asremlPlus-package {asremlPlus}R Documentation

Augments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages Generally in Exploring Prediction Differences


Assists in automating the selection of terms to include in mixed models when 'asreml' is used to fit the models. Procedures are available for choosing models that conform to the hierarchy or marginality principle, for fitting and choosing between two-dimensional spatial models using correlation, natural cubic smoothing spline and P-spline models. A history of the fitting of a sequence of models is kept in a data frame. Also used to compute functions and contrasts of, to investigate differences between and to plot predictions obtained using any model fitting function. The content falls into the following natural groupings: (i) Data, (ii) Model modification functions, (iii) Model selection and description functions, (iv) Model diagnostics and simulation functions, (v) Prediction production and presentation functions, (vi) Response transformation functions, (vii) Object manipulation functions, and (viii) Miscellaneous functions (for further details see 'asremlPlus-package' in help). The 'asreml' package provides a computationally efficient algorithm for fitting a wide range of linear mixed models using Residual Maximum Likelihood. It is a commercial package and a license for it can be purchased from 'VSNi' <> as 'asreml-R', who will supply a zip file for local installation/updating (see <>). It is not needed for functions that are methods for 'alldiffs' and 'data.frame' objects. The package 'asremPlus' can also be installed from <>.

Version: 4.4.35

Date: 2024-06-19


Note that many of the function below are S3 methods so that the suffix can be omitted. Of course, whether or not the suffix is omitted, the object supplied to the first argument must be of the class specified by the suffix. For example getFormulae.asreml is a getFormulae method for an asreml.object and so .asreml can be omitted and the object supplied to the first argument must be of class asreml.

