A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z misc
Rfast-package | A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions |
acg.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical distributions |
AddToNamespace | Insert/remove function names in/from the NAMESPACE file |
allbetas | Simple linear regressions coefficients |
allttests | Matrix with all pairs of t-tests |
all_equals | Equality of objects |
ancova1 | Analysis of covariance |
ancovas | Many ANCOVAs |
anova1 | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
anovas | Many multi-sample tests |
anova_propreg | Significance testing for the coefficients of Quasi binomial or the quasi Poisson regression |
anova_qpois.reg | Significance testing for the coefficients of Quasi binomial or the quasi Poisson regression |
anova_quasipois.reg | ANOVA for two quasi Poisson regression models |
apply.condition | Apply to each column a method under condition |
ar1 | Estimation of an AR(1) model |
as.Rfast.function | Convert R function to the Rfast's coresponding |
as_integer | Check if values are integers and convert to integer |
auc | Many area under the curve values |
bc | Estimation of the Box-Cox transformation |
bcdcor | Distance correlation |
beta.mle | MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval |
betabinom.mle | MLE of count data |
betageom.mle | MLE of count data |
betaprime.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
bic.corfsreg | BIC (using partial correlation) forward regression |
bic.fs.reg | BIC forward regression with generalised linear models |
binary_search | Binary search algorithm |
bincomb | Permutation |
binom.mle | MLE of count data |
block.anova | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
block.anovas | Many multi-sample tests |
boot.ttest2 | Bootstrap t-test for 2 independent samples |
borel.mle | MLE of count data |
bs.reg | Backward selection regression |
btmprobs | Fitted probabilities of the Terry-Bradley model |
cat.goftests | Many one sample goodness of fit tests for categorical data |
cauchy.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
checkAliases | Check Namespace and Rd files |
checkExamples | Check Namespace and Rd files |
checkNamespace | Check Namespace and Rd files |
checkTF | Check Namespace and Rd files |
checkUsage | Check Namespace and Rd files |
check_data | Search for variables with zero range in a matrix |
chi2Test | G-square test of conditional indepdence |
chi2tests | Many G-square tests of indepedence |
chi2Test_univariate | Matrix with G-square tests of indepdence |
chisq.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
cholesky | Cholesky decomposition of a square matrix |
Choose | Binomial coefficient and its logarithm |
circlin.cor | Circular-linear correlation |
coeff | Coefficient matrices. |
col.coxpoisrat | Cox confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables |
col.yule | Column-wise Yule's Y (coefficient of colligation) |
colAll | Column and row-wise Any |
colanovas | Many Welch's F-tests |
colAny | Column and row-wise Any |
colar1 | Estimation of an AR(1) model |
colaucs | Many area under the curve values |
colCountValues | Row - Wise matrix/vector count the frequency of a value |
colCumMaxs | Colum-wise cumulative operations (sum, prod, min, max) |
colCumMins | Colum-wise cumulative operations (sum, prod, min, max) |
colCumProds | Colum-wise cumulative operations (sum, prod, min, max) |
colCumSums | Colum-wise cumulative operations (sum, prod, min, max) |
colcvs | Column and row wise coefficients of variation |
coldiffs | Column-wise differences |
colexp2.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colexpmle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colFalse | Column-wise true/false value of a matrix |
colgammamle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colgeom.mle | MLE for multivariate discrete data |
colhameans | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
colinvgauss.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colkurtosis | Column-wise kurtosis and skewness coefficients |
collaplace.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
collindley.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colMads | Column and row-wise mean absolute deviations |
colmaxboltz.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colMaxs | Column-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix |
colmeans | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
colmeans.data.frame | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
colmeans.matrix | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
colMedians | Column and row-wise medians of a matrix or median of a vector. |
colMins | Column-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix |
colMinsMaxs | Column-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix |
colnormal.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colnormlog.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colnth | Column and row-wise nth smallest value of a matrix/vector |
colOrder | Column and row-wise Order - Sort Indices |
colpareto.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colPmax | Minima and maxima of two vectors/matrices and Column-row wise minima and maxima of two matrices |
