ecospat-package |
Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods |
ecospat |
Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods |
ecospat.adj.D2.glm |
Calculate An Adjusted D2 |
ecospat.binary.model |
Generate Binary Models |
ecospat.boyce |
Calculate Boyce Index |
ecospat.calculate.pd |
Calculate Phylogenetic Diversity Measures |
ecospat.caleval |
Calibration And Evaluation Dataset |
ecospat.CCV.communityEvaluation.bin |
Calculates a range of community evaluation metrics based on different thresholding techniques. |
ecospat.CCV.communityEvaluation.prob |
Evaluates community predictions directly on the probabilities (i.e., threshold independent) |
ecospat.CCV.createDataSplitTable |
Creates a DataSplitTable for usage in ecospat.ccv.modeling. |
ecospat.CCV.modeling |
Runs indivudual species distribuion models with SDMs or ESMs |
ecospat.climan |
A climate analogy setection tool for the modeling of species distributions |
ecospat.cohen.kappa |
Cohen's Kappa |
ecospat.CommunityEval |
Community Evaluation |
ecospat.cons_Cscore |
Constrained Co-Occurrence Analysis. |
ecospat.cor.plot |
Correlation Plot |
ecospat.co_occurrences |
Species Co-Occurrences |
ecospat.Cscore |
Pairwise co-occurrence Analysis with calculation of the C-score index. | |
GBM Cross Validation | |
GLM Cross Validation | |
Maxent Cross Validation | |
RandomForest Cross Validation |
ecospat.Epred |
Prediction Mean |
ecospat.ESM.EnsembleEvaluation |
Ensemble of Small Models: Evaluation via the Pooling procedure |
ecospat.ESM.EnsembleModeling |
Ensemble of Small Models: Evaluates and Averages Simple Bivariate Models To ESMs |
ecospat.ESM.EnsembleProjection |
Ensemble of Small Models: Projects Calibrated ESMs Into New Space Or Time. |
ecospat.ESM.Modeling |
Ensemble of Small Models: Calibration of Simple Bivariate Models |
ecospat.ESM.Projection |
Ensemble of Small Models: Projects Simple Bivariate Models Into New Space Or Time |
ecospat.ESM.responsePlot |
Produce response plots for ESMs |
ecospat.ESM.threshold |
Thresholds for Ensemble of Small Models |
ecospat.ESM.VarContrib |
Variable contribution in ESM |
ecospat.grid.clim.dyn |
Dynamic Occurrence Densities Grid |
ecospat.mantel.correlogram |
Mantel Correlogram |
ecospat.margin |
Delineation of the distribution's margin and its uncertainty |
ecospat.max.kappa |
Maximum Kappa |
ecospat.max.tss |
Maximum TSS |
ecospat.maxentvarimport |
Maxent Variable Importance |
ecospat.mdr |
Minimum Dispersal Routes) |
ecospat.mess |
ecospat.meva.table |
Model Evaluation For A Given Threshold Value |
ecospat.mpa |
Minimal Predicted Area |
ecospat.niche.dyn.index |
Niche Pioneering, Expansion, Stability, Unfilling and Abandonment |
ecospat.niche.dynIndexProjGeo |
Projection of niche dynamic indices to the Geography |
ecospat.niche.equivalency.test |
Niche Equivalency Test |
ecospat.niche.overlap |
Calculate Niche Overlap |
ecospat.niche.similarity.test |
Niche Similarity Test |
ecospat.niche.zProjGeo |
Projection of Occurrence Densities to the Geography |
ecospat.nicheNBmean |
Niche position and niche breadth) |
ecospat.nichePOSNB |
Niche position and niche breadth) |
ecospat.npred |
Number Of Predictors |
ecospat.occ.desaggregation |
Species Occurrences Desaggregation |
ecospat.occupied.patch |
Extract occupied patches of a species in geographic space.) |
ecospat.permut.glm |
GLM Permutation Function |
ecospat.plot.contrib |
Plot Variables Contribution |
ecospat.plot.kappa |
Plot Kappa |
ecospat.plot.mess |
Plot MESS |
ecospat.plot.niche |
Plot Niche |
ecospat.plot.niche.dyn |
Plot of categories of Niche dynamics and Species Density |
ecospat.plot.overlap.test |
Plot Overlap Test |
ecospat.plot.tss |
Plot True skill statistic (TSS) |
ecospat.poolingEvaluation |
Evaluation of species distribution models using the pooling procedure |
ecospat.rand.pseudoabsences |
Sample Pseudo-Absences |
ecospat.rangesize |
Quantification of the range size of a species using habitat suitability maps and IUCN criteria) |
ecospat.rcls.grd |
Reclassifying grids function |
ecospat.recstrat_prop |
Random Ecologically Stratified Sampling of propotional numbers |
ecospat.recstrat_regl |
Random Ecologically Stratified Sampling of equal numbers |
ecospat.sample.envar |
Sample Environmental Variables |
ecospat.SESAM.prr |
SESAM Probability Ranking Rule |
ecospat.shift.centroids |
Draw Centroid Arrows |
ecospat.testData |
Test Data For The Ecospat package |
ecospat.testEnv |
Test Environmental SpatRasters for The Ecospat package |
ecospat.testMdr |
Test Data For The ecospat.mdr function |
ecospat.testNiche |
Test Data For The Niche Overlap Analysis |
ecospat.testNiche.inv |
Test Data For The Niche Dynamics Analysis In The Invaded Range Of A Hypothetical Species |
ecospat.testNiche.nat |
Test Data For The Niche Dynamics Analysis In The Native Range Of A Hypothetical Species |
ecospat.testNichePOSNB |
Test AVS Dataset For The Ecospat package |
ecospat.testTree |
Test Tree For The Ecospat package |
ecospat.varpart |
Variation Partitioning For GLM Or GAM |