R to Symbolic Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘RSDA’ version 3.2.1

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A C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S U V W misc

-- A --

abalone SODAS XML data file.
as.data.frame.symbolic_histogram a data.frame
as.data.frame.symbolic_interval convertir a data.frame
as.data.frame.symbolic_modal Extract values
as.data.frame.symbolic_set convertir a data.frame

-- C --

calc.burt.sym Burt Matrix
calculate.quantils.RSDA quantiles.RSDA
Cardiological Cardiological data example
cardiologicalv2 Cardiological data example
centers.interval Compute centers of the interval
classic.to.sym Generate a symbolic data frame
cor Generic function for the correlation
cor.default Generic function for the correlation
cor.symbolic_interval Generic function for the correlation
cor.symbolic_tbl Generic function for the correlation
cov Generic function for the covariance
cov.default Generic function for the covariance
cov.symbolic_interval Generic function for the covariance
cov.symbolic_tbl Generic function for the covariance

-- D --

deter.coefficient Compute the determination cosfficient
dist.vect Compute a distance vector
dist.vect.matrix Compute the distance vector matrix

-- E --

ex1_db2so Data example to generate symbolic objets
example1 Data Example 1
example2 Data Example 2
example3 Data Example 3
example4 Data Example 4
example5 Data Example 5
example6 Data Example 6
example7 Data Example 7
ex_cfa1 Correspondence Analysis Example
ex_cfa2 Correspondence Analysis Example
ex_mcfa1 Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example
ex_mcfa2 Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example

-- F --

facedata Face Data Example
format.symbolic_histogram Symbolic modal conversion functions to and from Character
format.symbolic_interval Symbolic interval conversion functions to and from Character
format.symbolic_modal Symbolic modal conversion functions to and from Character
format.symbolic_set Symbolic set conversion functions to and from Character

-- G --

get.limits.PCA Projections onto PCA
get.limits.PCA.indivduals Projections onto PCA
get_cats Extract categories
get_props Extract prop

-- H --

hardwoodBrito Hard Wood Data Example
HistRSDAToEcdf HistRSDAToEcdf

-- I --

interval.centers calcula centros
interval.histogram.plot Histogram plot for an interval variable
interval.large Calculate the large of each interval
interval.length Lenght for interval
interval.max calcula maximos
interval.min calcula minimos
interval.ranges calcula rangos
int_prost_test Linear regression model data example.
int_prost_train Linear regression model data example.
is.sym.histogram Symbolic histogram
is.sym.interval Symbolic interval
is.sym.modal Symbolic modal
is.sym.set Symbolic set

-- L --

lynne1 Symbolic interval data example.

-- M --

max.symbolic_interval Maxima and Minima
mcfa.scatterplot Plot Interval Scatterplot
mean.symbolic_interval Symbolic mean for intervals
mean.symbolic_tbl Symbolic mean for intervals
median.symbolic_interval Symbolic Median
median.symbolic_tbl Symbolic Median
method_summary Summary method to CM and CRM regression model
min.symbolic_interval Maxima and Minima

-- N --

neighbors.vertex Compute neighbors vertex
norm.vect Compute the norm of a vector.

-- O --

oils Ichino Oils example data.
olils Ichino Oils example data.

-- P --

pca.supplementary.vertex.fun.j.new Calculate the distance
Percentil.Arrow.plot Percentil.Arrow.plot
plot.symbolic_tbl Function for plotting a symbolic object
plot.sym_umap Plot UMAP for symbolic data tables

-- Q --

quantiles.RSDA quantiles.RSDA
quantiles.RSDA.KS quantiles.RSDA.KS

-- R --

R2.L Lower boundary correlation coefficient.
R2.U Upper boundary correlation coefficient.
read.sym.table Read a Symbolic Table
RMSE.L Lower boundary root-mean-square error
RMSE.U Upper boundary root-mean-square error
RSDA R to Symbolic Data Analysis

-- S --

sd Generic function for the standard desviation
sd.default Generic function for the standard desviation
sd.symbolic_interval Generic function for the standard desviation
sd.symbolic_tbl Generic function for the standard desviation
SDS.to.RSDA SDS SODAS files to RSDA files.
SODAS.to.RSDA XML SODAS files to RSDA files.
stand.data Standardized Intervals
sym.all.quantiles.mesh3D.plot sym.all.quantiles.mesh3D.plot
sym.all.quantiles.plot sym.all.quantiles.plot
sym.circle.plot Symbolic Circle of Correlations
sym.dist.interval Distance for Symbolic Interval Variables.
sym.gbm Generalized Boosted Symbolic Regression
sym.glm Lasso, Ridge and and Elastic Net Linear regression model to interval variables
sym.histogram Create an symbolic_histogram type object
sym.histogram.pca sym.histogram.pca
sym.interval Create an symbolic_interval type object
sym.interval.pc Compute a symbolic interval principal components curves
sym.interval.pc.limits Symbolic interval principal curves limits
sym.interval.pca Interval Principal Components Analysis.
sym.kmeans Symbolic k-Means
sym.knn Symbolic k-Nearest Neighbor Regression
sym.lm CM and CRM Linear regression model.
sym.mcfa sym.mcfa
sym.modal Create an symbolic_modal type object
sym.nnet Symbolic neural networks regression
sym.pca Interval Principal Components Analysis.
Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot
sym.pca.symbolic_tbl Interval Principal Components Analysis.
sym.predict Predict method to CM and CRM regression model
sym.predict.symbolic_gbm_cm Predict model_gbm_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_gbm_crm Predict model_gbm_crm model
sym.predict.symbolic_glm_cm Predict method to CM and CRM regression model
sym.predict.symbolic_glm_crm Predict method to CM and CRM regression model
sym.predict.symbolic_knn_cm Predict model_knn_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_knn_crm Predict model_knn_crm model
sym.predict.symbolic_lm_cm Predict method to CM and CRM regression model
sym.predict.symbolic_lm_crm Predict method to CM and CRM regression model
sym.predict.symbolic_nnet_cm Predict nnet_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_nnet_crm Predict nnet_crm model
sym.predict.symbolic_rf_cm Predict rf_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_rf_crm Predict rf_crm model
sym.predict.symbolic_rt_cm Predict rt_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_rt_crm Predict rt_crm model
sym.predict.symbolic_svm_cm Predict model_svm_cm model
sym.predict.symbolic_svm_crm Predict model_svm_crm model
sym.quantiles.PCA.plot sym.quantiles.PCA.plot
sym.rf Symbolic Regression with Random Forest
sym.rt Symbolic Regression Trees
sym.scatterplot Symbolic Scatter Plot
sym.set Create an symbolic_set type object
sym.svm Symbolic Support Vector Machines Regression
sym.umap UMAP for Symbolic Data
sym.umap.symbolic_tbl UMAP for Symbolic Data
sym.var Symbolic Variable

-- U --

USCrime Us crime classic data table
uscrime_int Us crime interval data table.
uscrime_intv2 Us crime interval data table.

-- V --

var Symbolic Variance
var.default Symbolic Variance
var.symbolic_interval Symbolic Variance
var.symbolic_tbl Symbolic Variance
variance.princ.curve Variance of the principal curve
vertex.interval Vertex of the intervals
VeterinaryData Symbolic interval data example

-- W --

weighted.center.Hist.RSDA weighted.center.Hist.RSDA
write.sym.table Write Symbolic Data Table

-- misc --

$.symbolic_histogram $ operator for histograms
$.symbolic_interval Maxima and Minima
$.symbolic_modal $ operator for modals
$.symbolic_set $ operator for set