colPmin | Minima and maxima of two vectors/matrices and Column-row wise minima and maxima of two matrices |
colpois.tests | Many tests for the dispersion parameter in Poisson distribution |
colpoisdisp.tests | Many tests for the dispersion parameter in Poisson distribution |
colpoisson.anovas | Many ANOVAS for count data with Poisson or quasi Poisson models |
colpoisson.mle | MLE for multivariate discrete data |
colprods | Column and row-wise products |
colquasipoisson.anovas | Many ANOVAS for count data with Poisson or quasi Poisson models |
colrange | Column and row-wise range of values of a matrix. |
colRanks | Column and row-wise ranks |
colrayleigh.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colrint.regbx | Many random intercepts LMMs for balanced data with a single identical covariate |
colrow.value | Check if any column or row is fill with values |
colShuffle | Column and row-wise Shuffle |
colskewness | Column-wise kurtosis and skewness coefficients |
colSort | Sorting of the columns-rows of a matrix |
colsums | Column and row-wise sums of a matrix |
colTabulate | Column and row-wise tabulate |
colTrue | Column-wise true/false value of a matrix |
colTrueFalse | Column-wise true/false value of a matrix |
columns | Get specific columns/rows fo a matrix |
colvarcomps.mle | Many moment and maximum likelihood estimations of variance components |
colvarcomps.mom | Many moment and maximum likelihood estimations of variance components |
colVars | Column and row-wise variances and standard deviations of a matrix |
colVars.data.frame | Column and row-wise variances and standard deviations of a matrix |
colVars.matrix | Column and row-wise variances and standard deviations of a matrix |
colvm.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
colwatsons | Column-wise uniformity tests for circular data |
colweibull.mle | Column-wise MLE of some univariate distributions |
comb_n | All k possible combinations from n elements |
cor.fbed | FBED variable selection method using the correlation |
cor.fsreg | Correlation based forward regression. |
cora | Fast covariance and correlation matrix calculation |
corpairs | Correlation between pairs of variables |
correls | Correlation between a vector and a set of variables |
count_value | Row - Wise matrix/vector count the frequency of a value |
cova | Fast covariance and correlation matrix calculation |
cox.poisrat | Cox confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables |
cqtest | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
cqtests | Many multi-sample tests |
Crossprod | Matrix multiplication, Cross and Tcross product. |
ct.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
data.frame.to_matrix | Convert a dataframe to matrix |
dcor | Distance correlation |
dcor.ttest | Hypothesis test for the distance correlation |
dcov | Distance variance and covariance |
design_matrix | Design Matrix |
Diag.fill | Diagonal Matrix |
Diag.matrix | Diagonal Matrix |
Digamma | Natural logarithm of the gamma function and its derivatives. |
diri.nr2 | Fitting a Dirichlet distribution via Newton-Rapshon |
dirimultinom.mle | MLE for multivariate discrete data |
dirknn | k-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance |
dirknn.cv | Cross-Validation for the k-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance |
Dist | Distance matrix - Sum of all pairwise distances in a distance matrix |
dista | Distance between vectors and a matrix - Sum of all pairwise distances in a distance matrix. |
dmvnorm | Density of the multivariate normal and t distributions |
dmvt | Density of the multivariate normal and t distributions |
dvar | Distance variance and covariance |
eachcol.apply | Operations between two matrices or matrix and vector |
eachrow | Operations between two matrices or matrix and vector |
edist | Energy distance between matrices |
eel.test1 | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood tests for one sample |
eel.test2 | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood tests for two samples |
eigen.sym | Limited number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix |
el.test1 | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood tests for one sample |
el.test2 | Empirical and exponential empirical likelihood tests for two samples |
Elem | Iterator |
Elem.iterator | Iterator |
Elem<- | Iterator |
Elem<-.iterator | Iterator |
env.copy | Deep copy |
exact.ttest2 | Exact t-test for 2 independent samples |
exp2.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
expmle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
expregs | Many exponential regressions |
fish.kent | Hypothesis test for von Mises-Fisher distribution over Kent distribution |
floyd | Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest paths in a directed graph |
foldnorm.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
freq.max | Minimum and maximum frequencies of a vector |
freq.min | Minimum and maximum frequencies of a vector |
fs.reg | Variable selection in generalised linear regression models with forward selection |
ftest | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
ftests | Many multi-sample tests |
g2Test | G-square test of conditional indepdence |
