Facilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink

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Documentation for package ‘OlinkAnalyze’ version 3.7.0

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check_data_completeness Check data completeness
manifest Example Sample Manifest
npx_data1 NPX Data in Long format
npx_data2 NPX Data in Long format, Follow-up
olink_anova Function which performs an ANOVA per protein
olink_anova_posthoc Function which performs an ANOVA posthoc test per protein.
olink_boxplot Function which plots boxplots of selected variables
olink_bridgeselector Bridge selection function
olink_color_discrete Olink color scale for discrete ggplots
olink_color_gradient Olink color scale for continuous ggplots
olink_displayPlateDistributions Plot distributions of a given variable for all plates
olink_displayPlateLayout Plot all plates colored by a variable
olink_dist_plot Function to plot the NPX distribution by panel
olink_fill_discrete Olink fill scale for discrete ggplots
olink_fill_gradient Olink fill scale for continuous ggplots
olink_heatmap_plot Function to plot a heatmap of the NPX data
olink_lmer Function which performs a linear mixed model per protein
olink_lmer_plot Function which performs a point-range plot per protein on a linear mixed model
olink_lmer_posthoc Function which performs a linear mixed model posthoc per protein.
olink_normalization Normalization of all proteins (by OlinkID).
olink_normalization_bridge Bridge normalization of all proteins between two NPX projects.
olink_normalization_n Bridge and/or subset normalization of all proteins among multiple NPX projects.
olink_normalization_n_check An internal function to perform checks on the input of the function olink_normalization_n.
olink_normalization_project_name_check An internal function to perform checks on the input project names in the functions olink_normalization_bridge and olink_normalization_subset. The function is expected to run all checks on project names to make sure that normalization can be performed smoothly. It should work independently of the function calling it.
olink_normalization_sample_check An internal function to perform checks on the input samples in the functions olink_normalization_bridge and olink_normalization_subset. The function is expected to run all checks on SampleID to make sure that normalization can be performed smoothly. It should work independently of the function calling it.
olink_normalization_subset Subset normalization of all proteins between two NPX projects.
olink_one_non_parametric Function which performs a Kruskal-Wallis Test or Friedman Test per protein
olink_one_non_parametric_posthoc Function which performs posthoc test per protein for the results from Friedman or Kruskal-Wallis Test.
olink_ordinalRegression Function which A two-way ordinal analysis of variance can address an experimental design with two independent variables, each of which is a factor variable. The main effect of each independent variable can be tested, as well as the effect of the interaction of the two factors.
olink_ordinalRegression_posthoc Function which performs an posthoc test per protein.
olink_pal Olink color panel for plotting
olink_pathway_enrichment Performs pathway enrichment using over-representation analysis (ORA) or gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
olink_pathway_heatmap Creates a heatmap of selected pathways and proteins
olink_pathway_visualization Creates bargraph of top/selected enrichment terms from GSEA or ORA results from olink_pathway_enrichment()
olink_pca_plot Function to plot a PCA of the data
olink_plate_randomizer Randomly assign samples to plates
olink_qc_plot Function to plot an overview of a sample cohort per Panel
olink_ttest Function which performs a t-test per protein
olink_umap_plot Function to make a UMAP plot from the data
olink_volcano_plot Easy volcano plot with Olink theme
olink_wilcox Function which performs a Mann-Whitney U Test per protein
print_and_capture Capture the output of printing an object
read_flex Read in flex data
read_NPX Function to read NPX data into long format
read_npx_csv Helper function to read in Olink Explore csv or txt files
read_npx_parquet Helper function to read in Olink Explore parquet output files
read_npx_zip Helper function to read in Olink Explore zip csv files
set_plot_theme Function to set plot theme