plot.auditor_model_cooksdistance |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plot.auditor_model_evaluation |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plot.auditor_model_halfnormal |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plot.auditor_model_performance |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plot.auditor_model_residual |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plotACF |
Autocorrelation Function Plot |
plotAutocorrelation |
Autocorrelation of Residuals Plot |
plotCooksDistance |
Influence of Observations Plot |
plotD3 |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3.auditor_model_cooksdistance |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3.auditor_model_evaluation |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3.auditor_model_halfnormal |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3.auditor_model_residual |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3ACF |
Plot Autocorrelation Function in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3Autocorrelation |
Autocorrelation Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3CooksDistance |
Influence of observations Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3HalfNormal |
Plot Half-Normal in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3LIFT |
Plot LIFT in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3Prediction |
Plot Prediction vs Target, Observed or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3REC |
Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3Residual |
Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3ScaleLocation |
Scale Location Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_acf |
Plot Autocorrelation Function in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_auditor |
Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_autocorrelation |
Autocorrelation Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_cooksdistance |
Influence of observations Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_halfnormal |
Plot Half-Normal in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_lift |
Plot LIFT in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_prediction |
Plot Prediction vs Target, Observed or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_rec |
Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_residual |
Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_roc |
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_rroc |
Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC) in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotD3_scalelocation |
Scale Location Plot in D3 with r2d3 package. |
plotHalfNormal |
Half-Normal plot |
plotLIFT |
LIFT Chart |
plotModelCorrelation |
Correlation of Model's Residuals Plot |
plotModelPCA |
Principal Component Analysis of models |
plotModelRanking |
Model Ranking Plot |
plotPrediction |
Predicted response vs Observed or Variable Values |
plotREC |
Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) |
plotResidual |
Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values |
plotResidualBoxplot |
Plot Boxplots of Residuals |
plotResidualDensity |
Residual Density Plot |
plotROC |
Precision-Recall Curve (PRC) |
plotRROC |
Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC) |
plotScaleLocation |
Scale location plot |
plotTwoSidedECDF |
Two-sided Cumulative Distribution Function |
plot_acf |
Autocorrelation Function Plot |
plot_auditor |
Model Diagnostic Plots |
plot_autocorrelation |
Autocorrelation of Residuals Plot |
plot_cooksdistance |
Influence of Observations Plot |
plot_correlation |
Correlation of Model's Residuals Plot |
plot_halfnormal |
Half-Normal plot |
plot_lift |
LIFT Chart |
plot_pca |
Principal Component Analysis of models |
plot_prc |
Precision-Recall Curve (PRC) |
plot_prediction |
Predicted response vs Observed or Variable Values |
plot_radar |
Model Ranking Plot |
plot_rec |
Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) |
plot_residual |
Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values |
plot_residual_boxplot |
Plot Boxplots of Residuals |
plot_residual_density |
Residual Density Plot |
plot_roc |
Precision-Recall Curve (PRC) |
plot_rroc |
Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC) |
plot_scalelocation |
Scale location plot |
plot_tsecdf |
Two-sided Cumulative Distribution Function |
print.auditor_model_cooksdistance |
Prints Model Cook's Distances Summary |
print.auditor_model_evaluation |
Prints Model Evaluation Summary |
print.auditor_model_halfnormal |
Prints Model Halfnormal Summary |
print.auditor_model_performance |
Prints Model Performance Summary |
print.auditor_model_residual |
Prints Model Residual Summary |
print.auditor_score |
Prints of Models Scores |