g2tests | Many G-square tests of indepedence |
g2tests_perm | Many G-square tests of indepedence |
g2Test_perm | G-square test of conditional indepdence |
g2Test_univariate | Matrix with G-square tests of indepdence |
g2Test_univariate_perm | Matrix with G-square tests of indepdence |
gammacon | Gamma regression with a log-link |
gammamle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
gammanb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
gammanb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
gammareg | Gamma regression with a log-link |
gammaregs | Many simple regressions for positive valued data |
gaussian.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
gaussiannb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
gchi2Test | Chi-square and G-square tests of (unconditional) indepdence |
geom.anova | Analysis of variance with a count variable |
geom.anovas | Many analysis of variance tests with a discrete variable |
geom.mle | MLE of count data |
geom.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
geom.regs | Many simple geometric regressions. |
geomnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
ginis | Many Gini coefficients |
glm_logistic | Logistic and Poisson regression models |
glm_poisson | Logistic and Poisson regression models |
group | Some summary statistics of a vector for each level of a grouping variable. |
group.sum | Some summary statistics of a vector for each level of a grouping variable. |
groupcorrels | Correlation between a vector and a set of variables |
gumbel.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
halfnorm.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
Hash | Hash object |
hash.find | Find the given value in a hash table |
Hash.key.multi | Hash object |
hash.list | Hash - Pair function |
hash2list | Hash object to a list object |
hd.eigen | Eigenvalues in high dimensional principal component analysis |
hsecant01.mle | MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval |
iag.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical distributions |
ibeta.mle | MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval |
invdir.mle | MLE of the inverted Dirichlet distribution |
invgauss.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
invgauss.reg | Inverese Gaussian regression with a log-link |
invgauss.regs | Many simple regressions for positive valued data |
is.symmetric | Check whether a square matrix is symmetric |
is_element | Find element |
is_integer | Check if values are integers and convert to integer |
iterator | Iterator |
james | James multivariate version of the t-test |
knn | k nearest neighbours algorithm (k-NN) |
knn.cv | Cross-Validation for the k-NN algorithm |
kruskaltest | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
kruskaltests | Many multi-sample tests |
kuiper | Uniformity tests for circular data |
kurt | Skewness and kurtosis coefficients |
kurt.test2 | Hypothesis testing between two skewness or kurtosis coefficients |
laplace.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
Lbeta | Natural logarithm of the beta function |
Lchoose | Binomial coefficient and its logarithm |
length.Hash | Hash object |
Lgamma | Natural logarithm of the gamma function and its derivatives. |
lindley.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
list.ftests | Many F-tests with really huge matrices |
lmfit | Linear models for large scale data |
Log | Natural Logarithm each element of a matrix |
logcauchy.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
logistic.cat1 | Logistic or Poisson regression with a single categorical predictor |
logistic.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
logistic_only | Many univariate simple binary logistic regressions |
logitnorm.mle | MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval |
loglogistic.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
lognorm.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
logseries.mle | MLE of count data |
lomax.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
lower_tri | Lower and Upper triangular of a matrix |
lower_tri.assign | Lower and Upper triangular of a matrix |
Mad | Column and row-wise mean absolute deviations |
mahala | Mahalanobis distance |
mat.mat | Number of equal columns between two matrices |
mat.mult | Matrix multiplication, Cross and Tcross product. |
Match | Match |
match.coefs | Column-wise matching coefficients |
matrnorm | Generates random values from a normal and puts them in a matrix |
maxboltz.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
mcnemar | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
mcnemars | Many 2 sample tests tests |
med | Column and row-wise medians of a matrix or median of a vector. |
Median | Column and row-wise medians of a matrix or median of a vector. |
mediandir | Fast calculation of the spherical and hyperspherical median |
min_max | Minimum and maximum of a vector |
multinom.mle | MLE for multivariate discrete data |
multinom.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
multinom.reg | Multinomial regression |
multinom.regs | Many simple multinomial regressions. |
multinomnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
multivmf.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical distributions |
