MaxLik-class |
MaxLik Class |
MRAll-class |
MRAll Class |
MRcML-class |
MRcML Class |
MRConMix-class |
MRConMix Class |
MRHetPen-class |
MRHetPen Class |
MRInput-class |
MRInput Class |
MRLasso-class |
MRLasso class |
MRMBE-class |
MRMBE Class |
MRMVInput-class |
MRMVInput Class |
mr_allmethods |
Mendelian randomization estimation using all methods |
mr_allmethods-method |
Mendelian randomization estimation using all methods |
mr_clr |
Conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) method |
mr_clr-method |
Conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) method |
mr_cML |
Constrained maximum likelihood (cML) method |
mr_cML-method |
Constrained maximum likelihood (cML) method |
mr_conmix |
Contamination mixture method |
mr_conmix-method |
Contamination mixture method |
mr_divw |
Debiased inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_divw-method |
Debiased inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_egger |
MR-Egger method |
mr_egger-method |
MR-Egger method |
mr_forest |
Draw a forest plot of causal estimates |
mr_forest-method |
Draw a forest plot of causal estimates |
mr_funnel |
Draw a funnel plot of variant-specific estimates |
mr_funnel-method |
Draw a funnel plot of variant-specific estimates |
mr_hetpen |
Heterogeneity-penalized method |
mr_hetpen-method |
Heterogeneity-penalized method |
mr_input |
Inputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation |
mr_ivw |
Inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_ivw-method |
Inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_lasso |
MR-Lasso method |
mr_lasso-method |
MR-Lasso method |
mr_loo |
Leave-one-out estimates |
mr_loo-method |
Leave-one-out estimates |
mr_maxlik |
Maximum-likelihood method |
mr_maxlik-method |
Maximum-likelihood method |
mr_mbe |
Mode-based method of Hartwig |
mr_mbe-method |
Mode-based method of Hartwig |
mr_median |
Median-based method |
mr_median-method |
Median-based method |
mr_mvcML |
Multivariable constrained maximum likelihood method |
mr_mvcML-method |
Multivariable constrained maximum likelihood method |
mr_mvegger |
Multivariable MR-Egger method |
mr_mvegger-method |
Multivariable MR-Egger method |
mr_mvgmm |
Multivariable generalized method of moments (GMM) method |
mr_mvgmm-method |
Multivariable generalized method of moments (GMM) method |
mr_mvinput |
Inputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation |
mr_mvivw |
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_mvivw-method |
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_mvivwme |
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method with measurement error |
mr_mvivwme-method |
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method with measurement error |
mr_mvlasso |
Multivariable MR-Lasso method |
mr_mvlasso-method |
Multivariable MR-Lasso method |
mr_mvmedian |
Multivariable median-based method |
mr_mvmedian-method |
Multivariable median-based method |
mr_mvpcgmm |
Multivariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-GMM) method |
mr_mvpcgmm-method |
Multivariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-GMM) method |
mr_pcgmm |
Univariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-GMM) method |
mr_pcgmm-method |
Univariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-GMM) method |
mr_pivw |
Penalized inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_pivw-method |
Penalized inverse-variance weighted method |
mr_plot |
Draw a scatter plot of the genetic associations and/or causal estimates |
mr_plot-method |
Draw a scatter plot of the genetic associations and/or causal estimates |
MVcML_SdTheta |
Standard error estimate for MVMR-cML-BIC |
MVEgger-class |
MVEgger Class |
MVGMM-class |
MVGMM Class |
MVIVW-class |
MVIVW Class |
MVIVWME-class |
MVLasso-class |
MRMVLasso class |
MVMedian-class |
MRMVMedian class |
MVMRcML-class |
MVMRcML Class |
MVmr_cML |
MVMRcML method with Data Perturbation |
MVmr_cML_DP |
MVMRcML method with Data Perturbation |
MVPCGMM-class |