Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics

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Documentation for package ‘chemometrics’ version 1.4.4

Help Pages

chemometrics-package This package is the R companion to the book "Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics" written by K. Varmuza and P. Filzmoser (2009).
alr additive logratio transformation
ash ash data
cereal Data from cereals
chemometrics This package is the R companion to the book "Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics" written by K. Varmuza and P. Filzmoser (2009).
clr centered logratio transformation
clvalidity compute and plot cluster validity
delintercept Delete intercept from model matrix
drawMahal Draws ellipses according to Mahalanobis distances
glass glass vessels data
glass.grp glass types of the glass data
hyptis Hyptis data set
ilr isometric logratio transformation
knnEval kNN evaluation by CV
lassocoef Plot Lasso coefficients
lassoCV CV for Lasso regression
lmCV Repeated Cross Validation for lm
Moutlier Plots classical and robust Mahalanobis distances
mvr_dcv Repeated double-cross-validation for PLS and PCR
nipals PCA calculation with the NIPALS algorithm
NIR NIR data
nnetEval Neural network evaluation by CV
PAC GC retention indices
pcaCV Determine the number of PCA components with repeated cross validation
pcaDiagplot Diagnostics plot for PCA
pcaVarexpl PCA diagnostics for variables
Phenyl Phenyl data set
plotcompmvr Component plot for repeated DCV
plotcompprm Component plot for repeated DCV of PRM
plotpredmvr Plot predictions from repeated DCV
plotpredprm Plot predictions from repeated DCV of PRM
plotprm Plot results from robust PLS
plotresmvr Plot residuals from repeated DCV
plotresprm Plot residuals from repeated DCV of PRM
plotRidge Plot results of Ridge regression
plotSEPmvr Plot SEP from repeated DCV
plotSEPprm Plot trimmed SEP from repeated DCV of PRM
plotsom Plot SOM results
pls1_nipals PLS1 by NIPALS
pls2_nipals PLS2 by NIPALS
pls_eigen Eigenvector algorithm for PLS
prm Robust PLS
prm_cv Cross-validation for robust PLS
prm_dcv Repeated double-cross-validation for robust PLS
ridgeCV Repeated CV for Ridge regression
RPvectors Generating random projection directions
sd_trim Trimmed standard deviation
stepwise Stepwise regression
svmEval Support Vector Machine evaluation by CV
treeEval Classification tree evaluation by CV