(i) Data
Oats.dat Data for an experiment to investigate nitrogen response of
3 oats varieties.
Wheat.dat Data for an experiment to investigate 25 varieties of
WaterRunoff.dat Data for an experiment to investigate the quality of
water runoff over time
(ii) Model modification
addSpatialModel.asrtests Adds, to a supplied model, a spatial model that accounts for
local spatial variation.
addSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests Uses information criteria to decide whether to add a spatial
model to account for local spatial variation.
changeTerms.asrtests Adds and drops terms from one or both of the fixed or random
model, replaces the residual (rcov) model with a new model
and changes bounds or initial values of terms.
iterate.asrtests Subject the fitted asreml.obj stored in an asrtests.object
to further iterations of the fitting process.
newfit.asreml Refits an asreml model with changed arguments by extracting,
modifying and evaluating its call - an alternate to
reparamSigDevn.asrtests Reparamterizes each random (deviations) term
involving 'devn.fac' to a fixed term and ensures
that the same term, with 'trend.num' replacing
'devn.fac', is included if any other term with
'trend.num' is included in 'terms'.
rmboundary.asrtests Removes any boundary or singular variance components
from the fit stored in 'asreml.obj' and records their
removal in an asrtests.object. Allows the setting of bounds and initial values
for terms in the 'random' and 'residual' arguments of an
'asreml' call.
(iii) Model selection and description
addto.test.summary Adds a row to a test.summary data.frame.
changeModelOnIC.asrtests Uses information criteria to decide whether to change an
already fitted model.
chooseModel.asrtests Determines and records the set of significant terms using an
asrtests.object, taking into account the hierarchy
or marginality relations of the terms.. Determines the set of significant terms from results stored
in a data.frame, taking into account the marginality
relations of terms and recording the tests used in a
chooseSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests Uses information criteria to choose the best fitting
spatial model for accounting for local spatial variation.
getTestPvalue.asrtests Gets the p-value for a test recorded in the test.summary
data.frame of an asrtests.object.
infoCriteria.asreml Computes AIC and BIC for models.
infoCriteria.list Computes AIC and BIC for models.
R2adj.asreml Calculates the adjusted coefficient of determination for a
specified combination of fixed and random terms.
recalcWaldTab.asrtests Recalculates the denDF, and P values for a table
of Wald test statistics obtained using 'wald.asreml'.
REMLRT.asreml Performs a REML ratio test.
bootREMLRT.asreml Performs a REML ratio test using the parametric
testranfix.asrtests Tests for a single fixed or random term in model
fitted using 'asreml' and records the result in an
testresidual.asrtests Fits a new residual formula using 'asreml', tests
whether the change is significant and records the
result in an asrtests.object.
testswapran.asrtests Tests, using a REMLRT, the significance of the difference
between the current random model and one in which oldterms
are dropped and newterms are added. The result is recorded
in an asrtests.object.
(iv) Model diagnostics and simulation
plotVariofaces Plots empirical variogram faces, including envelopes,
from supplied residuals as described by Stefanova, Smith
& Cullis (2009).
variofaces.asreml Calculates and plots empirical variogram faces, including
envelopes, as described by Stefanova, Smith & Cullis (2009).
estimateV.asreml Forms the estimated variance, random or residual matrix for
the observations from the variance parameter estimates.
simulate.asreml Produce sets of simulated data from a multivariate normal
distribution and save quantities related to the simulated data.
(v) Prediction production and presentation
addBacktransforms.alldiffs Adds or recalculates the backtransforms component of an
alldiffs.object. Using supplied predictions and standard errors of pairwise
differences or the variance matrix of predictions, forms
all pairwise differences between the set of predictions, and
p-values for the differences.
exploreLSDs Explores the computed LSD values for pairwise differences
between predictions.
linTransform.alldiffs Calculates a linear transformation of the
predictions stored in an alldiffs.object.
pairdiffsTransform.alldiffs Calculates the differences between nominated pairs of
predictions stored in an alldiffs.object
pickLSDstatistics Pick LSDstatistics whose values minimize the number of
errors in pairwise comparisons of predictions. Plots a map of the supplied errors that occur in using the
computed LSD values for pairwise differences between
plotLSDerrors.alldiffs Plots a map of the errors that occur in using the computed
LSD values for pairwise differences between predictions. Plots a heat map of computed LSD values for pairwise
differences between predictions.
plotLSDs.alldiffs Plots a heat map of computed LSD values for pairwise
differences between predictions. Plots the predictions for a term, possibly with
error bars.
plotPvalues.alldiffs Plots the p-values in the p.differences components
of an alldiffs.object as a heat map. Plots the p-values in data.frame as a heat map.
predictPlus.asreml Forms the predictions and associated statistics for
a term, using an asreml object and a and
taking into account that a numeric vector
and a factor having parallel values may occur in the
model. It stores the results in an object of class
'alldifffs' and may print the results. It can be
when there are not parallel values.
predictPresent.asreml Forms the predictions for each of one or more terms
and presents them in tables and/or graphs.
ratioTransform.alldiffs Calculates the ratios of nominated pairs of predictions
stored in an alldiffs.object.
recalcLSD.alldiffs Adds or recalculates the LSD.frame that is a
component of an alldiffs.object.
redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs Adds or replaces the error intervals stored in the
prediction component of an alldiffs.object.
renewClassify.alldiffs Renews the components in an alldiffs.object
according to a new classify.
sort.alldiffs Sorts the components in an alldiffs.object
according to the predicted values associated with a factor.
subset.alldiffs Subsets the components in an alldiffs.object according
to the supplied condition.
sort.predictions.frame Sorts a predictions.frame according to the
predicted values. associated with a factor.
(vi) Response transformation
angular Applies the angular transformation to proportions.
angular.mod Applies the modified angular transformation to a
vector of counts.
powerTransform Performs a combination of a linear and a power
transformation on a variable. The transformed
variable is stored in the 'data.frame data'.
(vii) Object manipulation
as.alldiffs Forms an alldiffs.object from the supplied
predictions, along with those statistics, associated with
the predictions and their pairwise differences, that have
been supplied.
asrtests Pseudonym for as.asrtests.
as.asrtests Forms an asrtests.object that stores
(i) a fitted asreml object,
(ii) a pseudo-anova table for the fixed terms and
(iii) a history of changes and hypothesis testing
used in obtaining the model.
as.predictions.frame Forms a predictions.frame from a data.frame, ensuring
that the correct columns are present.
convAsremlobj.asreml Recreates an asreml object so that it is compatible with the
currently loaded asreml version.
convEffectNames2DataFrame.asreml Converts the effects names for a term stored in the component of an
asreml object into a data.frame.
facCombine.alldiffs Combines several factors into one in the components of
an alldiffs.object.
facRecast.alldiffs Reorders and/or revises the factor levels using the order of
old levels in levels.order and the new labels for the
levels given in newlabels.
facRename.alldiffs Renames factors in the prediction component
of an alldiffs.object.
getFormulae.asreml Gets the formulae from an asreml object.
is.alldiffs A single-line function that tests whether an object is
of class alldiffs.
is.asrtests A single-line function that tests whether an object is
of class asrtests.
is.predictions.frame A single-line function that tests whether an object is
of classes predictions.frame and data.frame. Make the spline basis matrices and data needed to fit
Tensor Product P-Splines.
print.alldiffs Prints the values in an alldiffs.object in a nice format.
print.asrtests Prints the values in an asrtests.object.
print.LSDdata Prints the components of a list containing data on the
LSDs for all pairwise differences of predictions.
print.predictions.frame Prints the values in a predictions.frame, with or without
title and heading.
print.test.summary Prints a data.frame containing a test.summary. Prints a data.frame containing a Wald or pseudoanova table.
printFormulae.asreml Prints the formulae from an asreml object.
sort.alldiffs Sorts the components of an alldiffs.object according to
the predicted values associated with a factor.
subset.alldiffs Subsets the components in an alldiffs.object according
to the supplied condition.
subset.list Forms a list that contains a subset of the components of
the supplied list.
validAlldiffs Checks that an object is a valid alldiffs.object.
validAsrtests Checks that an object is a valid asrtests.object.
validPredictionsFrame Checks that an object is a valid predictions.frame.
(viii) Miscellaneous
getASRemlVersionLoaded Finds the version of asreml that is loaded and
returns the initial characters in version.
isCompoundSymmetric Tests whether an object of class matrix is
compound symmetric
loadASRemlVersion Ensures that a specific version of asreml is loaded.
num.recode Recodes the unique values of a vector using the values
in a new vector.
permute.square Permutes the rows and columns of a square matrix. Permutes a square matrix until all the lower
triangular elements are zero.

