Rfast-package {Rfast} | R Documentation |
A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions
A collection of fast (utility) functions for data analysis. Column and row wise means, medians, variances, minimums, maximums, many t, F and G-square tests, many regressions (normal, logistic, Poisson), are some of the many fast functions. References: a) Tsagris M., Papadakis M. (2018). Taking R to its limits: 70+ tips. PeerJ Preprints 6:e26605v1 <doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.26605v1>. b) Tsagris M. and Papadakis M. (2018). Forward regression in R: from the extreme slow to the extreme fast. Journal of Data Science, 16(4): 771–780. <doi:10.6339/JDS.201810_16(4).00006>. c) Chatzipantsiou C., Dimitriadis M., Papadakis M. and Tsagris M. (2020). Extremely Efficient Permutation and Bootstrap Hypothesis Tests Using Hypothesis Tests Using R. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 18(2), eP2898. <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1806.10947>.
Package: | Rfast |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1.0 |
Date: | 2023-11-08 |
License: | GPL (>= 2.0) |
Manos Papadakis <rfastofficial@gmail.com>
Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge:
Professor Kurt Hornik, Doctor Uwe Ligges (and the rest of R core team) for their invaluable help with this R package.
Erich Studerus for his invaluable comments.
Neal Fultz for his suggestions.
Vassilis Vasdekis for his invaluable help with the random effects models.
Marios Dimitriadis' work was funded by the Special Account for Research Funds of the University of Crete, Department of Computer Science.
Phillip Si is greatly acknowledged for his help with the Floyd-Warshal algorithm.
Keefe Murphy for his invaluable help with NEWS file and for his suggestions.
Zacharias Papadovassilakis gave us the inspiration for the memory efficient version of the k-NN algorithm.
Yannis Pantazis explained us how the orhtogonal matching pursuit works.
Achim Zeileis for his help with the quasi Poisson regression models.
Pedro J. Aphalo for finding a bug.
Dimitris Kyriakis for finding a bug.
Cyrille Conord for finding a bug.
Aaron Robotham for finding a bug.
Calvin Pan from the Department of Human Genetics at UCLA found a bug in the function glm_logistic and he is greatly acknowledged for that.
Adam Muschielok from Rodenstock GmbH found a bug in the function vmf.mle and he is greatly acknowledged for that.
Bret Presnell for detecting and correcting a bug in the function rvmf.
Gabriel Hoffman for spotting a mistake in the fuction dirimultinom.mle.
Lutz von der Burchard for spotting a bug in the function bic.corfsreg.
Manos Papadakis <papadakm95@gmail.com>
Michail Tsagris <mtsagris@uoc.gr>
Marios Dimitriadis <kmdimitriadis@gmail.com>
Stefanos Fafalios <stefanosfafalios@gmail.com>
Ioannis Tsamardinos <tsamard@csd.uoc.gr>
Matteo Fasiolo <matteo.fasiolo@gmail.com>
Giorgos Borboudakis <borbudak@gmail.com>
John Burkardt <jburkardt@fsu.edu>
Kleanthi Lakiotaki <kliolak@gmail.com>
Changliang Zou <nk.chlzou@gmail.com>
Christina Chatzipantsiou <chatzipantsiou@gmail.com>