chooseSigma |
Select the threshold sigma for hd-MI. |
GLMnetToGraph |
Convert the result of imputedGLMnetwork or a matrix into a network. |
GLMnetwork |
Infer a network from RNA-seq expression. |
GLMpath |
Methods for 'GLMpath' objects. |
GLMpath-class |
Methods for 'GLMpath' objects. |
HDImputed |
Methods for 'HDImputed' objects. |
HDImputed-class |
Methods for 'HDImputed' objects. |
HDpath |
Methods for 'HDpath' objects. |
HDpath-class |
Methods for 'HDpath' objects. |
imputedGLMnetwork |
Multiple hot-deck imputation and network inference from RNA-seq data. |
imputeHD |
Impute missing row datasets with multiple hot deck. |
lung |
RNA-seq expression from lung tissue (GTEx). |
plot.HDpath |
Methods for 'HDpath' objects. |
plot.stars |
Methods for 'stars' objects. |
print.GLMpath |
Methods for 'GLMpath' objects. |
print.HDImputed |
Methods for 'HDImputed' objects. |
print.HDpath |
Methods for 'HDpath' objects. |
print.stars |
Methods for 'stars' objects. |
RNAseqNetUsersGuide |
View RNAseqNet User's Guide |
stabilitySelection |
Selection of the regularization parameter by StARS (Liu et al., 2010). |
stars |
Methods for 'stars' objects. |
stars-class |
Methods for 'stars' objects. |
summary.GLMpath |
Methods for 'GLMpath' objects. |
summary.HDImputed |
Methods for 'HDImputed' objects. |
summary.HDimputed |
Methods for 'HDImputed' objects. |
summary.HDpath |
Methods for 'HDpath' objects. |
summary.stars |
Methods for 'stars' objects. |
thyroid |
RNA-seq expression from thyroid tissue (GTEx). |
varIntra |
Average intra-donor pool variance. |