Inference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny

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Documentation for package ‘TransPhylo’ version 1.4.5

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TransPhylo-package Inference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny
as.mcmc.resTransPhylo Convert to coda mcmc format
computeMatTDist Build a matrix indicating for each pairs of individuals how many intermediates there are in the transmission chain
computeMatWIW Build a matrix of probability of who infected whom from a MCMC output
consTTree Build a consensus transmission tree from a MCMC output
convertToCoda Convert to coda mcmc format
dateLastSample Return the date of last sample from a ttree or ctree or ptree
extractCTree Return the combined tree corresponding to a given iteration of the TransPhylo results
extractPTree Extracts phylogenetic tree from a combined phylogenetic/transmission tree
extractTTree Extracts transmission tree from a combined phylogenetic/transmission tree
getGenerationTimeDist Extract and return realised generation time distribution
getIncidentCases Returns and/or plot numbers of sampled and unsampled cases over time
getInfectionTimeDist Extract and return distribution of infection time of given sampled case(s)
getOffspringDist Extract and return offspring distribution of given sampled case(s)
getSamplingTimeDist Extract and return realised sampling time distribution
inferTTree Infer transmission tree given a phylogenetic tree
infer_multittree_share_param Simultaneously infer transmission trees given phylogenetic trees User can specify any subset of parameters that will be shared by providing a character vector of parameter names to the argument "share".
makeCTreeFromPTree Create a transmission tree compatible with the provided phylogenetic tree
makeTTree Simulate a transmission tree
medTTree Return the medoid from a MCMC output
phyloFromPTree Converts a phylogenetic tree into an ape phylo object
plot.ctree Plotting for ctree
plot.ptree Plotting for ptree
plot.resTransPhylo Plotting for resTransPhylo
plot.ttree Plotting for ttree
plotCTree Plot both phylogenetic and transmission trees using colors on the phylogeny
plotTraces Plot MCMC traces
plotTTree Plot a transmission tree in a detailed format
plotTTree2 Plot a transmission tree in an economic format
print.ctree Print function for ctree objects
print.ptree Print function for ptree objects
print.resTransPhylo Print function for resTransPhylo objects
print.ttree Print function for ttree objects
probPTreeGivenTTree Calculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a transmission tree
probPTreeGivenTTreeR Calculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a transmission tree
probTTree Calculates the log-probability of a transmission tree
probTTreeR Calculates the log-probability of a transmission tree
ptreeFromPhylo Converts an ape phylo object into a phylogenetic tree
selectTTree Select the most representative transmission tree from a MCMC output
simulateOutbreak Simulate an outbreak
summary.resTransPhylo Summary function for resTransPhylo objects
TransPhylo Inference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny