Rfast2-package | Really fast R functions |
add.term | Add many single terms to a model |
batch.logistic | Logistic regression for large scale data |
benchmark | Benchmark - Measure time |
bernoulli.nb | Naive Bayes classifier for binary Bernoulli data |
bernoullinb.pred | Prediction with naive Bayes classifier for binary (Bernoulli) data |
beta.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
betanb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
bic.regs | BIC of many simple univariate regressions. |
big.knn | The k-NN algorithm for really lage scale data |
bigknn.cv | Cross-validation for the k-NN algorithm for really lage scale data |
binom.reg | Binomial regression |
boot.hotel2 | Bootstrap James and Hotelling test for 2 independent sample mean vectors |
boot.james | Bootstrap James and Hotelling test for 2 independent sample mean vectors |
boot.student2 | Bootstrap Student's t-test for 2 independent samples |
boot.ttest1 | One sample bootstrap t-test for a vector |
cauchy.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
cauchy0.mle | MLE of the Cauchy and generalised normal distributions with zero location |
cauchynb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
cbern.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
censpois.mle | MLE of the left censored Poisson distribution |
censweib.reg | Censored Weibull regression model |
censweibull.mle | MLE of the censored Weibull distribution |
circ.cor1 | Circurlar correlations between two circular variables |
circ.cors1 | Circurlar correlations between two circular variables |
cls | Constrained least squares |
cluster.lm | Linear regression with clustered data |
col.waldpoisrat | Wald confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables |
colaccs | Many binary classification metrics |
colbeta.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colborel.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colcauchy.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colcenspois.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colcensweibull.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colfbscores | Many binary classification metrics |
colfmis | Many binary classification metrics |
colfscores | Many binary classification metrics |
colGroup | Column-wise summary statistics with grouping variables |
colhalfcauchy.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colhalfnorm.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
coljack.means | Column and row-wise jackknife sample means |
collogitnorm.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
collognorm.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colmaes | any metrics for a continuous response variable |
colmeansvars | Column-wise means and variances of a matrix |
colmses | any metrics for a continuous response variable |
colordinal.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colpinar1 | Conditional least-squares estimate for Poisson INAR(1) models |
colpkl | any metrics for a continuous response variable |
colpowerlaw.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colprecs | Many binary classification metrics |
colQuantile | Sample quantiles and col/row wise quantiles |
colQuantile.data.frame | Sample quantiles and col/row wise quantiles |
colQuantile.matrix | Sample quantiles and col/row wise quantiles |
colsens | Many binary classification metrics |
colsp.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colspecs | Many binary classification metrics |
colspml.mle | Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian distribution |
colTrimMean | Trimmed mean |
colTrimMean.data.frame | Trimmed mean |
colTrimMean.matrix | Trimmed mean |
colukl | any metrics for a continuous response variable |
colunitweibull.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colwlsmeta | Column-wise weighted least squares meta analysis |
cor_test | Correlation significance testing using Fisher's z-transformation |
covar | Covariance between a variable and a set of variables |
covdist | Distance between two covariance matrices |
covequal | Hypothesis test for equality of a covariance matrix |
covlikel | Hypothesis tests for equality of multiple covariance matrices |
covmtest | Hypothesis tests for equality of multiple covariance matrices |
covrob.lm | Linear model with sandwich robust covariance estimator |
dcora | Distance correlation matrix |
den.contours | Contour plots of some bivariate distributions |
depth.mahala | Mahalanobis depth |
diffic | Item difficulty and discrimination |
discrim | Item difficulty and discrimination |
eel.cor.test | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood test for a correlation coefficient |
el.cor.test | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood test for a correlation coefficient |
embed.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
empirical.entropy | Empirical entropy |
fbed.reg | Forward Backward Early Dropping selection regression |
fe.lmfit | Fixed effects regression |
fedhc.skel | The skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the FEDHC algorithm |
fipois.reg | Fixed intercepts Poisson regression |
fisher.da | Fisher's linear discriminant analysis |
fp | Fractional polynomial regression with one independent variable. |
gammapois.mle | MLE of the gamma-Poisson distribution |
gammareg | Gamma regression with a log-link |
gammaregs | Many Gamma regressions |
gee.reg | GEE Gaussian regression |
gnormal0.mle | MLE of the Cauchy and generalised normal distributions with zero location |
gumbel.reg | Gumbel regression |
halfcauchy.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
hcf.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
hellinger.countreg | Hellinger distance based regression for count data |
het.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
het.lmfit | Heteroscedastic linear models for large scale data |
hp.reg | Hurdle-Poisson regression |
Intersect | Intersect Operation |
is.lower.tri | Check if a matrix is Lower or Upper triangular |
