Estimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models

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Documentation for package ‘TPmsm’ version 1.2.12

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TPmsm-package Estimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models method for a survTP object
bladderTP Bladder cancer recurrences
colonTP Chemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer
contour.TPCmsm contour method for a TPCmsm object
corrTP Correlation between two gap times
dgpTP Generates bivariate survival data
heartTP More Stanford heart transplant data
image.TPCmsm image method for a TPCmsm object
is.survTP Create a survTP object
lines.TPCmsm lines method for a TPCmsm object
lines.TPmsm lines method for a TPmsm object
plot.TPCmsm plot method for a TPCmsm object
plot.TPmsm plot method for a TPmsm object
setPackageSeedTP Set the initial package seed
setSeedTP Save and restore RNG stream seeds
setThreadsTP Set the number of threads
survTP Create a survTP object
TPmsmOut Convert a data.frame in the 'TPmsm' format to other formats
transAJ Aalen-Johansen transition probabilities
transIPCW Inverse probability censoring weighted transition probabilities
transKMPW Presmoothed Kaplan-Meier weighted transition probabilities
transKMW Kaplan-Meier weighted transition probabilities
transLIN LIN based transition probabilities
transLS Location-Scale transition probabilities
transPAJ Presmoothed Aalen-Johansen transition probabilities