Get Gene Sets for Gene Enrichment Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘geneset’ version 0.2.7

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Datasets Datasets go_org contains GO species information
enrichr_metadata Datasets go_org contains GO species information
ensOrg_name Datasets go_org contains GO species information
getEnrichrdb Get EnrichrDB geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id
getGO Get GO geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
getHgDisease Get HgDisease geneset and geneset_name Human disease gene sets from Disease Ontology (DO),DisGeNET, Network of Cancer Gene (NCG) version 6 and v7, and covid19-specific. Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
getKEGG Get KEGG geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
getMesh Get MeSH geneset and geneset_name MeSH is the annotation used for MEDLINE/PubMed articles and is manually curated by NLM (U.S. National Library of Medicine). Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
getMsigdb Get MsigDb geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id
getReactome Get Reactome geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
getWiki Get WikiPathway geneset and geneset_name Geneset is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and gene id; Geneset_name is a data.frame of 2 columns with term id and term description
go_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information
kegg_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information
mesh_metadata Datasets go_org contains GO species information
mesh_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information
msigdb_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information
org2cate Datasets go_org contains GO species information
reactome_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information
wiki_org Datasets go_org contains GO species information