Count Regression for Correlated Observations with the Beta-Binomial

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Documentation for package ‘corncob’ version 0.4.1

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corncob-package Corncob package documentation.
bbdml Maximum Likelihood for the Beta-binomial Distribution
checkNested Check for nested models
clean_taxa_names Rename taxa
contrastsTest Identify differentially-abundant and differentially-variable taxa using contrasts
convert_phylo Function to subset and convert phyloseq data
corncob Corncob package documentation.
coth Hyperbolic cotangent transformation
dbetabin Betabinomial density
dbetabinom_cts Densities of beta binomial distributions, permitting non integer x and size
dbetabin_neg Negative betabinomial density
differentialTest Identify differentially-abundant and differentially-variable taxa
doBoot Function to run a bootstrap iteration
fishZ Fisher's z transformation
genInits Generate initialization for optimization
getRestrictionTerms Get index of restricted terms for Wald test
gr_full Parameter Gradient Vector
HDIbetabinom Get highest density interval of beta-binomial
hessian Compute Hessian matrix at the MLE
ibd_phylo_otu IBD data, OTU count data frame.
ibd_phylo_sample IBD data, sample data frame.
ibd_phylo_taxa IBD data, taxonomy data frame.
invfishZ Inverse Fisher's z transformation
invlogit Inverse logit transformation
logit Logit transformation
lrtest Likelihood ratio test
objfun Objective function
otu_to_taxonomy Transform OTUs to their taxonomic label
pbLRT Parametric bootstrap likelihood ratio test
pbRao Parametric bootstrap Rao test
pbWald Parametric bootstrap Wald test
plot.bbdml Plotting function
plot.differentialTest differentialTest plot function
print.bbdml Print function
print.differentialTest differentialTest print function
print.summary.bbdml Print summary function
qbetabinom Get quantiles of beta binom
raotest Rao-type chi-squared test (model-based or robust)
sandSE Compute sandwich standard errors. Legacy function. Use sand_vcov instead.
sand_vcov Compute sandwich estimate of variance-covariance matrix
score Compute score at the MLE
simulate.bbdml Simulate from beta-binomial model
soil_phylo_otu Soil data, otu table as data frame.
soil_phylo_sample Soil data, sample data.
soil_phylo_taxa Soil data, taxa table as data frame.
soil_phylum_contrasts_otu Small soil phylum data for contrasts examples, otu table as data frame
soil_phylum_contrasts_sample Small soil phylum data for contrasts examples, sample data as data frame
soil_phylum_small_otu Small soil phylum data for examples, otu table as data frame
soil_phylum_small_otu1 Small soil phylum data for examples, sample data as data frame combined with counts for OTU 1 and sequencing depth.
soil_phylum_small_sample Small soil phylum data for examples, sample data as data frame
summary.bbdml Summary function
waldchisq Wald-type chi-squared test
waldchisq_test Wald-type chi-squared test statistic (model-based or robust)
waldt Wald-type t test (model-based or robust)
warn_phyloseq Function to throw error if the 'phyloseq' package is called but it is not installed