Monte Carlo for Regression Effect Sizes

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Documentation for package ‘betaMC’ version 1.3.2

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BetaMC Estimate Standardized Regression Coefficients and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
coef.betamc Estimated Parameter Method for an Object of Class 'betamc'
confint.betamc Confidence Intervals Method for an Object of Class 'betamc'
DeltaRSqMC Estimate Improvement in R-Squared and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
DiffBetaMC Estimate Differences of Standardized Slopes and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
MC Generate the Sampling Distribution of Regression Parameters Using the Monte Carlo Method
MCMI Generate the Sampling Distribution of Regression Parameters Using the Monte Carlo Method for Data with Missing Values
nas1982 1982 National Academy of Sciences Doctoral Programs Data
PCorMC Estimate Squared Partial Correlation Coefficients and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
print.betamc Print Method for an Object of Class 'betamc' Print Method for an Object of Class 'mc'
RSqMC Estimate Multiple Correlation Coefficients (R-Squared and Adjusted R-Squared) and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
SCorMC Estimate Semipartial Correlation Coefficients and Generate the Corresponding Sampling Distribution Using the Monte Carlo Method
summary.betamc Summary Method for an Object of Class 'betamc' Summary Method for an Object of Class 'mc'
vcov.betamc Sampling Variance-Covariance Matrix Method for an Object of Class 'betamc'