olink_umap_plot {OlinkAnalyze}R Documentation

Function to make a UMAP plot from the data


Computes a manifold approximation and projection using umap::umap and plots the two specified components. Unique sample names are required and imputation by the median is done for assays with missingness <10% for multi-plate projects and <5% for single plate projects.


  color_g = "QC_Warning",
  x_val = 1,
  y_val = 2,
  config = NULL,
  label_samples = FALSE,
  drop_assays = FALSE,
  drop_samples = FALSE,
  byPanel = FALSE,
  outlierDefX = NA,
  outlierDefY = NA,
  outlierLines = FALSE,
  label_outliers = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



data frame in long format with Sample Id, NPX and column of choice for colors


Character value indicating which column to use for colors (default QC_Warning)


Integer indicating which UMAP component to plot along the x-axis (default 1)


Integer indicating which UMAP component to plot along the y-axis (default 2)


object of class umap.config, specifying the parameters for the UMAP algorithm (default umap::umap.defaults)


Logical. If TRUE, points are replaced with SampleID (default FALSE)


Logical. All assays with any missing values will be dropped. Takes precedence over sample drop.


Logical. All samples with any missing values will be dropped.


Perform the UMAP per panel (default FALSE)


The number standard deviations along the UMAP dimension plotted on the x-axis that defines an outlier. See also 'Details"


The number standard deviations along the UMAP dimension plotted on the y-axis that defines an outlier. See also 'Details"


Draw dashed lines at +/-outlierDef[X,Y] standard deviations from the mean of the plotted PCs (default FALSE)


Use ggrepel to label samples lying outside the limits set by the outlierLines (default TRUE)


Logical. If TRUE, the resulting plot is not printed


Logical. Whether warnings about the number of samples and/or assays dropped or imputed should be printed to the console.


coloroption passed to specify color order.


The plot is printed, and a list of ggplot objects is returned.

If byPanel = TRUE, the data processing (imputation of missing values etc) and subsequent UMAP is performed separately per panel. A faceted plot is printed, while the individual ggplot objects are returned.

The arguments outlierDefX and outlierDefY can be used to identify outliers in the UMAP results. Samples more than +/-outlierDef[X,Y] standard deviations from the mean of the plotted UMAP component will be labelled. Both arguments have to be specified. NOTE: UMAP is a non-linear data transformation that might not accurately preserve the properties of the data. Distances in the UMAP plane should therefore be interpreted with caution.


A list of objects of class "ggplot", each plot contains scatter plot of UMAPs


npx_data <- npx_data1 %>%
    mutate(SampleID = paste(SampleID, "_", Index, sep = ""))
try({ # Requires umap package dependency
#UMAP using all the data
olink_umap_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning")

#UMAP per panel
g <- olink_umap_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning", byPanel = TRUE)
g$Inflammation #Plot only the Inflammation panel

#Label outliers
olink_umap_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
               outlierDefX = 2, outlierDefY = 4) #All data
olink_umap_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
               outlierDefX = 3, outlierDefY = 2, byPanel = TRUE) #Per panel

#Retrieve the outliers
g <- olink_umap_plot(df=npx_data, color_g = "QC_Warning",
                    outlierDefX = 3, outlierDefY = 2, byPanel = TRUE)
outliers <- lapply(g, function(x){x$data}) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
    filter(Outlier == 1)

[Package OlinkAnalyze version 3.8.2 Index]