Data Quality in Epidemiological Research

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Documentation for package ‘dataquieR’ version 2.1.0

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A C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W misc

-- A --

acc_distributions Plots and checks for distributions
acc_distributions_loc Plots and checks for distributions - Location
acc_distributions_loc_ecdf Plots and checks for distributions - Location, ECDF
acc_distributions_only Plots and checks for distributions - only
acc_distributions_only_ecdf Plots and checks for distributions - only, but with ecdf
acc_distributions_prop Plots and checks for distributions - Proportion
acc_end_digits Extension of acc_shape_or_scale to examine uniform distributions of end digits
acc_loess Smoothes and plots adjusted longitudinal measurements
acc_margins Estimate marginal means, see emmeans::emmeans
acc_multivariate_outlier Calculate and plot Mahalanobis distances
acc_robust_univariate_outlier Identify univariate outliers by four different approaches
acc_shape_or_scale Compare observed versus expected distributions
acc_univariate_outlier Identify univariate outliers by four different approaches
acc_varcomp Estimates variance components Convert a full 'dataquieR' report to a 'data.frame'
as.list.dataquieR_resultset Convert a full 'dataquieR' report to a 'list'
ASSOCIATION_DIRECTION Cross-item level metadata attribute name
ASSOCIATION_FORM Cross-item level metadata attribute name
ASSOCIATION_METRIC Cross-item level metadata attribute name
ASSOCIATION_RANGE Cross-item level metadata attribute name

-- C --

cause_label_df Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
CHECK_ID Cross-item level metadata attribute name
CHECK_LABEL Cross-item level metadata attribute name
check_table Data frame with contradiction rules
CODE_CLASS Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
CODE_INTERPRET Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
CODE_LABEL Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
CODE_VALUE Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
COMPATIBILITY Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
com_item_missingness Summarize missingness columnwise (in variable)
com_qualified_item_missingness Compute Indicators for Qualified Item Missingness
com_qualified_segment_missingness Compute Indicators for Qualified Segment Missingness
com_segment_missingness Summarizes missingness for individuals in specific segments
com_unit_missingness Counts all individuals with no measurements at all
CONTRADICTIONS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
contradiction_functions_descriptions description of the contradiction functions
CONTRADICTION_TERM Cross-item level metadata attribute name
CONTRADICTION_TYPE Cross-item level metadata attribute name
con_contradictions Checks user-defined contradictions in study data
con_contradictions_redcap Checks user-defined contradictions in study data
con_inadmissible_categorical Detects variable levels not specified in metadata
con_limit_deviations Detects variable values exceeding limits defined in metadata
CO_VARS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- D --

dataquieR_result Print a dataquieR result returned by dq_report2
dataquieR_resultset Internal constructor for the internal class dataquieR_resultset.
dataquieR_resultset_verify Verify an object of class dataquieR_resultset
DATA_ENTRY_TYPE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DATA_PREPARATION Cross-item level metadata attribute name
DATA_TYPE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DATA_TYPES_OF_R_TYPE All available data types, mapped from their respective R types
datetime Data Types
DECIMALS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
des_scatterplot_matrix Compute Pairwise Correlations
des_summary Compute Descriptive Statistics
DETECTION_LIMITS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DETECTION_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DETECTION_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DF_ELEMENT_COUNT Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_ID_REF_TABLE Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_ID_VARS Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_NAME Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_RECORD_CHECK Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_RECORD_COUNT Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_UNIQUE_ID Data frame level metadata attribute name
DF_UNIQUE_ROWS Data frame level metadata attribute name
dim.dataquieR_resultset2 Get the dimensions of a 'dq_report2' result
dimensions Names of DQ dimensions
dimnames.dataquieR_resultset2 Names of a 'dataquieR' report object (v2.0)
dims Dimension Titles for Prefixes
DISTRIBUTION Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
DISTRIBUTIONS All available probability distributions for acc_shape_or_scale
dq_report Generate a full DQ report
dq_report2 Generate a full DQ report, v2
dq_report_by Generate a stratified full DQ report

-- E --

END_DIGIT_CHECK Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
enum Data Types

-- F --

FLOAT Data Types
float Data Types

-- G --

GOLDSTANDARD Cross-item level metadata attribute name
GRADING_RULESET Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
GROUP_VAR_DEVICE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
GROUP_VAR_OBSERVER Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- H --

