ahaz |
Fit semiparametric additive hazards model |
ahaz.adjust |
Adjusted univariate association measures from ahaz |
ahaz.partial |
Partial calculation of estimating quantities used by ahaz |
ahaz.tune.control |
Tuning controls for regularization |
ahazisis |
Independent screening for the semiparametric additive hazards model |
ahazpen |
Fit penalized semiparametric additive hazards model |
ahazpen.fit.control |
Controls for ahazpen fitting algorithm |
ahazpen.pen.control |
Penalty controls for ahazpen |
bic.control |
Tuning controls for regularization |
coef.ahaz |
Prediction methods for ahaz |
coef.ahazpen |
Prediction methods for ahazpen |
coef.tune.ahazpen |
Prediction methods for tune.ahazpen |
cv.control |
Tuning controls for regularization |
lasso.control |
Penalty controls for ahazpen |
plot.ahaz |
Plot an ahaz object |
plot.ahazpen |
Plot an ahazpen object |
plot.cumahaz |
Plot a cumahaz object |
plot.tune.ahazpen |
Plot a tune.ahazpen object |
predict.ahaz |
Prediction methods for ahaz |
predict.ahazpen |
Prediction methods for ahazpen |
predict.tune.ahazpen |
Prediction methods for tune.ahazpen |
print.ahazisis |
Print an ahazisis object |
print.ahazpen |
Print an ahazpen object |
print.summary.ahaz |
Print a summary.ahaz object |
print.tune.ahazpen |
Print a tune.ahazpen object |
residuals.ahaz |
Prediction methods for ahaz |
sorlie |
Sorlie gene expressions |
sscad.control |
Penalty controls for ahazpen |
summary.ahaz |
Summarize an ahaz object |
summary.ahazpen |
Print an ahazpen object |
tune.ahazpen |
Choice of penalty parameter in ahazpen |
vcov.ahaz |
Prediction methods for ahaz |