The functions whose names end in 'alldiffs" utilize an alldiffs.object that stores: (i) a predictions.frame, being a data frame containing predicted values, variables indexing them and their standard errors and estimability status; the lower and upper limits of error intervals will be included when these are requested, (ii) optionally, square matrices containing all pairwise differences, the standard errors and p-values of the differences, and a data.frame containing LSD values and their summary statistics, (iii) optionally, the variance matrix of the predictions, and (iv) if the response was transformed for analysis, a data frame with backtransforms of the predicted values.

The functions whose names end in 'asrtests', which are most of the model functions, utilize an asrtests.object that stores: (i) the currently fitted model in asreml.obj, (ii) the table of test statistics for the fixed effects in, and (iii) a data frame that contains a history of the changes made to the model in test.summary.


Chris Brien [aut, cre] (<>)

Maintainer: Chris Brien <>


Butler, D. G., Cullis, B. R., Gilmour, A. R., Gogel, B. J. and Thompson, R. (2023). ASReml-R Reference Manual Version 4.2. VSN International Ltd,

See Also



## Not run: 
## Analyse wheat dat using asreml and asremlPlus (see the WheatSpatial Vignette for details)
## Set up for analysis
## use ?Wheat.dat for data set details

# Add row and column covariates for the spatial modelling
tmp.dat <- within(Wheat.dat, 
                    cColumn <- dae::as.numfac(Column)
                    cColumn <- cColumn  - mean(unique(cColumn))
                    cRow <- dae::as.numfac(Row)
                    cRow <- cRow - mean(unique(cRow))

# Fit an initial model - Row and column random
current.asr <-, 
                       list(yield ~ Rep + WithinColPairs + Variety, 
                            random = ~ Row + Column,
                            residual = ~ Row:Column,
                            data = tmp.dat))

# Intialize a model sequence by loading the current fit into an asrtests object
current.asrt <- as.asrtests(current.asr, NULL, NULL, IClikelihood = "full", 
                            label = "Initial model")

# Check for and remove any boundary terms and print a summary of the fit in the asrtests object 
current.asrt <- rmboundary(current.asrt)

## Compare a series of information criteria to select a linear mixed model for the data

# Check the need for the term for within Column pairs (a post hoc factor)
current.asrt <- changeModelOnIC(current.asrt, dropFixed = "WithinColPairs", 
                                label = "Try dropping withinColPairs", IClikelihood = "full")

# Fit an ar1 model for local spatial variation
spatial.ar1.asrt <- addSpatialModelOnIC(current.asrt, spatial.model = "corr", 
                                        row.covar = "cRow", col.covar = "cColumn", 
                                        row.factor = "Row", col.factor = "Column", 
                                        IClikelihood = "full")
spatial.ar1.asrt <- rmboundary(spatial.ar1.asrt)
infoCriteria(list(nonspatial = current.asrt$asreml.obj, 
                  ar1 = spatial.ar1.asrt$asreml.obj))

# Choose a model for local spatial variation from several potential models
  spatial.asrts <- chooseSpatialModelOnIC(current.asrt, 
                                          row.covar = "cRow", col.covar = "cColumn",
                                          row.factor = "Row", col.factor = "Column",
                                          dropRandom = "Row + Column",
                                          rotateX = TRUE, ngridangles = NULL, 
                                          asreml.option = "grp", return.asrts = "all"))
# Output the results
print(R2adj(spatial.asrts$asrts$TPNCSS$asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .))

## Diagnosting checking using residual plots and variofaces

# Get current fitted asreml object and update to include standardized residuals
current.asr <- spatial.asrts$asrts$TPNCSS$asreml.obj
current.asr <- update(current.asr, aom=TRUE)
Wheat.dat$res <- residuals(current.asr, type = "stdCond")
Wheat.dat$fit <- fitted(current.asr)

# Do residuals-versus-fitted values plot
with(Wheat.dat, plot(fit, res))

# Plot variofaces
variofaces(current.asr, V=NULL, units="addtores", 
           maxiter=50, update = FALSE, 
           ncores = parallel::detectCores())

# Plot normal quantile plot
ggplot(data = Wheat.dat, mapping = aes(sample = res)) +
  stat_qq_band(bandType = "ts") + stat_qq_line() + stat_qq_point() +
  labs(x = "Theoretical Quantiles", y = "Sample Quantiles",
       title = "Normal probability plot") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")) + theme_bw()

## Prediction production and presentation

# Get Variety predictions and all pairwise prediction differences and p-values
Var.diffs <- predictPlus(classify = "Variety", 
                         sortFactor = "Variety",
                         tables = "predictions")

# Plot the Variety predictions, with halfLSD intervals, and the p-values
                classify = "Variety", y = "predicted.value", 
                error.intervals = "half")

## End(Not run)

[Package asremlPlus version 4.4.35 Index]