HARD_LIMITS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
HARD_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
HARD_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
html_dependency_clipboard HTML Dependency for report headers in 'clipboard'
html_dependency_dataquieR HTML Dependency for 'dataquieR'
html_dependency_report_dt HTML Dependency for report headers in 'DT::datatable'
html_dependency_tippy HTML Dependency for 'tippy'
html_dependency_vert_dt HTML Dependency for vertical headers in 'DT::datatable'

-- I --

INCL_HARD_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_HARD_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_LOCATION_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_LOCATION_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_PROPORTION_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_PROPORTION_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_SOFT_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INCL_SOFT_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
INTEGER Data Types
integer Data Types
int_all_datastructure_dataframe Wrapper function to check for studies data structure
int_all_datastructure_segment Wrapper function to check for segment data structure
int_datatype_matrix Check declared data types of metadata in study data
int_duplicate_content Check for duplicated content
int_duplicate_ids Check for duplicated IDs
int_part_vars_structure Detect Expected Observations
int_sts_element_dataframe Determine missing and/or superfluous data elements
int_sts_element_segment Checks for element set
int_unexp_elements Check for unexpected data element count
int_unexp_records_dataframe Check for unexpected data record count at the data frame level
int_unexp_records_segment Check for unexpected data record count within segments
int_unexp_records_set Check for unexpected data record set

-- J --

JUMP_LIST Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- K --

KEY_DATETIME Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
KEY_DEVICE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
KEY_OBSERVER Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
KEY_STUDY_SEGMENT Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- L --

LABEL Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
LOCATION_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
LOCATION_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
LOCATION_METRIC Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
LOCATION_RANGE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
LONG_LABEL Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- M --

meta_data Data frame with metadata about the study data on variable level
meta_data_cross Well known columns on the 'meta_data_cross-item' sheet
meta_data_dataframe Well known columns on the 'meta_data_dataframe' sheet
meta_data_segment Well known columns on the 'meta_data_segment' sheet
MISSING_LIST Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
MISSING_LIST_TABLE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
missing_matchtable Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes
MULTIVARIATE_OUTLIER_CHECKTYPE Cross-item level metadata attribute name

-- N --

nres return the number of result slots in a report
numeric Data Types
N_RULES Cross-item and item level metadata attribute name

-- O --

OPTIONAL Requirement levels of certain metadata columns

-- P --

PART_VAR Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
pipeline_recursive_result Convert a pipeline result data frame to named encapsulated lists
pipeline_vectorized Call (nearly) one "Accuracy" function with many parameterizations at once automatically
plot.dataquieR_summary Plot a 'dataquieR' summary
prep_add_cause_label_df Convert missing codes in metadata format v1.0 and a missing-cause-table to v2.0 missing list / jump list assignments
prep_add_data_frames Add data frames to the pre-loaded / cache data frame environment
prep_add_missing_codes Insert missing codes for 'NA's based on rules
prep_add_to_meta Support function to augment metadata during data quality reporting
prep_apply_coding Re-Code labels with their respective codes according to the 'meta_data'
prep_check_for_dataquieR_updates Check for package updates
prep_check_meta_data_dataframe Verify and normalize metadata on data frame level
prep_check_meta_data_segment Verify and normalize metadata on segment level
prep_check_meta_names Checks the validity of metadata w.r.t. the provided column names
prep_clean_labels Support function to scan variable labels for applicability
prep_combine_report_summaries Combine two report summaries
prep_create_meta Support function to create data.frames of metadata
prep_create_meta_data_file Instantiate a new metadata file
prep_datatype_from_data Get data types from data
prep_deparse_assignments Convert two vectors from a code-value-table to a key-value list
prep_dq_data_type_of Get the dataquieR 'DATA_TYPE' of 'x'
prep_expand_codes Expand code labels across variables
prep_extract_cause_label_df Extract all missing/jump codes from metadata and export a cause-label-data-frame
prep_extract_classes_by_functions Extract old function based summary from data quality results
prep_extract_summary Extract summary from data quality results
prep_extract_summary.dataquieR_result Extract report summary from reports
prep_extract_summary.dataquieR_resultset2 Extract report summary from reports
prep_get_data_frame Read data from files/URLs
prep_get_labels Fetch a label for a variable based on its purpose
prep_get_user_name Return the logged-in User's Full Name
prep_link_escape Prepare a label as part of a link for 'RMD' files
prep_list_dataframes List Loaded Data Frames
prep_load_folder_with_metadata Pre-load a folder with named (usually more than) one table(s)
prep_load_report Load a 'dq_report2'
prep_load_workbook_like_file Pre-load a file with named (usually more than) one table(s)
prep_map_labels Support function to allocate labels to variables
prep_merge_study_data Merge a list of study data frames to one (sparse) study data frame
prep_meta_data_v1_to_item_level_meta_data Convert item-level metadata from v1.0 to v2.0
prep_min_obs_level Support function to identify the levels of a process variable with minimum number of observations
prep_pmap Support function for a parallel 'pmap'
prep_prepare_dataframes Prepare and verify study data with metadata
prep_purge_data_frame_cache Clear data frame cache
prep_render_pie_chart_from_summaryclasses_ggplot2 Create a 'ggplot2' pie chart
prep_render_pie_chart_from_summaryclasses_plotly Create a 'plotly' pie chart
prep_save_report Save a 'dq_report2'
prep_scalelevel_from_data_and_metadata Heuristics to amend a SCALE_LEVEL column and a UNIT column in the metadata
prep_study2meta Guess a metadata data frame from study data.
prep_summary_to_classes Classify metrics from a report summary table
prep_title_escape Prepare a label as part of a title text for 'RMD' files
prep_valuelabels_from_data Get value labels from data
print.dataquieR_result Print a dataquieR result returned by dq_report2
print.dataquieR_resultset Generate a RMarkdown-based report from a dataquieR report
print.dataquieR_resultset2 Generate a HTML-based report from a dataquieR report
print.dataquieR_summary Print a 'dataquieR' summary
print.interval print implementation for the class 'interval'
print.ReportSummaryTable print implementation for the class 'ReportSummaryTable'
PROPORTION_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
PROPORTION_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
PROPORTION_RANGE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
pro_applicability_matrix Check applicability of DQ functions on study data

