ghyp-package {ghyp}R Documentation

A package on the generalized hyperbolic distribution and its special cases


This package provides detailed functionality for working with the univariate and multivariate Generalized Hyperbolic distribution and its special cases (Hyperbolic (hyp), Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG), Variance Gamma (VG), skewed Student-t and Gaussian distribution). Especially, it contains fitting procedures, an AIC-based model selection routine, and functions for the computation of density, quantile, probability, random variates, expected shortfall and some portfolio optimization and plotting routines as well as the likelihood ratio test. In addition, it contains the Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution.



ghyp Initialize a generalized hyperbolic distribution.
hyp Initialize a hyperbolic distribution.
NIG Initialize a normal inverse gaussian distribution.
VG Initialize a variance gamma distribution.
student.t Initialize a Student-t distribution.
gauss Initialize a Gaussian distribution.

Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation:

dghyp Density of a generalized hyperbolic distribution.
pghyp Distribution function of a generalized hyperbolic distribution.
qghyp Quantile of a univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution.
rghyp Random generation of a generalized hyperbolic distribution.

Fit to data:

fit.ghypuv Fit a generalized hyperbolic distribution to univariate data.
fit.hypuv Fit a hyperbolic distribution to univariate data.
fit.NIGuv Fit a normal inverse gaussian distribution to univariate data.
fit.VGuv Fit a variance gamma distribution to univariate data.
fit.tuv Fit a skewed Student-t distribution to univariate data.
fit.gaussuv Fit a Gaussian distribution to univariate data.
fit.ghypmv Fit a generalized hyperbolic distribution to multivariate data.
fit.hypmv Fit a hyperbolic distribution to multivariate data.
fit.NIGmv Fit a normal inverse gaussian distribution to multivariate data.
fit.VGmv Fit a variance gamma distribution to multivariate data.
fit.tmv Fit a skewed Student-t distribution to multivariate data.
fit.gaussmv Fit a Gaussian distribution to multivariate data.
stepAIC.ghyp Perform a model selection based on the AIC.

Risk, performance and portfolio optimization:

ESghyp Expected shortfall of a univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution. Performance measure Omega based on a univariate ghyp distribution.
portfolio.optimize Calculate optimal portfolios with respect to alternative risk measures.


mean Returns the expected value.
vcov Returns the variance(-covariance).
ghyp.skewness Skewness of a univariate ghyp distribution.
ghyp.kurtosis Kurtosis of a univariate ghyp distribution.
logLik Returns Log-Likelihood of fitted ghyp objects.
AIC Returns the Akaike's Information Criterion of fitted ghyp objects.
lik.ratio.test Performs a likelihood-ratio test on fitted ghyp distributions.
[ Extract certain dimensions of a multivariate ghyp distribution.
scale Scale ghyp distribution objects to zero expectation and/or unit variance.
transform Transform a multivariate generalized hyperbolic distribution.
ghyp.moment Moments of the univariate ghyp distribution.
coef Parameters of a generalized hyperbolic distribution. Data of a (fitted) generalized hyperbolic distribution. Information about the fitting procedure, log-likelihood and AIC value. Returns the name of the ghyp distribution or a subclass of it.
ghyp.dim Returns the dimension of a ghyp object.
summary Summary of a fitted generalized hyperbolic distribution.

Plot functions:

qqghyp Perform a quantile-quantile plot of a (fitted) univariate ghyp distribution.
hist Plot a histogram of a (fitted) univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution.
pairs Produce a matrix of scatterplots with quantile-quantile plots on the diagonal.
plot Plot the density of a univariate ghyp distribution.
lines Add the density of a univariate ghyp distribution to a graphics device.

Generalized inverse gaussian distribution:

dgig Density of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution
pgig Distribution function of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution
qgig Quantile of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution
ESgig Expected shortfall of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution
rgig Random generation of a generalized inverse gaussian distribution

Package vignette:
A document about generalized hyperbolic distributions can be found in the doc folder of this package or on

Existing solutions

There are packages like GeneralizedHyperbolic, HyperbolicDist, SkewHyperbolic, VarianceGamma and fBasics which cover the univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution and/or some of its special cases. However, the univariate case is contained in this package as well because we aim to provide a uniform interface to deal with generalized hyperbolic distribution. Recently an R port of the S-Plus library QRMlib was released. The package QRMlib contains fitting procedures for the multivariate NIG, hyp and skewed Student-t distribution but not for the generalized hyperbolic case. The package fMultivar implements a fitting routine for multivariate skewed Student-t distributions as well.

Object orientation

We follow an object-oriented programming approach in this package and introduce distribution objects. There are mainly four reasons for that:


This package has been partially developed in the framework of the COST-P10 “Physics of Risk” project. Financial support by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SBF) is gratefully acknowledged.


David Luethi, Wolfgang Breymann

Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design (

Maintainer: Marc Weibel <>


Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools by Alexander J. McNeil, Ruediger Frey and Paul Embrechts
Princeton Press, 2005

Intermediate probability: A computational approach by Marc Paolella
Wiley, 2007

S-Plus and R Library for Quantitative Risk Management QRMlib by Alexander J. McNeil (2005) and Scott Ulman (R-port) (2007)

[Package ghyp version 1.6.4 Index]