xsecmanyfoc {RFOC} | R Documentation |
Plot Focal Mechs at X-Y position on cross sections
Plot Focal Mechs at X-Y positions on cross sectionsor other plots that do not have geographic coordinates and projection.
xsecmanyfoc(MEK, theta=NULL, focsiz = 0.5,
foccol = NULL, UP=TRUE, focstyle=1, LEG = FALSE, DOBAR = FALSE)
List of Focal Mechanisms, see details |
focsiz |
focal size, inches |
theta |
degrees, angle from north for projecting the focal mechs |
foccol |
focal color, default is to calculate based on rake |
UP |
logical, UP=TRUE means plot upper hemisphere (DEFAULT=TRUE) |
focstyle |
integer, 1=beach ball, 2=nipplot |
logical, TRUE= add focal legend for color codes |
add strike dip bar at epicenter |
Input MEK list contains
MEKS = list(lon=0, lat=0, str1=0, dip1=0, rake1=0, dep=0, name="", Elat=0, Elon=0, x=0, y=0)
The x, y coordinates of the input list are location where the focals will be plotted. For cross sections x=distance along the section and y would be depth. The focal mechs are added to the current plot.
Graphical Side Effects
If theta is NULL focals are plotted as if they were on a plan view. If theta is provided, however, the mechs are plotted with view from the vertical cross section. The cross section is taken at two points. Theta should be determined by viewing the cross section with the first point on the left and the second on the right. The view angle is through the section measured in degrees from north.
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees@unc.edu>
Lees, J. M., Geotouch: Software for Three and Four Dimensional GIS in the Earth Sciences, Computers & Geosciences, 26, 7, 751-761, 2000.
See Also
justfocXY, plotmanyfoc
############# create and plot the mechs in plan view:
N = 20
lon=runif(20, 235, 243)
lat=runif(20, 45.4, 49)
dip1=runif(20,10, 80)
rake1=runif(20,5, 180)
name=seq(from=1, to=length(lon), by=1)
yr = rep(2017, times=N)
jd = runif(N, min=1, max=365)
MEKS = list(lon=lon, lat=lat, str1=str1, dip1=dip1,
rake1=rake1, dep=dep, name=name, yr=yr, jd = jd)
PROJ = GEOmap::setPROJ(type=2, LAT0=mean(lat) , LON0=mean(lon) ) ## utm
XY = GEOmap::GLOB.XY(lat, lon, PROJ)
plot(range(XY$x), range(XY$y), type='n', asp=1)
plotmanyfoc(MEKS, PROJ, focsiz=0.5)
ex = range(XY$x)
why = range(XY$y)
JJ = list(x=ex, y=why)
SWA = GEOmap::eqswath(XY$x, XY$y, MEKS$dep, JJ, width = diff(why) , PROJ = PROJ)
MEKS$x = rep(NA, length(XY$x))
MEKS$y = rep(NA, length(XY$y))
MEKS$x[SWA$flag] = SWA$r
MEKS$y[SWA$flag] = -SWA$depth
bigR = sqrt( (JJ$x[2]-JJ$x[1])^2 + (JJ$y[2]-JJ$y[1])^2)
plot(c(0,bigR) , c(0, min(-SWA$depth)) , type='n',
xlab="Distance, KM", ylab="Depth")
points(SWA$r, -SWA$depth)
xsecmanyfoc(MEKS, focsiz=0.5, LEG = TRUE, DOBAR=FALSE)
title("cross section: focals are plotted as if in plan view")
ang1 = atan2( JJ$y[2]-JJ$y[1] , JJ$x[2]-JJ$x[1])
degang = ang1*180/pi
xsecmanyfoc(MEKS, focsiz=0.5, theta=degang, LEG = TRUE, DOBAR=FALSE)
title("cross section: focals are view from the side projection (outer hemisphere)")