Business Days Calculations and Utilities

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Documentation for package ‘bizdays’ version 1.0.16

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bizdays-package Business Days Calculations and Utilities
add.bizdays Offsets the given 'dates' by 'n' business days Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
adjust.none Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
adjust.previous Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
bizdays Computes business days between two dates.
bizdays.options bizdays' options
bizdayse Business days and current days equivalence
bizdiff Compute the amount of business days between dates
bizseq Create a sequence of business days
calendar-holidays-weekdays Calendar's holidays and weekdays
calendar-import-export Import and export calendars
calendar-register Calendars register
calendars Calendars register
create.calendar Creates calendars
following Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
getbizdays Obtaining business days using other dates (or month or year) as reference
getdate Obtaining dates using other dates (or month or year) as reference
has_calendars Calendars register
holidays Calendar's holidays and weekdays
holidays.Calendar Calendar's holidays and weekdays
holidays.character Calendar's holidays and weekdays
holidays.default Calendar's holidays and weekdays
is.bizday Checks if the given dates are business days.
load_builtin_calendars Load builtin calendars
load_calendar Import and export calendars
load_quantlib_calendars Calendars from other packages
load_rmetrics_calendars Calendars from other packages
modified.following Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
modified.preceding Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
offset Offsets the given 'dates' by 'n' business days
other-calendars Calendars from other packages
preceding Adjusts the given dates to the next/previous business day
remove_calendars Calendars register
save_calendar Import and export calendars
weekdays.Calendar Calendar's holidays and weekdays
weekdays.character Calendar's holidays and weekdays
weekdays.default Calendar's holidays and weekdays