Model Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘auditor’ version 1.3.5

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-- A --

audit Deprecated
auditorData Artificial auditorData

-- C --

check_residuals Automated tests for model residuals
check_residuals_autocorrelation Checks for autocorrelation in target variable or in residuals
check_residuals_outliers Checks for outliers
check_residuals_trend Checks for trend in residuals

-- M --

modelEvaluation Create model evaluation explanation
modelFit Create Halfnormal Explanation
modelPerformance Create Model Performance Explanation
modelResiduals Create Model Residuals Explanation
model_cooksdistance Cook's distances
model_evaluation Create model evaluation explanation
model_halfnormal Create Halfnormal Explanation
model_performance Create Model Performance Explanation
model_residual Create Model Residuals Explanation

-- O --

observationInfluence Cook's distances

-- P --

plot.auditor_model_cooksdistance Model Diagnostic Plots
plot.auditor_model_evaluation Model Diagnostic Plots
plot.auditor_model_halfnormal Model Diagnostic Plots
plot.auditor_model_performance Model Diagnostic Plots
plot.auditor_model_residual Model Diagnostic Plots
plotACF Autocorrelation Function Plot
plotAutocorrelation Autocorrelation of Residuals Plot
plotCooksDistance Influence of Observations Plot
plotD3 Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3.auditor_model_cooksdistance Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3.auditor_model_evaluation Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3.auditor_model_halfnormal Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3.auditor_model_residual Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3ACF Plot Autocorrelation Function in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3Autocorrelation Autocorrelation Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3CooksDistance Influence of observations Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3HalfNormal Plot Half-Normal in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3LIFT Plot LIFT in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3Prediction Plot Prediction vs Target, Observed or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3REC Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3Residual Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3ScaleLocation Scale Location Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_acf Plot Autocorrelation Function in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_auditor Model Diagnostic Plots in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_autocorrelation Autocorrelation Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_cooksdistance Influence of observations Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_halfnormal Plot Half-Normal in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_lift Plot LIFT in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_prediction Plot Prediction vs Target, Observed or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_rec Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC) in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_residual Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_roc Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_rroc Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC) in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotD3_scalelocation Scale Location Plot in D3 with r2d3 package.
plotHalfNormal Half-Normal plot
plotLIFT LIFT Chart
plotModelCorrelation Correlation of Model's Residuals Plot
plotModelPCA Principal Component Analysis of models
plotModelRanking Model Ranking Plot
plotPrediction Predicted response vs Observed or Variable Values
plotREC Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC)
plotResidual Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values
plotResidualBoxplot Plot Boxplots of Residuals
plotResidualDensity Residual Density Plot
plotROC Precision-Recall Curve (PRC)
plotRROC Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC)
plotScaleLocation Scale location plot
plotTwoSidedECDF Two-sided Cumulative Distribution Function
plot_acf Autocorrelation Function Plot
plot_auditor Model Diagnostic Plots
plot_autocorrelation Autocorrelation of Residuals Plot
plot_cooksdistance Influence of Observations Plot
plot_correlation Correlation of Model's Residuals Plot
plot_halfnormal Half-Normal plot
plot_lift LIFT Chart
plot_pca Principal Component Analysis of models
plot_prc Precision-Recall Curve (PRC)
plot_prediction Predicted response vs Observed or Variable Values
plot_radar Model Ranking Plot
plot_rec Regression Error Characteristic Curves (REC)
plot_residual Plot Residuals vs Observed, Fitted or Variable Values
plot_residual_boxplot Plot Boxplots of Residuals
plot_residual_density Residual Density Plot
plot_roc Precision-Recall Curve (PRC)
plot_rroc Regression Receiver Operating Characteristic (RROC)
plot_scalelocation Scale location plot
plot_tsecdf Two-sided Cumulative Distribution Function
print.auditor_model_cooksdistance Prints Model Cook's Distances Summary
print.auditor_model_evaluation Prints Model Evaluation Summary
print.auditor_model_halfnormal Prints Model Halfnormal Summary
print.auditor_model_performance Prints Model Performance Summary
print.auditor_model_residual Prints Model Residual Summary
print.auditor_score Prints of Models Scores

-- S --

score Model Scores computations
scoreCooksDistance Score based on Cooks Distance
scoreDW Durbin-Watson Score
scoreHalfNormal Half-Normal Score
scoreMAE Mean Absolute Error
scoreMSE Mean Square Error
scorePeak Peak Score
scoreREC Area Over the Curve for REC Curves
scoreRMSE Root Mean Square Error
scoreROC Area Under ROC Curve (AUC)
scoreRROC Area Over the Curve for RROC Curves
scoreRuns Runs Score
score_acc Accuracy
score_auc Area Under ROC Curve (AUC)
score_auprc Area under precision-recall curve
score_cooksdistance Score based on Cooks Distance
score_dw Durbin-Watson Score
score_f1 F1 Score
score_gini Gini Coefficient
score_halfnormal Half-Normal Score
score_mae Mean Absolute Error
score_mse Mean Square Error
score_one_minus_acc One minus accuracy
score_one_minus_auc One minus Area Under ROC Curve (AUC)
score_one_minus_auprc One Minus area under precision-recall curve
score_one_minus_f1 One Minus F1 Score
score_one_minus_gini One minus Gini Coefficient
score_one_minus_precision One Minus Precision
score_one_minus_recall One minus recall
score_one_minus_specificity One minus specificity
score_peak Peak Score
score_precision Precision
score_r2 R-squared
score_rec Area Over the Curve for REC Curves
score_recall Recall
score_rmse Root Mean Square Error
score_rroc Area Over the Curve for RROC Curves
score_runs Runs Score
score_specificity Specificity