Consensus Clustering using Multiple Algorithms and Parameters

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Documentation for package ‘clusterCons’ version 1.2

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clusterCons-package Calculate consensus clustering results from re-sampled clustering experiments with the option of using multiple algorithms and parameters
agnes_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
apcluster_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
auc Calculate area under the curve statistics
auc-class Class "auc"
aucplot Generate an area under the curve plot using lattice graphics
aucs Calculate area under the curve statistics
checks Functions to check the integrity of various objects
clrob Calculate the cluster robustness from consensus clustering results
cluscomp Perform consensus clustering with the option of using multiple algorithms and parameters and merging
clusterCons Calculate consensus clustering results from re-sampled clustering experiments with the option of using multiple algorithms and parameters
consmatrix Class "consmatrix"
consmatrix-class Class "consmatrix"
data_check Functions to check the integrity of various objects
deltak Function to calculate the change in the area under the curve (AUC) across a range of cluster number values
diana_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
dk-class Class "dk"
dkplot Generate a delta-K plot from area under the curve (AUC) values across multiple cluster numbers.
expressionPlot Generate a profile plot for the data partitioned by cluster membership.
expSetProcess Internal function to extract the data from an expressionSet class object from the affy package for use with cluscomp
golub Data sets for the clusterCons package
hclust_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
kmeans_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
membBoxPlot Generate a box and whisker plot of membership robustness for all clusters
memrob Calculate the membership robustness from consensus clustering results
memroblist Class "memroblist"
memroblist-class Class "memroblist"
memrobmatrix Class "memrobmatrix"
memrobmatrix-class Class "memrobmatrix"
mergematrix Class "mergematrix"
mergematrix-class Class "mergematrix"
pam_clmem Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions
sim_class Data sets for the clusterCons package
sim_profile Data sets for the clusterCons package
testcmr Data sets for the clusterCons package
validAUCObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
validConsMatrixObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
validDkObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
validMemRobListObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
validMemRobMatrixObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
validMergeMatrixObject Functions to check the integrity of various objects
wrappers Functions to wrap command calls to clustering functions