MSCquartets-package |
Multispecies Coalescent Model Quartet Package |
BQinference |
Main loop of B-quartet inference |
collapseEdges |
Collapse short tree edges |
compatibleSplits |
Extract compatible splits |
cutDensity |
Probability density function for Cut Model |
dataGeneTreeSample |
Simulated gene tree dataset from species tree |
dataHeliconiusMartin |
Heliconius gene tree dataset |
dataYeastRokas |
Yeast gene tree dataset |
estimateEdgeLengths |
Estimate edge lengths on a species tree from gene tree quartet counts |
expectedCFs |
Produce table of expected quartet concordance factors for a species tree |
HolmBonferroni |
Apply Holm-Bonferroni method to adjust for multiple tests |
initBquartets |
Initialize vector of B quartets |
M0 |
Modified Struve function |
MSCquartets |
Multispecies Coalescent Model Quartet Package |
Apply NANUQ network inference algorithm to gene tree data |
NANUQdist |
Compute NANUQ distance and write to file |
nexusDist |
Write a distance table to a file in nexus format |
nodeGroups |
Groups taxa by deleting a node in a tree |
powerDivStat |
Power divergence statistic of Cressie & Read |
pTableYeastRokas |
pTable for Yeast dataset |
pvalHist |
Plot histogram of log p-values in table |
Compute Quartet Distance Consensus tree from gene tree data |
Compute Quartet Distance Supertree |
quartetBTinferencePlot |
Produce simplex plot with results of B/T-quartet inference |
quartetCutMLE |
Maximum likelihood estimate of quartet tree of blobs topology and CF under Cut model |
quartetCutTest |
Hypothesis test for quartet counts fitting a resolved quartet tree of blobs under NMSC |
quartetCutTestInd |
Multiple independent hypothesis tests for quartet counts fitting the Cut model under the NMSC |
quartetDist |
Compute quartet distance between taxa |
quartetNetworkDist |
Compute network quartet distance between taxa |
quartetStarTest |
Hypothesis test for quartet counts fitting a star tree under the MSC |
quartetStarTestInd |
Multiple independent hypothesis tests for gene quartet counts fitting a species quartet star tree under the MSC |
quartetTable |
Produce table of counts of quartets displayed on trees |
quartetTableCollapse |
Reduce quartet table by combining some taxa |
quartetTableDominant |
Produce table of dominant quartets, with estimates of internal edge lengths |
quartetTableParallel |
Produce table of counts of quartets displayed on trees, in parallel for large data sets |
quartetTablePrint |
Print a quartet table with nice formatting |
quartetTableResolved |
Modify quartet table to show only resolved quartets |
quartetTallyCpp |
Build quartet table from distances |
quartetTestPlot |
Produce simplex plot with results of quartet hypothesis tests |
quartetTreeErrorProb |
Bayesian posterior probability of error in 4-taxon unrooted species tree topology estimate |
quartetTreeTest |
Hypothesis test for quartet counts fitting a tree under the MSC |
quartetTreeTestInd |
Multiple independent hypothesis tests for quartet counts fitting a species tree under the MSC |
quartetWeightedDist |
Compute the Weighted Quartet Distance between taxa |
simplexCoords |
Convert 3-d coordinates to 2-d probability simplex coordinates |
simplexLabels |
Label vertices of 2-d probability simplex |
simplexPoint |
Plot point in 2-d probability simplex |
simplexPrepare |
Draw 2-d probability simplex, with model lines for T3 or T1 model |
simplexSegment |
Plot line segment in 2-d probability simplex |
simplexText |
Add text at a point in 2-d probability simplex |
sortQuartetTableRows |
Sort quartet table rows by lex order |
T1density |
Probability density function for Model T1 |
T3density |
Probability density function for Model T3 |
taxonNames |
Get all taxon names from a collection of trees |
TINNIK algorithm to infer species tree of blobs |
TINNIKdist |
Compute TINNIK distance from quartets and hypothesis test p-values |
topDist |
Topological distances on a tree |
treeFromSplits |
Produce tree from compatible splits |
treeOfBlobs |
Tree of blobs for a network |
Compute Weighted Quartet Distance Consensus tree from gene tree data |
WQDCrecursive |
Compute the Recursive Weighted Quartet Distance Consensus tree from gene tree data |
Compute the Weighted Quartet Distance Supertree |
WQDSAdjustLengths |
Adjust edge lengths on tree built from Weighted Quartet distance to estimate metric tree |