Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

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agricolae-package Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

-- A --

agricolae Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
AMMI AMMI Analysis
AMMI.contour AMMI contour
audpc Calculating the absolute or relative value of the AUDPC
audps The Area Under the Disease Progress Stairs

-- B --

bar.err Plotting the standard error or standard deviance of a multiple comparison of means Plotting the multiple comparison of means
BIB.test Finding the Variance Analysis of the Balanced Incomplete Block Design

-- C --

carolina North Carolina Designs I, II and III
Chz2006 Data amendment Carhuaz 2006
CIC Data for late blight of potatoes
clay Data of Ralstonia population in clay soil
ComasOxapampa Data AUDPC Comas - Oxapampa
consensus consensus of clusters
corn Data of corn
correl Correlation Coefficient
correlation Correlation analysis. Methods of Pearson, Spearman, Kendall and Lin
cotton Data of cotton
cv.model Coefficient of the experiment variation
cv.similarity Coefficient of the similarity matrix variation

-- D --

DAU.test Finding the Variance Analysis of the Augmented block Design
DC Data for the analysis of carolina genetic design Omitting the rows or columns with missing observations of a matrix (NA)
design.ab Design of experiments for a factorial
design.alpha Alpha design type (0,1)
design.bib Randomized Balanced Incomplete Block Designs. BIB
design.crd Completely Randomized Design
design.cyclic Cyclic designs
design.dau Augmented block design
design.graeco Graeco - latin square design
design.lattice Lattice designs
design.lsd Latin Square Design
design.mat Experimental design matrix
design.rcbd Randomized Complete Block Design
design.split Split Plot Design
design.strip Strip Plot Design
design.youden Incomplete Latin Square Design
diffograph Plotting the multiple comparison of means
disease Data evaluation of the disease overtime
duncan.test Duncan's new multiple range test
durbin.test Durbin test and multiple comparison of treatments

-- F --

friedman Friedman test and multiple comparison of treatments
frijol Data of frijol

-- G --

genxenv Data of potato yield in a different environment
Glycoalkaloids Data Glycoalkaloids
graph.freq Histogram
grass Data for Friedman test
greenhouse Data in greenhouse
growth Data growth of trees

-- H --

haynes Data of AUDPC for nonparametrical stability analysis
Hco2006 Data amendment Huanuco 2006
hcut Cut tree of consensus
heterosis Data of potato, Heterosis
hgroups groups of hclust
HSD.test Multiple comparisons: Tukey
huasahuasi Data: Rainfall thresholds as support for timing fungicide applications in the control of potato late blight in Peru

-- I --

index.AMMI AMMI index and yield stability Biodiversity Index
index.smith Uniformity soil. Smith's Index of Soil Heterogeneity
inter.freq Class intervals

-- J --

join.freq Join class for histogram

-- K --

kendall Correlation of Kendall
kruskal Kruskal Wallis test and multiple comparison of treatments.
kurtosis Finding the Kurtosis coefficient

-- L --

lastC Setting the last character of a chain
lateblight LATEBLIGHT - Simulator for potato late blight Version LB2004
lineXtester Line x Tester Analysis
LSD.test Multiple comparisons, "Least significant difference" and Adjust P-values
LxT Data Line by tester

-- M --

markers Data of molecular markers
Median.test Median test. Multiple comparisons
melon Data of yield of melon in a Latin square experiment
montecarlo Random generation by Montecarlo

-- N --

natives Data of native potato
nonadditivity Nonadditivity model test
normal.freq Normal curve on the histogram

-- O --

ogive.freq Plotting the ogive from a histogram Ordering the treatments according to the multiple comparison
orderPvalue Grouping the treatments averages in a comparison with a minimum value

-- P --

pamCIP Data Potato Wild
paracsho Data of Paracsho biodiversity
path.analysis Path Analysis
PBIB.test Analysis of the Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Design
plot.graph.freq Histogram Plotting the multiple comparison of means
plots Data for an analysis in split-plot
plrv Data clones from the PLRV population
polygon.freq The polygon of frequency on the histogram
potato Data of cutting

-- R --

ralstonia Data of assessment of the population in the soil R.solanacearum
reg.homog Homologation of regressions
REGW.test Ryan, Einot and Gabriel and Welsch multiple range test Resampling to find the optimal number of markers
resampling.model Resampling for linear models
rice Data of Grain yield of rice variety IR8
RioChillon Data and analysis Mother and baby trials

-- S --

scheffe.test Multiple comparisons, scheffe
similarity Matrix of similarity in binary data
simulation.model Simulation of the linear model under normality
sinRepAmmi Data for AMMI without repetition
skewness Finding the skewness coefficient
SNK.test Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK)
soil Data of soil analysis for 13 localities
sp.plot Splip-Plot analysis
ssp.plot Split-split-Plot analysis
stability.nonpar Nonparametric stability analysis
stability.par Stability analysis. SHUKLA'S STABILITY VARIANCE AND KANG'S
stat.freq Descriptive measures of grouped data
strip.plot Strip-Plot analysis
sturges.freq Class intervals for a histogram, the rule of Sturges
summary.graph.freq frequency Table of a Histogram
sweetpotato Data of sweetpotato yield

-- T --

table.freq frequency Table of a Histogram
tapply.stat Statistics of data grouped by factors

-- V --

vark Variance K, ties, Kendall

-- W --

waerden.test Multiple comparisons. The van der Waerden (Normal Scores)
waller Computations of Bayesian t-values for multiple comparisons
waller.test Multiple comparisons, Waller-Duncan
weatherSeverity Weather and Severity
wilt Data of Bacterial Wilt (AUDPC) and soil

-- Y --

yacon Data Yacon

-- Z --

zigzag order plot in serpentine