is.skew.symmetric | Check whether a square matrix is skew-symmetric |
is.upper.tri | Check if a matrix is Lower or Upper triangular |
jack.mean | Jackknife sample mean |
jbtest | Many Jarque-Bera normality tests |
jbtests | Many Jarque-Bera normality tests |
km | Kaplan-Meier estimate of a survival function |
kumar.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
laplace.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
laplacenb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
leverage | Diagonal values of the Hat matrix |
lm.bsreg | backward selection with the F test or the partial correlation coefficient |
lm.drop1 | Single terms deletion hypothesis testing in a linear regression model |
lm.nonparboot | Parametric and non-parametric bootstrap for linear regression model |
lm.parboot | Parametric and non-parametric bootstrap for linear regression model |
logiquant.regs | Many simple quantile regressions using logistic regressions. |
logitnorm.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
logitnormnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
lr.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
lud | Split the matrix in lower, upper triangular and diagonal |
mci | Monte Carlo Integration with a normal distribution |
Merge | Merge 2 sorted vectors in 1 sorted vector |
mle.lda | Maximum likelihood linear discriminant analysis |
mmhc.skel | The skeleton of a Bayesian network learned with the MMHC algorithm |
mmpc | Max-Min Parents and Children variable selection algorithm for continuous responses |
mmpc2 | Max-Min Parents and Children variable selection algorithm for non continuous responses |
moranI | Moran's I measure of spatial autocorrelation |
multinom.reg | Multinomial regression |
multinomreg.cv | Cross-validation for the multinomial regression |
multispml.mle | MLE of some circular distributions with multiple samples |
multivm.mle | MLE of some circular distributions with multiple samples |
mv.score.betaregs | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
mv.score.expregs | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
mv.score.gammaregs | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
mv.score.glms | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
mv.score.invgaussregs | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
mv.score.weibregs | Many score based regressions with muliple response variables and a single predictor variable |
nb.cv | Cross-validation for the naive Bayes classifiers |
negbin.reg | Negative binomial regression |
negbin.regs | Many negative binomial regressions |
normal.etest | Energy based normality test |
normlog.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
normlognb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
omp2 | Orthogonal matching variable selection |
overdispreg.test | Score test for overdispersion in Poisson regression |
pc.sel | Variable selection using the PC-simple algorithm |
pca | Principal component analysis |
pcr | Principal components regression |
perm.ttest2 | Permutation t-test for 2 independent samples |
pinar1 | Conditional least-squares estimate for Poisson INAR(1) models |
pooled.colVars | Column-wise pooled variances across groups |
powerlaw.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
print.benchmark | Benchmark - Measure time |
prophelling.reg | Hellinger distance based univariate regression for proportions |
propols.reg | Non linear least squares regression for percentages or proportions |
purka.mle | MLE of the Purkayastha distribution |
Quantile | Sample quantiles and col/row wise quantiles |
rbeta1 | Random values generation from a Be(a, 1) distribution |
refmeta | Random effects and weighted least squares meta analysis |
reg.mle.lda | Regularised maximum likelihood linear discriminant analysis |
regmlelda.cv | Cross-validation for the regularised maximum likelihood linear discriminant analysis |
riag | Angular Gaussian random values simulation |
rm.hotel | Repeated measures ANOVA (univariate data) using Hotelling's T^2 test |
rowjack.means | Column and row-wise jackknife sample means |
rowQuantile | Sample quantiles and col/row wise quantiles |
rowTrimMean | Trimmed mean |
Runif | Random values simulation from the uniform distribution |
Sample | Random integer values simulation |
Sample.int | Random integer values simulation |
sclr | Scaled logistic regression |
score.zipregs | Many score based zero inflated Poisson regressions |
simplex.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
sp.logiregs | Many approximate simple logistic regressions. |
sp.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
spml.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers for directional data |
spmlnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers for circular data |
stud.ttests | Many 2 sample student's t-tests |
tobit.reg | Tobit regression |
trim.mean | Trimmed mean |
trunccauchy.mle | MLE of some truncated distributions |
truncexpmle | MLE of some truncated distributions |
unitweibull.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
vm.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers for directional data |
vmnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers for circular data |
wald.poisrat | Wald confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables |
walter.ci | Walter's confidence interval for the ratio of two binomial variables (and the relative risk) |
weib.regs | Many simple Weibull regressions. |
weibull.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
weibullnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
welch.tests | Many Welch tests. |
wild.boot | Cluster robust wild bootstrap for linear models |
wlsmeta | Random effects and weighted least squares meta analysis |
zigamma.mle | MLE of the zero inflated Gamma and Weibull distributions |
zigamma.reg | Zero inflated Gamma regression |
zil.mle | MLE of distributions defined for proportions |
ziweibull.mle | MLE of the zero inflated Gamma and Weibull distributions |
ztp.reg | Zero truncated Poisson regression |