Graphics for Spherical Distributions and Earthquake Focal Mechanisms

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Documentation for package ‘RFOC’ version 3.4-10

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RFOC-package Calculates and plot Earthquake Focal Mechanisms

-- A --

addmecpoints Add points to Focal Mech
addPT Add P-T Axis to focal plot
addPTarrows Add fancy 3D arrows
addsmallcirc Small Circle on Stereonet
AlongGreat Get Points Along Great Circle
alpha95 95 percent confidence for Spherical Distribution
AXpoint Extract Axis pole on Stereonet

-- B --

bang Angle between two 2D normalized vectors
Beachfoc Plot a BeachBall Focal Mechanism
Bfocvec Angles for Ternary plot
BOXarrows3D Create a 3D Arrow structure

-- C --

circtics Draw circular ticmarks
CONVERTSDR Convert Strike-Dip-Rake to MEC structure Vector Cross Product
CROSSL Vector Cross Product

-- D --

doNonDouble Plot Non-double Couple Moment

-- E --

EApoint Equal-area point stereonet
egl Tungurahua Cartesian Moment Tensors

-- F --

fancyarrows Make fancy arrows
faultplane fault plane projection on focal sphere
FixDip Fix Dip Angle
flipnodal Flip Nodal Fault Plane
foc.color Get color of Focal Mechansim
foc.icolor Get Fault Style
FOCangles Angles for focal planes
focleg Fault style descriptor
focpoint add point on focal sphere
forcerighthand Force Right-Hand System

-- G --

getCMT Read CMT
GetRake Calculate Rake angles
GetRakeSense Get Rake Sense
getUWfocs Get UW focals

-- H --

HAMMERprojXY Hammer Projection Hudson Net Plot
hudson.plot Hudson Source Type Plot

-- I --

imageP P-wave radiation pattern
imageSCALE add scale on sice of image
imageSH P-wave radiation pattern
imageSV P-wave radiation pattern
inverseTAPE Inverse Moment Tensor

-- J --

jimbo Moment Tensors from the Harvard CMT
JMAT Vertical Rotation matrix
justfocXY Plot focal mechanism

-- K --

KAMCORN SDR data from the Harvard CMT catalog

-- L --

lowplane Plot one Fault plane on stereonet

-- M --

m2tk Moment tensor to T-k
makeblock3D Make a 3D block Structure
makenet Equal-Angle Stereonet
MapNonDouble Map moment tensors
mc2cart Convert azimuth, dip to Cartesian Coordinates
mijsdr Moment Tensor to Strike-Dip-Rake
MomentDist Distance Between Moment Tensors
MRake Rake Calculation

-- N --

net EqualArea Stereonet
nipXY Fault-Slip vector plot
nodalLines Nodal Lines
normal.fault Normal Fault Cartoon

-- P --

pcirc Circle Plot
pglyph3D Plot a 3D body on an existing graphic
phong3D Phong shading for a 3D body
PKAM P and T-axes data from the Harvard CMT catalog
plotfoc Plot Focal Radiation Patterns
plotmanyfoc Plot Many Focals
plotMEC Plot a Focal Mechanism
PlotPlanes Plot Fault an Auxilliary Planes
PlotPTsmooth Plot Smooth PT-axes
PlotTernfoc Ternary Distribution of focal mechanisms
PLTcirc Circle Plot with Cross Hairs
pnet plot stereonet
polyfoc Polt the focal mechanism polygon
Pradfoc Plot P-wave radiation
Preflect Reflect a pole through to the lower hemisphere
prepFOCS Prepare Focals
printMEC Print focal mechanism
PROJ3D Project 3D
PTaxes Plot P-T axis on CLVD
PTXY2 Plot P-T Axes

-- Q --

qpoint Point on Stereonet

-- R --

radiateP Plot radiation pattern for P-waves
radiateSH Plot radiation pattern for SH-waves
radiateSV Plot radiation pattern for SV-waves
radP Radiation pattern for P waves
radSH Radiation pattern for SH waves
radSV Radiation pattern for SV waves
rakelegend Focal Legend based on rake
readCMT Read Harvard CMT moment
RectDense Divide a region into rectangles based on density
REFLECT reflect pole
RFOC Calculates and plot Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
rotateFoc Rotate Focal Mechanism
Rotfocphi Rotate Focal Mechanism
RotTP Rotate T-P axes
ROTX X-axis Rotation Matrix
rotx3 Rotate about the x axis
ROTY Y-axis Rotation Matrix
roty3 Rotate about the y axis
ROTZ Z-axis Rotation Matrix
rotz3 Rotate about the z axis

-- S --

SDRfoc Plot a Focal Mechanism from SDR
ShadowCLVD Plot CLVD focal mechanism
SHradfoc Plot SH-wave radiation
SourceType Moment Tensor Source Type
spherefocgeo SphereFocGeo
spline.arrow Spline Arrow
StrikeDip Plot Strike Dip Lines
strikeslip.fault Strikeslip Fault Cartoon
SVradfoc Plot SV-wave radiation

-- T --

TapeBase Tape Base Lines
TapePlot Tape style Lune Plot
TEACHFOC Graphical Plot of Focal Mechanism
ternfoc.point Plot Ternary Point
ternfocgeo Ternary Focals
testrightHAND Test Right Hand of tensor
thrust.fault Thrust Fault Cartoon
tk2uv Tk2uv
to.spherical Convert Cartesian to Spherical
TOCART.DIP Convert to Cartesian
tocartL Convert to cartesian coordinate
TOSPHERE Convert to Spherical Coordinates
TOSPHERE.DIP convert to spherical coordinates
tosphereL convert to spherical coordinates
TP2XYZ Trend - Dip to XYZ
TRANmat Translation Matrix

-- V --

Vmoments Cartesian Moment Tensors

-- W --

widdenMoments Cartesian Moment Tensors
Wnet Wulff Stereonet
Wpoint Plot points on Wulff Stereonet

-- X --

xsecmanyfoc Plot Focal Mechs at X-Y position on cross sections

-- Z --

Z3Darrow Make a 3D arrow