'MicroRNA' Set Enrichment Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘MiRSEA’ version 1.1.1

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MiRSEA-package MicroRNA Set Enrichment Analysis
Corrp2miRfile create a pathway-microRNA(miRNA) profile and a p value matrix
EnrichmentScore Computes the enrichment score
EnrichmentScore2 Computes the enrichment score faster
envData The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
example.cls The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
example.gct The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
GetExampleData Get the example data
GetMiRTargetData Get the data of microRNA(miRNA) and target genes
GetPathwayData Get the gene sets of pathways
HeatMapPlot Plot a heatmap
mfile The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
miRList The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
MiRSEA MicroRNA Set Enrichment Analysis
MirSEA Identify dysregulated pathways based on microRNA (miRNA) set enrichment analysis
MsReport Produce report for a microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) set
p The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
p2miR The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
pathway The variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
PlotCorrelation Plot global microRNA(miRNA) correlation profile
PlotHeatMap Plot a heat map
PlotRunEnrichment Plot running microRNAs(miRNAs) enrichment score
S2N calculate signal to noise ratio for microRNAs(miRNAs)