hapcomb2hapdos {PolyHaplotyper}R Documentation

convert haplotype combinations to haplotype dosages


converts matrices that contain haplotype combinations in columns (as the matrices in ahccompletelist or ahclist) to matrices with the haplotype dosages


hapcomb2hapdos(hapcomb, nhap)



matrix with <ploidy> rows and any number of columns. Each column contains a set of haplotypes (numbers in 1 ... nhap). NAs allowed but no values outside this range (not checked). E.g. a column with numbers 1-1-3-12 means two copies of haplotype 1 and one of haplotypes 3 and 12 each.


the total number of possible haplotypes: 2^nmrk where nmrk is the number of bi-allelic markers in the haploblock


matrix with nhap rows (one row for each possible haplotype) and as many columns as in hapmat, giving the dosages of each haplotype in each column of hapmat.


# specify haplotype combinations of 2 individuals:
haplocomb <- matrix(c(1,5,5,6, 5,6,6,6), ncol=2,
                   dimnames=list(NULL, c("indiv1", "indiv2")))
# convert to dosage matrix,
# assuming haploblock has 3 markers, so 8 possible haplotypes:
hapcomb2hapdos(hapcomb=haplocomb, nhap=8)

[Package PolyHaplotyper version 1.0.1 Index]