-- R --

rbind.ReportSummaryTable Combine 'ReportSummaryTable' outputs
RECODE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
RECOMMENDED Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
REL_VAL Cross-item level metadata attribute name
REQUIRED Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
resnames Return names of result slots (e.g., 3rd dimension of dataquieR results)
resnames.dataquieR_resultset2 Return names of result slots (e.g., 3rd dimension of dataquieR results)

-- S --

SCALE_LEVEL Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
SEGMENT_ID_REF_TABLE Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_ID_TABLE Deprecated segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_ID_VARS Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_MISS Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_PART_VARS Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_RECORD_CHECK Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_RECORD_COUNT Segment level metadata attribute name
SEGMENT_UNIQUE_ROWS Segment level metadata attribute name
set Data Types
SOFT_LIMITS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
SOFT_LIMIT_LOW Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
SOFT_LIMIT_UP Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
SPLIT_CHAR Character used by default as a separator in metadata such as missing codes
STRING Data Types
string Data Types
study_data Data frame with the study data whose quality is being assessed
STUDY_SEGMENT Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
summary.dataquieR_resultset Summarize a dataquieR report
summary.dataquieR_resultset2 Generate a report summary table

-- T --

TECHNICAL Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
TIME_VAR Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- U --

UNIT Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
UNITS Valid unit symbols according to 'units::valid_udunits()'
UNIT_IS_COUNT Is a unit a count according to 'units::valid_udunits()'
UNIT_PREFIXES Valid unit prefixes according to 'units::valid_udunits_prefixes()'
UNIT_SOURCES Maturity stage of a unit according to 'units::valid_udunits()'
UNIVARIATE_OUTLIER_CHECKTYPE Item level metadata attribute name
UNKNOWN Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
util_compute_kurtosis Compute Kurtosis
util_compute_SE_skewness Compute SE.Skewness
util_compute_skewness Compute the Skewness
util_first_row_to_colnames Move the first row of a data frame to its column names

-- V --

VALUE_LABELS Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
VARATT_REQUIRE_LEVELS Requirement levels of certain metadata columns
variable Data Types
variable attribute Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
variable list Data Types
variable roles Variable roles can be one of the following:
VARIABLE_LIST Cross-item level metadata attribute name
VARIABLE_ORDER Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
VARIABLE_ROLE Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns
VARIABLE_ROLES Variable roles can be one of the following:
VAR_NAMES Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- W --

WELL_KNOWN_META_VARIABLE_NAMES Well-known metadata column names, names of metadata columns

-- misc --

[.dataquieR_resultset2 Get a subset of a 'dataquieR' 'dq_report2' report