mv.eeltest1 | Exponential empirical likelihood for a one sample mean vector hypothesis testing |
mv.eeltest2 | Exponential empirical likelihood hypothesis testing for two mean vectors |
mvbetas | Many multivariate simple linear regressions coefficients |
mvkurtosis | Multivariate kurtosis |
mvlnorm.mle | MLE of the multivariate (log-) normal distribution |
mvnorm.mle | MLE of the multivariate (log-) normal distribution |
mvt.mle | MLE of the multivariate t distribution |
negative | Apply method to Positive and Negative number |
negbin.mle | MLE of count data |
Norm | Norm of a matrix |
normal.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
normlog.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
normlog.reg | Gaussian regression with a log-link |
normlog.regs | Many simple regressions for positive valued data |
nth | Column and row-wise nth smallest value of a matrix/vector |
odds | Many odds ratio tests |
odds.ratio | Odds ratio and relative risk |
omp | Orthogonal matching pursuit variable selection |
ompr | Orthogonal matching pursuit variable selection |
Order | Column and row-wise Order - Sort Indices |
ordinal.mle | MLE of the ordinal model without covariates |
Outer | Outer function |
pareto.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
pc.skel | The skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the PC algorithm |
percent.ttest | Hypothesis test for two means of percentages |
percent.ttests | Many hypothesis tests for two means of percentages |
permcor | Permutation based p-value for the Pearson correlation coefficient |
permutation | Permutation |
permutation.next | Permutation |
permutation.prev | Permutation |
Pmax | Minima and maxima of two vectors/matrices and Column-row wise minima and maxima of two matrices |
Pmin | Minima and maxima of two vectors/matrices and Column-row wise minima and maxima of two matrices |
Pmin_Pmax | Minima and maxima of two vectors/matrices and Column-row wise minima and maxima of two matrices |
pois.test | Tests for the dispersion parameter in Poisson distribution |
poisdisp.test | Tests for the dispersion parameter in Poisson distribution |
poisson.anova | Analysis of variance with a count variable |
poisson.anovas | Many analysis of variance tests with a discrete variable |
poisson.cat1 | Logistic or Poisson regression with a single categorical predictor |
poisson.mle | MLE of count data |
poisson.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers |
poissonnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers |
poisson_only | Many univariate simple binary logistic regressions |
poly.cor | Polyserial correlation |
pooled.cov | Pooled covariance matrix |
positive | Apply method to Positive and Negative number |
positive.negative | Apply method to Positive and Negative number |
print.Hash | Hash object |
print.iterator | Iterator |
print.ufactor | Fast and general represantation of a factor variable |
prop.reg | Quasi binomial regression for proportions |
prop.regs | Quasi binomial regression for proportions |
proptest | Many one sample tests |
proptests | Many 2 sample proportions tests |
qpois.reg | Quasi Poisson regression |
qpois.regs | Quasi Poisson regression |
quasi.poisson_only | Many univariate simple poisson regressions |
quasipoisson.anova | Analysis of variance with a count variable |
quasipoisson.anovas | Many analysis of variance tests with a discrete variable |
racg | Angular central Gaussian random values simulation |
Rank | Column and row-wise ranks |
rayleigh.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
rbing | Simulating from a Bingham distribution |
rbingham | Simulation of random values from a Bingham distribution with any symmetric matrix |
read.directory | Reading the files of a directory |
read.examples | Reading the files of a directory |
regression | Many univariate simple linear regressions |
rel.risk | Odds ratio and relative risk |
RemoveFromNamespace | Insert/remove function names in/from the NAMESPACE file |
rep_col | Replicate columns/rows |
rep_row | Replicate columns/rows |
rint.mle | Moment and maximum likelihood estimation of variance components |
rint.reg | Random intercepts linear mixed models |
rint.regbx | Random intercepts linear mixed models |
rint.regs | Many simple linear mixed model regressions |
rm.anova | Repeated measures anova |
rm.anovas | Many regression based tests for single sample repeated measures |
rm.lines | Many regression based tests for single sample repeated measures |
rmdp | High dimensional MCD based detection of outliers |
rmvlaplace | Multivariate Laplace random values simulation |
rmvnorm | Multivariate normal and t random values simulation |
rmvt | Multivariate normal and t random values simulation |
Rnorm | Simulation of random values from a normal distribution |
Round | Round each element of a matrix/vector |
rowAll | Column and row-wise Any |
rowAny | Column and row-wise Any |
rowCountValues | Row - Wise matrix/vector count the frequency of a value |
rowcvs | Column and row wise coefficients of variation |
rowFalse | Row-wise true value of a matrix |
rowhameans | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
rowMads | Column and row-wise mean absolute deviations |
