Tools for Normalizing and Comparing ChIP-seq Samples

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Documentation for package ‘MAnorm2’ version 1.2.2

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aovBioCond Perform a Moderated Analysis of Variance on 'bioCond' Objects
bioCond Create a 'bioCond' Object to Group ChIP-seq Samples
checkCountTable Check the Regularity of a Count Table
checkIndex Check the Validity of an Index Vector
cmbBioCond Combine a Set of 'bioCond' Objects into a Single 'bioCond'
diffTest Generic Differential Test
diffTest.bioCond Generic Differential Test
distBioCond Quantify the Distance between Each Pair of Samples in a 'bioCond'
estimateD0 Workhorse Function for Estimating Number of Prior Degrees of Freedom
estimateD0Robust Estimate Number of Prior Degrees of Freedom in a Robust Manner
estimatePriorDf Assess the Goodness of Fit of Mean-Variance Curves
estimatePriorDfRobust Assess the Goodness of Fit of Mean-Variance Curves in a Robust Manner
estimateSizeFactors Estimate Size Factors of ChIP-seq Samples
estimateVarRatio Estimate Relative Variance Ratio Factors of 'bioCond' Objects
estParamHyperChIP The Parameter Estimation Framework of HyperChIP
extendMeanVarCurve Extend the Application Scope of a Mean-Variance Curve
fitMeanVarCurve Fit a Mean-Variance Curve
H3K27Ac ChIP-seq Samples for H3K27Ac in Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines
intervalMeans Deduce the Sample Mean Signal Intensity
intervalVars Sample Variance of Replicated Signal Intensities
inv.trigamma Inversion of Trigamma Function
isSymPosDef Is a Real Matrix Symmetric and Positive Definite?
MA.pcc Deduce Pearson Correlation Coefficient between M & A Values
MAnorm2 MAnorm2: a Package for Normalizing and Comparing ChIP-seq Samples
MAplot Generic MA Plotting
MAplot.bioCond Create an MA Plot on Two 'bioCond' Objects
MAplot.default Generic MA Plotting
MAplot.diffBioCond Create an MA Plot on Results of Comparing Two 'bioCond' Objects
meanVarLocalFit Fit Mean-Variance Trend by Local Regression
meanVarParaFit Parametrically Fit a Mean-Variance Curve
mean_var_logwinf Expectation and Variance of Log Winsorized _F_ Distribution Create a New Unique ID for a Mean-Variance Curve
normalize Perform MA Normalization on a Set of ChIP-seq Samples
normalizeBySizeFactors Normalize ChIP-seq Samples by Their Size Factors
normBioCond Perform MA Normalization on a Set of 'bioCond' Objects
normBioCondBySizeFactors Normalize 'bioCond' Objects by Their Size Factors
normCoef Deduce MA Normalization Coefficients
plot.aovBioCond Plot an 'aovBioCond' Object
plot.matrix Visualize a Matrix of Numeric Values
plot.varTestBioCond Plot a 'varTestBioCond' Object
plotMeanVarCurve Plot a Mean-Variance Curve
plotMVC Plot a Mean-Variance Curve on a Single 'bioCond' Object
print.bioCond Print a 'bioCond' Object
print.summaryBioCond Print a 'summaryBioCond' Object
scaleMeanVarCurve Scale a Mean-Variance Curve
scaleMeanVarCurveRobust Scale a Mean-Variance Curve in a Robust Manner
setMeanVarCurve Set the Mean-Variance Curve of a Set of 'bioCond' Objects
setPriorDf Set the Number of Prior Degrees of Freedom of Mean-Variance Curves
setPriorDfRobust The Robust Counterpart of 'setPriorDf'
setPriorDfVarRatio Set the Number of Prior Degrees of Freedom and Variance Ratio Factors
setWeight Set the Weights of Signal Intensities Contained in a 'bioCond'
summary.bioCond Summarize a 'bioCond' Object
util.trigamma Utility Trigamma Function
varRatio Compare Variance Ratio Factors of Two 'bioCond' Objects
varTestBioCond Call Hypervariable and Invariant Intervals for a 'bioCond'
vstBioCond Apply a Variance-Stabilizing Transformation to a 'bioCond'