lines.ghyp Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
logLik-method Extract Log-Likelihood and Akaike's Information Criterion
logLik.mle.ghyp Extract Log-Likelihood and Akaike's Information Criterion
mean-method Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
mean-methods Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
mean.ghyp Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
mle.ghyp-class Classes ghyp and mle.ghyp
NIG Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
pairs-method Pairs plot for multivariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
pairs-methods Pairs plot for multivariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
pairs.ghyp Pairs plot for multivariate generalized hyperbolic distributions
pghyp The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
pgig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
plot-method Plot ES contribution
plot-method Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
plot-methods Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
plot.ghyp Plot univariate generalized hyperbolic densities
plot.ghyp.attrib Plot ES contribution
portfolio.optimize Portfolio optimization with respect to alternative risk measures
qghyp The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
qgig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
qqghyp Quantile-Quantile Plot
rghyp The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution
rgig The Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
scale-method Scaling and Centering of ghyp Objects
scale.ghyp Scaling and Centering of ghyp Objects
sensitivity Class ghyp.attribution
sensitivity-method Class ghyp.attribution
show-method Classes ghyp and mle.ghyp
show.ghyp Classes ghyp and mle.ghyp
show.mle.ghyp Classes ghyp and mle.ghyp
smi.stocks Daily returns of five swiss blue chips and the SMI
stepAIC.ghyp Perform a model selection based on the AIC
student.t Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
summary-method mle.ghyp summary
summary-methods mle.ghyp summary
summary.mle.ghyp mle.ghyp summary
transform-method Linear transformation and extraction of generalized hyperbolic distributions
transform.ghyp Linear transformation and extraction of generalized hyperbolic distributions
vcov-method Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
vcov-methods Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
vcov.ghyp Expected value, variance-covariance, skewness and kurtosis of generalized hyperbolic distributions
VG Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects Create generalized hyperbolic distribution objects
weights-method Class ghyp.attribution
[-method Linear transformation and extraction of generalized hyperbolic distributions
[.ghyp Linear transformation and extraction of generalized hyperbolic distributions