rowMaxs | Row-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix. |
rowmeans | Column and row-wise means of a matrix |
rowMedians | Column and row-wise medians of a matrix or median of a vector. |
rowMins | Row-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix. |
rowMinsMaxs | Row-wise minimum and maximum of a matrix. |
rownth | Column and row-wise nth smallest value of a matrix/vector |
rowOrder | Column and row-wise Order - Sort Indices |
rowprods | Column and row-wise products |
rowrange | Column and row-wise range of values of a matrix. |
rowRanks | Column and row-wise ranks |
rows | Get specific columns/rows fo a matrix |
rowShuffle | Column and row-wise Shuffle |
rowSort | Sorting of the columns-rows of a matrix |
rowsums | Column and row-wise sums of a matrix |
rowTabulate | Column and row-wise tabulate |
rowTrue | Row-wise true value of a matrix |
rowTrueFalse | Row-wise true value of a matrix |
rowVars | Column and row-wise variances and standard deviations of a matrix |
rvmf | Random values simulation from a von Mises-Fisher distribution |
rvonmises | Random values simulation from a von Mises distribution |
score.betaregs | Many score based regressions |
score.expregs | Many score based regressions |
score.gammaregs | Many score based regressions |
score.geomregs | Many score based regressions |
score.glms | Many score based regressions |
score.invgaussregs | Many score based regressions |
score.multinomregs | Many score based regressions |
score.negbinregs | Many score based regressions |
score.weibregs | Many score based regressions |
score.ztpregs | Many score based regressions |
sftest | Many Shapiro-Francia normality tests |
sftests | Many Shapiro-Francia normality tests |
skew | Skewness and kurtosis coefficients |
skew.test2 | Hypothesis testing between two skewness or kurtosis coefficients |
Sort | Sort - Integer Sort - Sort a vector coresponding to another |
Sort.int | Sort - Integer Sort - Sort a vector coresponding to another |
sort_cor_vectors | Sort - Integer Sort - Sort a vector coresponding to another |
sort_mat | Sorting of the columns-rows of a matrix |
sort_unique | Sort and unique |
sort_unique.length | Sort and unique |
sourceR | Source many R files |
sourceRd | Source many R files |
spat.med | Spatial median for Euclidean data |
spatmed.reg | Spatial median regression |
spdinv | Inverse of a symmetric positive definite matrix |
spml.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
spml.reg | Circular or angular regression |
spml.regs | Many simple circular or angular regressions |
squareform | Vector allocation in a symmetric matrix |
sscov | Spatial sign covariance matrix |
Stack | Represantation of Stack |
standardise | Standardisation |
submatrix | Sub-matrix |
Table | Table Creation - Frequency of each value |
Table.sign | Table Creation - Frequency of each value |
Tcrossprod | Matrix multiplication, Cross and Tcross product. |
tmle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
tobit.mle | MLE of the tobit model |
topological_sort | Topological sort of a DAG |
total.dist | Distance matrix - Sum of all pairwise distances in a distance matrix |
total.dista | Distance between vectors and a matrix - Sum of all pairwise distances in a distance matrix. |
transpose | Transpose of a matrix |
Trigamma | Natural logarithm of the gamma function and its derivatives. |
ttest | Many one sample tests |
ttest1 | One sample t-test for a vector |
ttest2 | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
ttests | Many 2 sample tests tests |
ttests.pairs | Matrix with all pairs of t-tests |
twoway.anova | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
twoway.anovas | Many two-way ANOVAs |
ufactor | Fast and general represantation of a factor variable |
univglms | Many univariate generalised linear regressions |
univglms2 | Many univariate generalised linear regressions |
upper_tri | Lower and Upper triangular of a matrix |
upper_tri.assign | Lower and Upper triangular of a matrix |
Var | Variance (and standard deviation) of a vector |
var2test | Multi-sample tests for vectors |
var2tests | Many 2 sample tests tests |
varcomps.mle | Moment and maximum likelihood estimation of variance components |
varcomps.mom | Moment and maximum likelihood estimation of variance components |
vartest | Many one sample tests |
vartests | Many multi-sample tests |
vecdist | Distance matrix - Sum of all pairwise distances in a distance matrix |
vm.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
vmf.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical distributions |
watson | Uniformity tests for circular data |
weib.reg | Weibull regression model |
weibull.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line |
which.is | Index of the columns of a data.frame which are a specific type |
wigner.mle | MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line |
wrapcauchy.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
XopY.sum | Operations between two matrices or matrix and vector |
yule | Yule's Y (coefficient of colligation) |
zip.mle | MLE of count data |
ztp.mle | MLE of count data |
!=.iterator | Iterator |
==.iterator | Iterator |
[.Hash | Hash object |
[.ufactor | Fast and general represantation of a factor variable |
[<-.Hash | Hash object |