corncob-package |
Corncob package documentation. |
bbdml |
Maximum Likelihood for the Beta-binomial Distribution |
checkNested |
Check for nested models |
clean_taxa_names |
Rename taxa |
contrastsTest |
Identify differentially-abundant and differentially-variable taxa using contrasts |
convert_phylo |
Function to subset and convert phyloseq data |
corncob |
Corncob package documentation. |
coth |
Hyperbolic cotangent transformation |
dbetabin |
Betabinomial density |
dbetabinom_cts |
Densities of beta binomial distributions, permitting non integer x and size |
dbetabin_neg |
Negative betabinomial density |
differentialTest |
Identify differentially-abundant and differentially-variable taxa |
doBoot |
Function to run a bootstrap iteration |
fishZ |
Fisher's z transformation |
genInits |
Generate initialization for optimization |
getRestrictionTerms |
Get index of restricted terms for Wald test |
gr_full |
Parameter Gradient Vector |
HDIbetabinom |
Get highest density interval of beta-binomial |
hessian |
Compute Hessian matrix at the MLE |
ibd_phylo_otu |
IBD data, OTU count data frame. |
ibd_phylo_sample |
IBD data, sample data frame. |
ibd_phylo_taxa |
IBD data, taxonomy data frame. |
invfishZ |
Inverse Fisher's z transformation |
invlogit |
Inverse logit transformation |
logit |
Logit transformation |
lrtest |
Likelihood ratio test |
objfun |
Objective function |
otu_to_taxonomy |
Transform OTUs to their taxonomic label |
pbLRT |
Parametric bootstrap likelihood ratio test |
pbRao |
Parametric bootstrap Rao test |
pbWald |
Parametric bootstrap Wald test |
plot.bbdml |
Plotting function |
plot.differentialTest |
differentialTest plot function |
print.bbdml |
Print function |
print.differentialTest |
differentialTest print function |
print.summary.bbdml |
Print summary function |
qbetabinom |
Get quantiles of beta binom |
raotest |
Rao-type chi-squared test (model-based or robust) |
sandSE |
Compute sandwich standard errors. Legacy function. Use sand_vcov instead. |
sand_vcov |
Compute sandwich estimate of variance-covariance matrix |
score |
Compute score at the MLE |
simulate.bbdml |
Simulate from beta-binomial model |
soil_phylo_otu |
Soil data, otu table as data frame. |
soil_phylo_sample |
Soil data, sample data. |
soil_phylo_taxa |
Soil data, taxa table as data frame. |
soil_phylum_contrasts_otu |
Small soil phylum data for contrasts examples, otu table as data frame |
soil_phylum_contrasts_sample |
Small soil phylum data for contrasts examples, sample data as data frame |
soil_phylum_small_otu |
Small soil phylum data for examples, otu table as data frame |
soil_phylum_small_otu1 |
Small soil phylum data for examples, sample data as data frame combined with counts for OTU 1 and sequencing depth. |
soil_phylum_small_sample |
Small soil phylum data for examples, sample data as data frame |
summary.bbdml |
Summary function |
waldchisq |
Wald-type chi-squared test |
waldchisq_test |
Wald-type chi-squared test statistic (model-based or robust) |
waldt |
Wald-type t test (model-based or robust) |
warn_phyloseq |
Function to throw error if the 'phyloseq' package is called but it is not installed |