Assignment of Haplotypes Based on SNP Dosages in Diploids and Polyploids

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Documentation for package ‘PolyHaplotyper’ version 1.0.1

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allhap Find all possible haplotypes
allHaplotypes get all haplotypes for the given markers
build_ahccompletelist generate a list with all haplotype combinations
calcMrkHaptable produce a table of nr of markers vs nr of haplotypes
calcStatistics calculate some statistics of the solutions of all haploblocks
checkmrkDosage check a marker dosages matrix or data.frame
compareHapMrkDosages compare haplotyping results with observed markers dosages
compareHapresults compare two haplotyping results
demo_ped pedigree
demo_snpdos dosages of SNP alleles
expandHapdos Add dropped rows back to haplotype dosage matrix
getFSfreqs get all FS haplotype combinations expected from two parental haplotype combinations, with their frequencies
getGameteFreqs get all gametes and their frequencies for a parental haplotype combination
hapcomb2hapdos convert haplotype combinations to haplotype dosages
hapdos2hapcomb convert haplotype dosages to haplotype combinations
hapdos2mrkdos calculate the marker dosages resulting from haplotype dosage combinations
haploblock_df2list convert a haploblock-defining data frame to a list
inferHaplotypes infer haplotypes for one or more haploblocks
make.Happyinf.input convert PolyHaplotyper input data to Happy-inf format
make.SATlotyper.input convert PolyHaplotyper marker data to SATlotyper format
make.ShesisPlus.input convert PolyHaplotyper marker data to ShesisPlus format
mergeReplicates merge replicate samples in dosage matrix
mrkdid2mrkdos get the marker dosages from mrkdids (marker dosage IDs)
mrkdos2mrkdid get marker dosage IDs from marker dosages
overviewByFS generate an overview of the results by haploblock and by FS family
padded pad an integer (prefix with zeroes to a fixed length)
pedigreeHapCheck check the consistency of haploblock genotypes over a pedigree
pedigreeSim2PH convert the PedigreeSim true haplotypes to marker dosages and haplotype dosages
phblocks List of markers per haploblock
phdos dosages of SNP alleles
phFS members of FS families
phpar parents of FS families
phped pedigree
phresults haplotyping results
read.Happyinf.output read the haplotyping results from the Happy-inf output
read.SATlotyper.output read the haplotyping results from the SATlotyper output
read.ShesisPlus.output Read the haplotyping results from the ShesisPlus output
run.SATlotyper A simple interface to run SATlotyper
showOneFS show marker and haplotype dosages for one FS family
totHapcombCount calculate the total nr of possible haplotype combinations
usedhap Find all used (inferred) haplotypes